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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/13/2022 in Posts

  1. 17 points
    I lost my bugle tube on Friday evening in unit 8 it fell off my pack on a road by Wagoner Hill. Whoever found it put it on a rock about 6” tall in the middle of the Jeep trail we were on. Needless to say I found it Sunday evening. If whoever found it is on this site I would like to give a big thanks to them. They could have easily kept it, but to put in the middle of the road for me to find it was awesome. Not an expensive item, but very cool to have got it back. Again a big thanks to you if you on on this site!!!
  2. 4 points
    Sako L579 chambered in 308 win. S/N research indicates that this one was produced in 1966 or 67. It is a custom. the fellow that I purchased this from said that his uncle had it built in the late 70s for his wife to shoot. He has no idea of the builder or the manufacturer of the barrel. Nice maple stock 26" heavier than average contour barrel (muzzle dia: .680") borescoping shows no evidence of throat erosion and nice sharp rifling throughout. 1-10" twist Nice bedding job (much cleaner than I have ever done myself!) 13" Length of pull Bluing is darn near perfect. Weighs exactly 8lbs as pictured. Trigger is crisp and breaks just over 2.5lbs. It has been drilled and tapped on the receiver. I don't know Sakos that well, but that does not look factory. As mentioned the LOP is a bit short. I have not fired this rifle because I do not have rings to fit the action. The previous owner did say that the rifle shot really well, for whatever that is worth. $1100 Catalina/OV/North Tucson area
  3. 4 points
    Looks like a 185s, Big Red's little brother πŸ˜€
  4. 4 points
    I still have mine. Dad gave it to me on my 8th birthday. It will turn 45 years old next month πŸ˜€ And no, you can't buy it!
  5. 3 points
    Not what I asked but thanks.
  6. 2 points
    Saturday's satellite view of Kay.
  7. 2 points
    My most recent experience is just the opposite. I was sitting water, 2 guys pull up, see me and then drive away honking their horn. It just reenforced my belief that there are a lot of assholes out there.
  8. 2 points
    A bull was hot at it this morning at Woods Canyon Lake for probably 20 minutes. I went up for the morning and passed a truck on the way back that had a 5x5 in the back.
  9. 2 points
    My wife wanted to see the donkeys out by lake Pleasant so we went hiking on a trail they are known to frequent. My older son was about 9 and was walking out front followed by myself, my wife, and younger son who was about 6. My older son is just walking about 10-20' ahead of me. I was scanning the trail ahead of him because I know he probably wasn't. I spotted this little one in the trail and yelled stop. Thankfully my son stopped as he was only about 10' away. A couple more steps and he would have been on it. We had to wait about 5-10 minutes for it to clear the trail enough to pass safely.
  10. 1 point
    Getting kind of stoked to be chasing elk again!
  11. 1 point
    Yea man good people are still out there. Years ago, in unit 10 on a cow hunt my pack with my binos, tripod, field cleaning kit, batteries, first aid and other misc. items (a few thousand bucks' worth of stuff) fell out the back of a faulty SxS tail gate onto a major road in the unit. We didn't notice it until we had turned off to a smaller 2 track headed up hill and other stuff started falling out. Freaked out, we hauled butt back and there was my pack sitting up on the side of the road with everything in it. I was in diss belief. I was very fortunate that the right person came across my pack and left it for us.
  12. 1 point
    Is this rifle still available?
  13. 1 point
    I'm interested in the 300 still available?
  14. 1 point
    I've got an older popup (2004) that I paid $2000 for. Had a Kodiak tent before it. For family camping it's much nicer and even for hunting it's nice to have some walking around room at night. In state I'm using the popup, out of state I'll tent it.
  15. 1 point
    I inherited my granddad's, it's in 20ga / .22lr. not sure how old it is, it predates mandatory serial numbers. Free bump lol
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
    Bugling was dead in 8 where we were. Heard 1 bugle Thursday night, nothing Friday, or Saturday. 2 Sunday morning & 1 Sunday night. Came home today to work & going back up Thursday night until I connect or run out of season. Good luck to all.
  18. 1 point
    It will have reverse if it’s Big Red
  19. 1 point
    I had one for several years and sold it because I wanted a SXS and couldn't tow both. That said I bought a wall tent and love the extra room that it has. The pop up did great for most of those years. They aren't bad with only a couple people but you get anymore than that and they are cramped.
  20. 1 point
    I prefer Pop Up trailers over any camp trailer for following me where regular camp trailers can't. I second what HunterHohnny said where he states that they seem to loosen up over time. They are built light for a reason and that doesn't fare well with washboard dirt roads, flexing through uneven trails, etc. There are several heavier duty off-road trailers available now, but they can get pricey. For easier towing, better off-road manners, easier storage, I choose a pop up.
  21. 1 point
    My grandad north of Gage had the same truck only a Fleetside, love it.
  22. 1 point
    A few years ago, I was walking a deer trail fairly quickly to get to a glassing spot. Out of nowhere the rattling started, luckily, I could tell it was to my left, so I quickly moved a step to my right, looked over and a few feet away there was 4-footer reared up, pissed and ready to strike. Thank goodness I stepped in the right direction, or he would have got me. Grabbed the biggest rocks I could find and took care of him (didn't want to spook any deer with my pistol). I usually let them be in the wild, but had to walk that trail back later on.
  23. 1 point
    Amen! 98 % of the Folks on here are good People. The other 2% don't like older guys with knowledge of Hunting and Life.. That 2% doesn't have a life ,They have 12,000 post on here. Think they own it , Probably ain't killed squat. Personally I don't care what they killed. All they do is bad mouth any post that didn't come from their clan of Internet hunters. Like I said before they scare off most Good Hunters from around Arizona I could name Many that have left here. I am done for now. 1 post every 3-4 months is enough. God Bless Duwane Adams and His Haters too.....................................BOB!
  24. 1 point
    Might need to find a welder first.
  25. 1 point
    Better have some proof with a post like that. Adams is a class act, better sh*t something to support a post like that.