We ended up hunting for 6 days straight, 3 with my little one right by our side.
On third day a forky ran right up on us at like 30 yards while we were talking to a game warden. He got spooked and darted off in the bushes
and while we were trying to find him, a truck pulled up from the road and the father and son jumped out and shot him right in front of us.
On the 4th night we spotted 2 forkies and a doe right at dusk at 460 yards, but we ran out of good shooting light and then they weren't there in
the morning. But while looking for them ended up spotting a nice 3 x 3 bedded down on the side of a hill at 315 yards. All we could see was his
big head and while attempting to get closer for a better shot he got spooked and ran over the hill. For the next two hours went all the way around
the hill, directly through the cat claw bushes trying to find him, but never did.
On the 6th morning we conquered just about the biggest hill in the area, to find this beautiful specimen. Ryder shot him in the lungs at 360 yards.
All of the hard work payed off and it was a great lesson for Ryder. Hunting teaches so many valuable lessons and that's exactly why I wanted to
teach my two sons to do it.