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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/11/2022 in all areas

  1. 4 points
  2. 2 points
    Wimmen! Some (or their mothers) want every detail perfect. It's an honor, or curse, to be part of the wedding party. Good Luck finding some boots. Ariat has free returns if you order off their website.
  3. 2 points
    My mother in law wears a size 14. I checked her closet, only combat boots, sorry
  4. 1 point
    Curious if anyone has had the tag. I know a couple and have spoke to one of them. Shoot me a message! Thank you! I drew it on my second choice
  5. 1 point
    This upper started out as a basic PSA 20” setup. I got it for a build that my kids could shoot but they’re still on the skinny side and it’s hard for them to manhandle, so I picked them up a 16” upper. This upper has a 15” Troy Alpha Battlerail (free floated), the Troy squid grip inserts, and a Troy Lo-Pro gas block. It’s a 1/7 twist, nitrided barrel. Includes bolt carrier group and charging handle. It only has about 50-75 rounds through it. It doesn’t include the bipod adapter, but has all the rails attached. I will ship it and take PayPal Friends & Family, Zelle, USPS Money Order, or cash if you’re close enough to pick it up FTF. $400 shipped **New Price** $350 shipped
  6. 1 point
    I’m in a wedding party and need a size 14 cowboy boot that I refuse to buy for a 8 hour venue. Has to be shiny lighter brown. Anyone have one to rent! Photo of what the bride wants us to wear 🙄
  7. 1 point
    never had a problem with the box and taped all around on both sides . bullets sold
  8. 1 point
    We got tags in unit 10 for mule deer, not real familiar with this unit. One thing for sure, hunting with my three brothers Red, Bill and Claude will be great!
  9. 1 point
    I have not been but I know Eric Hunt likes that unit! Give him a call
  10. 1 point
    To funny I thought this was my buddy dirtnap. 🤷🏼‍♂️ Some people
  11. 1 point
    Mark is a solid guy to deal with.
  12. 1 point
    I smoked some Sierra was good af
  13. 1 point
    Starting documenting the hunt here with pics
  14. 1 point
    Tough hunt with 4 hunts before yours. Get away from roads, all the dumb bucks were already shot.
  15. 1 point
    Sounds like some assault dogs. We should ban them.
  16. 1 point
    Went up to 6A on 4th of July weekend to camp and check out some of the areas I was going to hunt for the early archery bull tag I have this year. Took the Munds park exit to get up to the northern part of the unit and holy s**t what a mad house on the forest roads through there! 5th wheels at every camping spot for the first 5 miles in past the neighborhood, Razors/quad/ dirt bikes racing up and down constantly, dust everywhere. No offense to some of people on here with those Razors, but I just don't get the appeal of it. Anyways, not taking that way in anymore to say the least. Once I got up to where I wanted the crowds thinned out and went up a rough forest road and didn't see anyone for about 2 miles which was nice and didn't see a soul in the woods while out scouting the whole weekend. Was in elk as soon as I started setting up my camp Saturday evening, heard cows and an occasional weak bugle so decided to check it out before dark, walked up on a huge herd with tons of calves, cows and spotted two young bulls with them as well which was cool. Next morning heard elk again at sunrise from camp and headed out on a hike to check out the area. Was in elk throughout the day, continuing to bump into the same one or two herds. One herd at at least 50 healthy looking calves and the weird thing was there was a couple Antelope mixed in with the herd traveling with them which I had never seen before. Ran it to at least 6 different elk skeletons picked clean (I am assuming lion kills). Bumped into a couple small bulls (got within 40 yards of one). Saw mule deer, 2 gobblers, and tons of elk, never seen so much game in a weekend. On the way out, Mormon lake was full of herds of elk as well. Tanks I checked out had decent water in them but still seemed pretty dry overall up there even though I know they've had some monsoon rain so far. Also, didn't notice any trail cams on the tanks so looks like maybe people following the new law... Here's some pics and looking forward to the hunt in September:
  17. 1 point
    Wasn't shed hunting but I find half my sheds just being in deer country, messing around.
  18. 1 point
    Please update your post in the classifieds section for these items. Thanks in advance.
  19. 1 point
    Corner crossing IS LEGAL in AZ! I had an archery antelope tag in 2018 & was basically harassed by the ranch managers son on the Fain Ranch. I corner crossed to get to a water hole on state land & the "kid" ruined my afternoon hunt stating I had trespassed. He called the G&F who met him, then told him he was wrong & to leave hunters on state land alone or face prosecution. She (WM) left her business card on my truck asking me to call her that evening. I did & she told me corner crossing is legal in AZ & if he harassed me again I should press charges & the G& F will back me up. I was using OnX to do so as nothing was marked or fenced in the area. Feel free to PM me if need be.
  20. 1 point
    611lightnin' It is a tough hunt period. Low WT numbers, thick country, several MD hunts before with tons of tags and only a 5 day hunt! I scouted which helped, got away from the roads and did lots of glassing. My first hunt in 2018 was successful. My 2021 hunt was not successful. Only saw 2 mature (legal) WT bucks in 4 days of glassing. I will admit both both bucks were over 100" but couldn't get a shot because of the terrain and distance. Your hunt is earlier than mine so I can't tell you if it helps to have a muzzy tag. Jeff
  21. 1 point
    Did a 1 3/4 day a few weeks ago with my daughters. Slayed the bluefin 40-100 lbs. Limited out for both days the first night. Get out there guys, it is a great year!
  22. 1 point
    I forget how old you are 😉
  23. 1 point
    Definitely getting better! Still have a lot to learn, but it's nice to see my progression.
  24. 1 point
    They are inoculating each other with covid antibodies.
  25. 1 point
    LOL! Not sure if you did or not, but you gotta first let them know that you are a bull coming in before raking a tree less than 50 yards from them! While sneaking in to do that, I'll let out some lazy short bugles to sound like a bull wondering in to find a bed next to the herd bull and his cows. That way the herd bull is already thinking you are a bull and is intently listening to how close you may come to his girlfriends. When you get in his comfort zone and start raking that usually is the trigger that upsets him and makes him come in to push you away. This also is usually best done when the herd is calm and stationary in the bulls bedroom. Disclaimer…this doesn't always work, but if you play it right it can make for some seriously intense and close action!