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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/21/2022 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    Ruger wrangler is another great one
  2. 3 points
  3. 2 points
    If you are going to do a lot of scouting and can handle the heat snd getting up really early then the first hunt is the best. nothing like finding a deer pre season. Keeping tabs on him and shooting him opening day. later hunts are nicer because they are cooler snd the sun rises later but bucks will have been pushed around.
  4. 2 points
  5. 2 points
    Bartling is who use. Not cheap by any means but quality work for sure.
  6. 2 points
    My names kyle and I run Cutnstrut taxidermy. Most taxidermist in the state if az are now using my freeze dried heads. If I can help you on a turkey mount let me know. 20211231_193143.mp4
  7. 2 points
    Swen Eberson, http://www.wildlifewings.com/ (623) 451-7836
  8. 1 point
    Last evening I broke a bridge, upper three front teeth. Real bummer as it was put in 40 years ago and now that I am on Medicare I don't have dental so this will be out of my pocket. A co-worker had the same thing happen last year and went to Algodones which from Mesa is probably close to four hours. Realistically I am now most likely looking at a five or six tooth new bridge. Looking for options but this needs to get taken care of pretty quick and mt guess is it is probably going to be north of $5K.
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    Look at the heritage rough rider.
  12. 1 point
    Monster Diesel, or Bartling
  13. 1 point
    and they will continue to leave california, last year was the first time in history that people moved out of los angels and not moving there. they should move to NY.
  14. 1 point
    Defenders of Wildlife haven't got any pictures of Jaguars in AZ... thats actually pretty funny
  15. 1 point
    Macho B was a cool name for a jaguar. Then they killed him.
  16. 1 point
    I used to name all the bucks and bulls on my cameras.
  17. 1 point
    What do you think about the Defenders of Wildlife group naming Jaguars they get pictures of on trail cameras? I am totally against this - you do not name wild animals. Once an an animal is named it is no longer wild. If a study is being conducted, letters and numbers MUST be used to distingwish individuals.
  18. 1 point
    G&F will probably tranquilize them to death
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
    What a hunt and opportunity! I am looking forward to my Gould's tag someday! Yes, you will be well taken care of with CutNstrut! Congrats!
  21. 1 point
    In the past I had extraordinary Turkey taxidermy done by Tim Brown / Bill and Beak Taxidermy. He is no longer in AZ. A week ago I took last month’s Merriam harvest to Sven Eberson (Glendale, AZ). Pick up the wrapped & frozen meat today. Super friendly dude. He has Turkeys, ducks, quail, and other exotic birds from around the world in various stages within a shop attached to his house. Sven has been a subcontractor to many high profile taxidermists throughout AZ, but has recently cut the subcontractor work and is only doing direct work with hunters now. I can’t grade his final taxidermy work yet, but so far… his honesty, meat prep, cost, intended leadtime = pretty happy. He uses freeze dried heads. You should go see him and make your own decision, but I’ll bet he treats you right.
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
    I got cheap burbon, snap-on pliers, a headlamp, garden hose, and an inspection mirror. No cost, just need the experience. Pm me.
  24. 1 point
    I wouldnt drink the water in Mexico, let alone let someone drill on my teeth.
  25. 1 point
    Be careful in Mexico. I went to dental school in Glendale and saw some really bad stuff come out of Mexico. Their cost per procedure is going to be lower but they are gonna make it up in volume. I can’t count how many times I saw someone who needed one crown and a couple fillings and they came back with 4-5 crowns. Yes they probably spent the same or less for those 4-5 crowns but the thing about dental work is that if you do 4-5 crowns poorly you’re setting yourself up for a really really expensive future. Everything dental goes up exponentially each time you mess with it. A sealant is $30 (sealing a crack before a cavity) a filling is $200 (cutting the cavity out and filling it back up) a crown is $1000 (cutting the tooth into a top hat shape and recovering it with a new ceramic top) a root canal and crown is $2500. Taking the tooth out and replacing with an implant is $3500. All of these prices will be lower in MX, but I can promise you they don’t stay in business at the prices they charge without doing volume. If someone comes into my office for a $1000 crown my overhead eats up pretty quick. If I do two the second one has much much higher profit and so on. That’s how they make money on a $300 crown. The other thing to keep in mind is the dental lab work from down there is atrocious. I saw stuff in dental school that I know I could have done better on when I was 8 yrs old. Just for reference, my dental lab charges me $250 to build me a crown. That’s what it costs for quality work. If I charged $300 for crowns I would go out of business in a hurry. Im betting they get their crowns from Mexican labs for $15-30. Scary thought if you ask me. When you think about the stuff a tooth has to go through, acid, hot coffee to cold ice cream in the same bite, hundreds of PSI of pressure. The thought that a $15 piece of lab ceramic made by an underage worker in a lab mill in Mexico is gonna make it more then a few years is not happening. That’s my two cents on it. Get a dentist you trust. Spend the money. You won’t regret it. I wish I were closer I could get you set up.