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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/01/2022 in all areas

  1. 9 points
    Baltimore or Detroit, hard to tell.
  2. 6 points
    One is guaranteed a tag if they have more points than anyone for that hunt number, except sheep and Buffalo. If you had 20 points and the next guy had 19 you are guaranteed the tag as long as there are over 9 (I think) tags for that hunt. as for turkey. Doesn’t sound like you’re buying 2 points a year. 6 points for a tag is not that long when you can get 2 points a year. and please research how Colorado works. All of their premium hunts require over 25 points and if you don’t have over 20 right now you’ll never draw. NEVER. Az’s system at least gives you a chance every year.
  3. 5 points
    Craigslist, of all places to part with such a fine lifetime collection? Roast me. Whatever. One of you crypto millionaires needs to buy this and donate it to a museum for the tax write off. I know his life's passion and work will live on in print and on the webs for a loooong time and such people it has inspired (myself included) should appreciate the opportunity.
  4. 4 points
    I hate to break it to you but you must have messed up your app. 20c either hunt should be so far past guaranteed with 12 points it’s not funny. I’m assuming you’re maybe trolling with this post though because I’m not sure who would put that hunt with 12 points? I would log into the portal and check your hunt codes because you didn’t put anyone in with 12 points for those choices and not draw. A few thoughts 1) did you add her to a party with a bunch of people with low to no points? 2) accidentally put hunt codes down for youth hunts she wasn’t qualified for? 3) mistake how many points she has? 4) just flat mess up and she’s not in the draw at all? There’s a lot of conspiracies out there about things but fact of the matter is if you have the points and have your stuff straight on the app you’ll get the tag.
  5. 4 points
    I’m not a conspiracy theorist or anything, but I can’t help but notice that all of these “late hits” came at the exact time when my CC charge from Tuesday went from “pending” to completed. My theory is late hits are extremely rare and the lions share of them are just people who’s charges only show up after they are completed rather then pending. 🤷🏻‍♂️
  6. 3 points
    This is a good theory considering the amount of “late” hits we have seen or heard but I do have a buddy that got hit for his daughters tag yesterday evening and it was on the same card as his tag which showed up as pending the same time as everyone else? Very strange the amount of late hits though.
  7. 3 points
    Got rained on scouting antelope in 18b. For a bonus saw 3 bulls, one of them a stud!
  8. 3 points
    Ruger m77 mkii 30-06 Leupold vxii 3-9x40 Rubber Leupold scope cover Excellent shape 2 boxes of ammo included $1000 Located in Prescott but come down to the valley few times a month. My cell is 928-308-4140 call or text and any reasonable hour.
  9. 3 points
    I just got a hit too!! Hopefully my boys still have a chance. Little strange...seems like a lot of late hits.
  10. 3 points
    So I hear we’re putting the band back together
  11. 3 points
    probably all smells like cigarette smoke
  12. 3 points
    That’s exactly who they belonged to. Tony sure had a full life one most of us can only dream about, RIP Tony.
  13. 2 points
    Wasn't shed hunting but I find half my sheds just being in deer country, messing around.
  14. 2 points
    Interesting…Checked an hour ago and nothing. Checked again and got a hit for $90. Going whitetail hunting somewhere.
  15. 2 points
    Yes, wire the money to my account and I’ll provide to the merchandise. Please add $100 for every year of inflation.
  16. 2 points
    I’d be shocked if they were rubbed already. Earliest I have ever seen a bull rubbing velvet was first week of august
  17. 2 points
    I’m NOT agreeing with the OP, but I was helping a friend that drew a Unit 10 EARLY rifle elk tag (see avitar) and while on his hunt I talked to another hunter up there that drew this tag 3 times in 7 years (Unbelievable Right?) Yes, he was extremely lucky.......unlike most of us😉 Probably everyone on this thread knows of or has heard of this type of luck. There is not a single year that goes by that I don’t get to go with someone that has a quality hunt. (Almost as much fun as having the permit myself - “Almost”😏) Some folks are luckier at the draw than others.
  18. 1 point
    Kimber hunter pro octane chambered In 6.5cm topped with a vortex viper HST 4-16×44 / talley lightweight rings. 7lb 4oz as you see it. Looking to move as a set ready to hunt, target picture is an 24 inch target 4 inch center 2 shots at 500 yards with reloads, has had 83 rounds fired. Info from the website below. $1450 FTF pm to discuss shipping options located in Buckeye Az The Kimber® Hunter is a trim, lightweight bolt-action rifle made to carry over extreme terrain—and hit targets at extended ranges. The rifle is built on the Kimber 84M stainless steel action that utilizes a Mauser claw extractor and a 3-position wing safety. The composite stock features TrueTimber® O2™ Octane camo, a versatile multi-environment pattern that maximizes up-close concealment, while using contrasting light and dark colors to disrupt the human silhouette at long distances. The stock has a 1" recoil pad, and textured gripping surfaces. A sporter-contour, stainless steel barrel with Kimpro FDE finish offers precision accuracy with low maintenance. Pillar bedding and a match-grade adjustable trigger aid in reaching the rifle's full accuracy potential. A detachable magazine allows rapid and safe loading and unloading. The Kimber Hunter Pro Bolt-Action Rifle is a fast handling, highly accurate rifle that's at home in the world's roughest game country where hardcore hunters seek trophy animals. Made in USA. Threaded barrel and muzzle brake Kimber 84M stainless steel action Sporter-contour, stainless steel barrel with Kimpro FDE finish O2 Octane camo composite stock Match-grade adjustable trigger 3-position wing safety Detachable magazine
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
    Pretty sure your eyes deceived you. The date stamp is correct on the train camera picture and very typical to see mature bulls hard horn at the beginning of August. Jeff
  21. 1 point
    Also you have to realize you're in a state with low numbers of game compared to some. If you want to hunt every year, move to a state that has more game. We can't all win. That is just life.
  22. 1 point
    I’ve never seen as many quail around as I have this year…. I’m thinking it’s gonna be a great year
  23. 1 point
    Thank you Hatchet Jack! My binos are a Redneck ridged special. They started out as an old pair of Nikon 8x30 EII that I've since replaced the left objective with an objective from a Nikon ED50 spotting scope giving me 20x50 on the left and 8x30 on the right. I call them my Nikensteins. I do majority of my glassin with the 8s and anytime I need a closer look at something I just look through the 20x on the left side. My reasoning for doing this is I'm legally blind in my left eye. They definitely aren't Swaros but they've work pretty good for me.
  24. 1 point
    Culvers, burgers and onion rings both
  25. 1 point
    My first year predator hunting, Had no spots and no experience, so after picking my uncles brain, lots of miles on the truck and getting a fox pro for my 17th bday I got a few predators thinned out. Never ended up getting my goal of a bobcat or lion but Now I have a life long obsession when I got no tags or hunts going on.