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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/10/2022 in Posts

  1. 5 points
    Circa 1991-2 the chi-com version was had for $60 (on super sale) wrapped in brown butcher paper and soaked in cosmoline. Owned 1 of each, the chinese had a tent stake boyonet and the roosky had that blade bayonet. I'm sure there sure still containers of them somewhere in the world. I think I still have that little oil can and ammo pouch that came with them around here somewhere. Crap, just realized that I'm the old guy now! How can that be?
  2. 4 points
    I remember when...... Very nice looking gun.
  3. 3 points
    Mandatory harvest data should be the backbone of their decision making. Instead they choose to guess. But trust them when they tell you the magical archery harvest quota numbers are based off of accurate data. If you want to know how many deer were killed in your favorite unit in the past 5 years - they legitimately have no idea.
  4. 3 points
    I remember when .I remember when you could walk into any gun store and find a wall full of them .Some still in the wrap and grease.They were right next to the enfield all for under a hundred bucks .Great guns GLWS.
  5. 3 points
    If you only have 5 days to hunt and they are going to be consecutive days, my advice is hunt the last 5 days. Hunted it many times and the crowds clear out by the 2nd Sunday of the hunt. It will be a zoo opening weekend. If you are going to split them up, hunt the first two days and the last 3 days.
  6. 2 points
    I found a cap better than the ASU slogan. 😁
  7. 2 points
    The Russian ones were $120 and the Chinese $80 if I remember right. Ammo was 6 cents a round. Not good for much but always wondered if they wouldn’t be worth something!!
  8. 2 points
    Everyone is all worried about the “rich guy” (apparently having $5 more of discretionary income makes you rich) getting to step ahead of the poor you (the guy with $5 less) in the tiny tiny tiny chance that a returned tag goes to guy number 3 in line (rich guy) instead of guy #2 (poor guy) all the while the government literally made you $5 poorer while you were thinking about it through inflation. If you want something to get up in arms about, look at inflation, double taxation, or better yet add up what you pay each day or or each hour in taxes. Then figure out how much inflation is screwing you over ever day or every hour. It’ll give you a real problem to occupy your mind. If you are the “poor guy” who can’t afford pointguard, you should really be busting your but at work trying to make that $5 not such a big deal rather then writing on hunting forums on an $1100 iPhone.
  9. 2 points
    First time I saw the " Fear the Fork" logo was on a shirt a lady at the gym was wearing ... I asked her if it was from Jenny Craig. She was not amused.......
  10. 2 points
    I didn't say he took a plea deal. Only that that he said it wasn't worth the hassle to fight it. I also said they felt confident they could fight it, and I think the guides probably wanted him to. But Duwane was the one that said screw it. I don't know if that meant that he took a plea deal, or if that is what they did, or are going to charge him with. And like I said he couldn't talk too freely on the subject. Nothing's changed in my mind. I'd hire these guys if I was looking for a guide. Here's an example of how this could go down because it happened to me. I had a cam on a drinker. Someone else had put corn out out at the same spot as it is a well known spot with fairly heavy traffic. A forest service guy saw me checking my camera and assumed I put the corn there. Well, at this time baiting was still legal it was like 10 years ago. I told him baiting was legal, So he was all we can call game and fish right now, full on know it all attitude and everything. Well of course I was right and little Ricky got to put his foot in his mouth. Point being, I could have been charged if baiting was illegal but did nothing wrong. I could not prove i didn't put it there though because it was out of sight of my cam. Best pics I got off that cam was a couple asscheeks mooning my camera. Just because Duwane decided he doesn't wanna fight it doesn't mean he is guilty. But playing devil's advocate here, it doesn't mean he's innocent either. So I will take my opinion based on my experience with him and his guys based on what I experienced in camp and support them.
  11. 2 points
    Bought some horse tack off Tony during the big germ wave. He wouldn't come to the door even though I masked up at his request. I wanted to meet him but had to deal with his wife whom was an absolutely delightful lady. Gave the saddlebags which had been beautifully tooled with the name Tony on them to MulePackHunter. I now call Mike, Tony out on the trail. The chaps I bought off Tony went to member ducksNgeese. Enjoy their provenance, boys. Wish the tack could talk, keeping Tony's leather horn bags to enjoy in the great outdoors.
  12. 1 point
    My 12 year old just bought himself some new binos so he is looking for another kid that may not have a pair of binos and could use his old ones. They are Bushnell Pacifica 10x42’s FREE Located in Gilbert
  13. 1 point
    I'll be there probably the first 14 days unless I kill and my buddy kills. Semi-retirement is great😉
  14. 1 point
    Arizona is the Bermuda Triangle of Math.
  15. 1 point
    Yeah but this isn’t about some guy scamming disability, this is about point guard.
  16. 1 point
    Harry, go F yourself CCP scumbag!
  17. 1 point
    Heading out tomorrow for my first time to ever fish this. Been wanting to do this for about 40 years.
  18. 1 point
    I had a 6a antelope tag two years ago so I set out some cameras along some travel corridors where I had seen antelope in the past. I learned a lot. First thing I noticed was the antelope in the unit are very nomadic. You go weeks without getting the same buck on camera. I also learned they traveled a lot at night from 11:00 pm to 3:30 am. The other thing I learned was only one calf elk showed up on any camera before June 12th. I think the image was from June 3rd? Beginning on June 12th and there after, newborn calves everywhere. This wasn't just on one camera in a one area. I had camera's from cedar flats north to Flagstaff. I don't know if this is normal but it seems like once a few started calving they all started calving.
  19. 1 point
    It is a bit off putting the last few years with all of these shenanigans to get more money. But we hunters aren’t getting anything but taken.
  20. 1 point
    Oh brother...... The answer to your last question is NO, it's not true. The internet is perfect for masses of ill-informed who would believe anything they see posted. A simple search of the bill proves this is false, but many who rely on Twitter and other sites for their "news" will run with it assuming it to be true. (Honestly, just a basic sniff test should be enough for most to realize it's typical internet fake-news babble..... Law-makers are crazy, but not so much so that anything like this would realistically get proposed....)
  21. 1 point
    It's a money grab. And probably data driven. The average person probably doesn't buy point guard for more than elk or sheep. Point guard was likely purchased selectively by serious guys with lots of bonus points for maybe 2 or 3 species tops. (Elk, sheep, etc) They're getting more money from you now and selling it like a deal. Nobody cares about point guard for Javelina. The biggest deal is the priority positioning and that is wrong. They have no longer made something random and it's now about money that has nothing to do with the price of the tag. It sends the wrong message. And they did an awful job explaining it.
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
    If the elk have been dropping their calves the past two weeks, that would indicate that the breeding/peak of the rut was around October 1. http://www.cervidsolutions.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/ELK-Gestation-Table.pdf
  24. 1 point
    I have no skin in the game or beef against Duwane but where there is smoke there is fire. He could be the MOST law abiding outfitter in AZ but i would guess every outfitter in AZ violates a law from time to time. Not sure why so many people on here are fangirls. He probably had to bait because he couldn’t walk with so many people hangin on his nutsack (TH). When any allegations come up against other outfitters in AZ we hang them before the trial. Why the special treatment?
  25. 1 point
    The kids are the ones who suffer, you will be fine. Make sure to leave a google review for your contractor! I would ruin his a$$!