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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/13/2022 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    I hope you are the A$$-hat to point at me. Sorry bud, It only takes 1 Dik to be a Coksucker. I will quit posting in here tho, I don't want to continue to offend those so easily offended. Defending poachers that get caught isn't my idea of a good time. I would rather tar and feather.
  2. 2 points
    My goodness, everyone take note….. We’re all in the presence of the second coming of Christ….. This guy can sit and judge everyone around him and their every decision every day, every year….. He is a good man. Good people have made mistakes. The man has driven more positive experiences in more peoples’ lives than you, or I could ever hope to. Enjoy your high-horse. When you fall off, I hope some A$$-hat is there to point at you, and label you as a “Poacher” or scumbag. I’ll loan you $2, so you can go out an buy a life.
  3. 1 point
    My 12 year old just bought himself some new binos so he is looking for another kid that may not have a pair of binos and could use his old ones. They are Bushnell Pacifica 10x42’s FREE Located in Gilbert
  4. 1 point
    Who cares about that
  5. 1 point
    Dad is a 120lb ish white english mom is a 80lb american
  6. 1 point
    Yep, I'm thinking basically more Twitter baloney. Or in this case Youtube baloney. Youtube dude is taking the verbiage to the extreme and trying to make it look like it will affect my ability to clean my legal guns. The focus of this portion of the bill is quite obviously on 'ghost guns', and not the average joe like me who just needs to clean his already legal weapon. To me, it is crazy talk to make the leap to this interpretation of the verbiage. Either way though, none of it matters. Likely would never pass the senate as written, and if it does, I'm gonna clean my guns anyway, so no big deal.
  7. 1 point
    skip weights steriods and hgh. way faster results, but you may not live a full life. someone needs these, good buy.
  8. 1 point
    Ask and you shall receive
  9. 1 point
    Because some scumbag and his daughter are killing sheep. How dare you?
  10. 1 point
    But you just can’t seem to get that sheep!
  11. 1 point
    Gotcha. Would you agree that accepting a plea deal, by a man that has YEARS of no violations, is an admission of guilt? I know if I was not guilty and I had my reputation at stake, I would not plea out, I have had close buddies take on Game and fish. It is not as expensive as some make it out to be. In the end tho, he took the plea deal because he was guilty.
  12. 1 point
    Just saw the picture.
  13. 1 point
    I called you that last year and said if you call me a drunk one more time this is your permanant name. I guess you aint to smart ,after all you work for the goverment. Now that Your divorced maybee you should hook up with Trophy hunter ,He's always Drunk and looking for a cheap lay!
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    I will be up there the hole hunt unless I tag out pm and I'll give you my number and let you know how things are going
  16. 1 point
    Why would you need a guide you’re a better hunter than 95% of the guys on here
  17. 1 point
    Wait there’s not really a teacher complaining about not enough time off in this thread is there? Now that is rich
  18. 1 point
    When drawn, I will usually take opening day off, Saturday and Sunday. Go back to work on Monday, head back up Friday after work and hunt Saturday, Sunday and I usually try to take Monday & Tuesday of last week. Always had to make a deal with principal if I got one early to come back the next day. In 26 years of teaching I took a week off one time for a hunt. I ended up getting kidney stones and spent my first day in flagstaff hospital. I never came home but I had some excruciating pain from time to time. I finally passed the stones on a Thursday morning out in the field. Not fun. Teacher friends Joked & told me that is what I get for taking an entire week off. I wish I had a job where it was possible take an entire season off but I don't. I know guys who can take entire hunts off and they don't. That is even harder for me to understand. We get discretionary days we can use but it is really hard to be away from my classes and students. I try to limit taking consecutive days off. I'm not complaining as I knew what I got into when I started years ago. Sorry for hijacking thread.
  19. 1 point
    I found a cap better than the ASU slogan. 😁
  20. 1 point
    I'll be there probably the first 14 days unless I kill and my buddy kills. Semi-retirement is great😉
  21. 1 point
    He/him. She/her or them/they? Come get them!
  22. 1 point
    Wasn't expecting company, but I can make arrangements.🤔
  23. 1 point
    If you only have 5 days to hunt and they are going to be consecutive days, my advice is hunt the last 5 days. Hunted it many times and the crowds clear out by the 2nd Sunday of the hunt. It will be a zoo opening weekend. If you are going to split them up, hunt the first two days and the last 3 days.
  24. 1 point
    Currently still in stage 1 fire restrictions (completely read the above document). The $5 habitat stamp is a yearly requirement so keep it all year for all your SC activities. Consecutive days of fishing/recreation allow you to camp overnight for those days. You are allowed to have a firearm for personal protection. Also in case others aren't aware, you can fish from either bank (SCAR or WMAT) with either permit (SCAR or WMAT). You must be camped though on the side which you have your permits for/from. DAN
  25. 1 point
    Here's how libs define assault weapons: Black? Assault weapon. Brown? Assault weapon Green? Assault weapon. Camo? Assault weapon Magazine? Assault weapon Skeery looking? Assault weapon. Goes "pew pew'? Assault weapon