The impact of wind farms (roads, fences, etc.) and aesthetics of turbines is interesting to me.
I used to hunt in east-central Utah quite a bit while in college and on occasion over the years since then. Several of my old hunting areas that used to be VAST open swaths of land with nothing but hills/canyons/deer, are now crisscrossed with roads and dotted with oil and gas rigs. This is primarily on BLM land.....
I was born and raised in Kearny, the son of a copper miner. Dad was an engineer/geologist at the Ray pit, and I never even noticed the tailings, overburden dumps, pit, etc. Was just part of the landscape for me. I remember taking my wife to visit the area for the first time, and she kept commenting about how "ugly" the mine was. I didn't quite get it, in that it was just sort of the way it was. To this day, i still don't see open pit mines as 'ugly', but guess that's my conditioned perspective on it. lol
I suppose the way the population keeps growing/encroaching, so will the wind & solar farms.