Thanks Nitemann that was a great article.
I have both of Bob's handgun hunting, special magazines that Guns and Ammo put out in the early eighties. This article was in the second magazine. When I bought my contender frame 32 years ago, I tried to obtain a 10" 6 TCU but they had been discontinued and suppliers only had Super 14s left in stock. Like a fool, I bought a 10" 223 Rem barrel instead. Last year I accidently bumped into a 14" 6mmTCU barrel with a Burris 3-12 and dies on Gunbroker. It is now my barrel, but I wish I hadn't waited so long! I have a gong set up at 200 yards and have alot of fun ringing it, I was given a bunch of 65-70 grain hp benchrest bullets (Shilen and Bruno) and have been having fun with them over 28 grains of BLC-2. I know that some are using 70 grain bullets for feral hogs and deer it just seems a little light for animals of that size, but it is hard to argue with sucess. I know that at 200 yds the 70 grain 6mm bullets crater my gong more than a 68 grain HP Hornady out of a 223 rifle.
Thank you to all who responded!