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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/29/2022 in all areas

  1. 14 points
    Put in for hunts you can drawn and quit bitching
  2. 10 points
    So is this a bad place to share that I drew a late kaibab tag with 7 points? Is that rude? Lol (don't quote me though, my other choice was the strip so it may be there as well) Oh, I also drew an archery bull tag this year as well. also with 7 points.
  3. 8 points
    the "system" you want is a preference point system and will kill new hunter recruitment.... try telling your 10 year old they dont get to deer hunt till they're in their twenties so some old guy can go first. Everyone has a chance with our bonus point system, and therefore everyone and their brother applies. I have 6 points and didnt draw a turkey tag.... it is what it is. I used to draw a spring tag every year, until our state population exploded. Same with archery bull tags. If you like the preference point system, go to the states that have it, or start applying there. Every applicant has a chance, and as such some hope of drawing each and every draw.
  4. 7 points
    Not to pour too much salt in the wound, but looks like I drew the late kaibab (1st choice) or strip 13A (2nd choice) with 7 points. LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
  5. 7 points
    Dude no… I think you should probably research how the draw works again in regards to who/how the bonus pass works , and how the 10% non res part works. 10% do not automatically go to non res, it’s a cap not an allocation . And the bonus pass is exactly people who have most points getting tags
  6. 7 points
  7. 6 points
    I feel like the feedback isn’t as supportive as he’d hoped…….
  8. 6 points
    I take it you didn’t get drawn this year? Lol No way I’ll sign that. I think AZ has the best bonus points/random draw set up going. Maybe you should learn how to play the draws better? It took me a while but in my little family we draw more tags than we can handle most years between a few states and we draw good hunts and kill good mature animals. Leave AZ draw alone and figure something out if you want to go hunting! It seems to me that the dude that really want to go hunting and kill quality animals have figured out a way to do it year in and year out. We all know the type of hunters I’m talking about. Some dudes are straight up killers. They aren’t just sitting around bitching about not getting drawn.
  9. 6 points
    You do have a better chance. If AZ worked the way you are suggesting, you'd probably never get to hunt in your life time. Do you realize how many people have applied for tags before you ever did? Our state and game animals can't support the system you are wanting. The current way its done, gives you a far better chance of getting a tag. Apply for tags and be happy when you draw them. Hunting in this state has changed a lot in the 20 years I've been applying for big game. Its only going to get worse. More people wanting more hunting and the game can't keep up.
  10. 6 points
    Also you have to realize you're in a state with low numbers of game compared to some. If you want to hunt every year, move to a state that has more game. We can't all win. That is just life.
  11. 5 points
    Poor guy. Tell us more how the bad man hurt you. Your idea of a new preference system is not a good idea. You keep putting in for trophy hunts and get ate up when you do not draw. Hunter recruitment would be SHITT if 50% went to highest bonus point holder. Having a decent chance of drawing a tag each cycle is what keeps people interested. Suggestions to curb you from blowing a gasket every draw. 1. put in for easier draw hunts. 2. There are OTC archery turkey tags. You claim to be a bowhunter mostly. 3. Hunt out of state 4. Quit applying
  12. 5 points
    Seems like you don’t understand the system..
  13. 5 points
    Sorry, not signing, the AZ system is a good balance of preferential treatment for bonus point holders and chances to get a tag for newbies.
  14. 4 points
    This has natureboob written all over it. There are guys out there drawing tags that aren’t even real hunters!!! And girls too!!!
  15. 4 points
    You think Az is bad try putting in NM and have a dry streak with no light at the end of the tunnel.At least AZ can give you a good idea of when you are going to get a tag. Along with a chance along the way.
  16. 4 points
  17. 4 points
    4 youth deer and 2 coues tags for us parents. Since we only put in for one youth hunt I know what hunt my kids got. I'm a bit worried having all 4 of my kids on the same hunt together. Now just gotta wait and see what the wife and I drew. This is going to be the year I finally get a biggun! Spikes and two points for everyone else! 😜
  18. 3 points
    It is beyond time to change the Arizona big game draw system. Please give this a read. Sign and share if you agree! https://chng.it/W2mymt9wpC
  19. 3 points
    When I first started hunting, I could buy a leftover tag for deer in any of the 36 units every year. The first deer tag I ever got, I bought at the AZGFD office the day before the hunt started in 36a. I would put in for bonus points every year. I guess I should say I would put in for Kaibab every year and get a bonus point. Then I would pick up a leftover WT tag every year down south. Now there are so many people hunting them that there are no leftover tags most of the time. There was even a time you could kill a mule deer up north AND get a WT tag down south. No one hunted them. Not like now anyway. This was way before my time, but I have heard from many people that it was true. Times change. Populations increase, land and animals decrease. I pray that my boys will have the opportunity to hunt in the future.
  20. 3 points
    Got a sheep hit for me. GF got a coues hit
  21. 3 points
    It’s pretty shocking to me how few people truly understand the az draw system, and funny how many think they do but really dont
  22. 3 points
  23. 3 points
    Got some tags coming! - Youth deer - Youth Javelina - General - any antlered deer for the wife and I On top of the 3 elk tags, we'll be having a very busy season! Good luck everyone!
  24. 3 points
    My son pulled his first tag ever, been waiting on this since he was born. Super pumped.
  25. 3 points
    Got a $300. Either sheep or Non Res late Kiabab for daughter.