Tired of the heat, noise, bad neighbors, pollution, etc. Every time I'm in the valley I feel sick. Fever, breathing issues, headache, pressure, exhaustion, and general irritability. This is a problem since I currently live in the valley. I had enough yesterday. Told the wife to get the house sold. I found a house in strawberry we really like. Work isn't an issue. I go to the airport Monday and usually come back early Friday. The hour and a half drive is nothing for me. We are usually headed out of town Fridays anyway so this will actually save us some time getting out of the valley.
For those that live up there now that used to live in the valley, have you noticed a big change in cost of living, utilities, insurance, etc.? The house I'm looking at is more then I'd like to spend, but if I'm saving a on the back end I can justify things a little easier.