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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/26/2022 in all areas

  1. 5 points
    Ok. So saturday morning put it in the smoker with a generic pastrami recipe off the net. Then i found out i was going to tucson to help with the prom dress search (Aurora is too dainty to fit in any of my glam dresses). Time got away from me and it got pulled and wrapped and sent to the oven to finish up in paper. It was in the smoker too long and got a little dried out but not too bad. Made the samiches tonight and they came out pretty darn good. I brined it from wednesday until saturday morning. Its definately something i would do again with neck meat.
  2. 4 points
    Made it out a couple days ago after work. I like to start my shed season checking fence lines, I usually scoop up a few a year that way. Lucked into a good one to start, 76.5” four point. Lots of miles in my future looking for the match.
  3. 3 points
    Hope everyone is hanging in there!!! Can’t wait till it’s time to chase some grey ghosts again! To past the time, I wanted to share a video of my friend Ladd shooting a nice buck this last fall. It was a blast hanging out with him and his boys and capturing some unforgettable memories! Enjoy!
  4. 3 points
    I was up in 6a this weekend with some friends .The water holes are over flowing right at the moment.We did see some elk just outa camp and they looked good .They are in between there winter and summer coats.Ran across some deer and a turkey.My buddy who has been up there had never seen a bird.We did find a set of 6x6 sheads he found one side and I the match about ten feet apart.The turkey are gobbling early and were easy to locate Saturday and Sunday after the rain and hail passed Friday.It was a nice get away but made me realize I really need a toyhauler .It was bring the trailer or the sxs and I only had the trailer.I think it cost us a coyote Saturday as we were in my buddies quad and couldn't get guns loaded fast enough to get a shot.
  5. 3 points
    We vacation in Rocky Point the first week in May every year and it seems like we always talk about the hunts because the regs have just come out. Seems like the app deadline is the 2nd week in June every year, so they could be out anytime now.
  6. 2 points
    Black bunny leech with a royal coachman wet trailer fished with a slow hand twist retrieve. Also try a BH casual dress as a bottom fly. These are best fished with a type 2 or 3 full sink line. Use a count down system to get in the right zone. Bill
  7. 2 points
    Got this, gets me where I need.
  8. 2 points
    So I ended up getting a Suzuki Grand Vitara for a hunting rig. Even though you can’t tell in the first photo the paint job was terrible! Clear coat was almost completely gone! I installed some bigger 10ply AT tires and painted it with some Raptor lining….it’s ready for the AZ desert now. (Sorry for the picture rotation, I couldn’t figure out how to rotate them properly)
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    Headed to our first ever turkey hunt, with the youth camp in unit 1. Hope we have some success but either way it should be lots of fun. 🤞🦃 Update: Saturday morning my son tagged out. We had the best mentor from the youth camp in unit 1. All around great guy and hunter. He had roosted some turkeys the night before. We hiked in before sunrise, we heard 3 different gobblers around us. We got in as close as we could. My oldest son and I sat under a tree and my other son and the mentor sat about 10 yards to our left. We were right on the edge of a canyon. The sun started to come up and they were gobbling close. One flew out of the tree right above us down the canyon (side note, I had no idea they flew or they sat in trees). Our mentor started calling, we saw a hen to our right, then about 45 yards in front of us came a tom over the hill puffing his feathers. My son asked me if he could shoot it, I told he let's make sure he had a beard first, as soon as I saw it I told him to shoot. Great shot about 40 yards away, another Tom came right up and started fighting with the bird my son just shot. I was trying to signal to my other son , but it happened so fast. The mentor thought it was the same bird so he was trying to tell us to shoot it again. I found out later they didn't have as good of view as we did. Such a proud moment for me and even the mentor 😂. We tried the rest of the weekend but couldn't make it happen for my other son. It was a great weekend, the boys learned so much but so did my husband and I. My 6 yr old can't wait to hunt! Thank you to the youth camps, volunteers, and mentors. (Don't mind my son's hair 🙄)
  11. 1 point
    A friend of mine had 2 litters of puppies on the same day (3/7/22). They will be ready to purchase here in a couple weeks. All AKC papered. Moms and dad onsite. Dm me and I can get you their number for questions and pricing. Otherwise enjoy the pictures.
  12. 1 point
    A big group of my hunting buddies and I drove up to the San Carlos Reservation on Friday morning to chase turkeys for the weekend. We got to our campsite around 2:30pm and got the wall tent and kitchen set up. After consulting OnX, we figured out where each group was going and hit the road for a little evening scouting. It was the first weekend of the first season on the San Carlos, so we couldn’t actually hunt until Saturday morning. My hunting partner and I opted for a spot close to camp, hoping to minimize the drive time the next morning. We drove our road from about 4pm until just before sundown, without locating any birds (about 10 miles out-and-back with no gobbles). We had the windows down, heading back towards camp when I thought I heard a gobble. We stopped the car and listened for 5 minutes… nothing. I was sure I heard a tom! My hunting partner climbed back in the rig, probably thinking I was pulling his chain. He shut the door and BOOM - gobbles. Perfect. We had at least two toms roosted and were even able to see one of them roosted halfway up a ponderosa. We dropped a waypoint on OnX and made our way back to camp. After a good night’s sleep, we were up and at ‘em at 4:15am with coffee and premade breakfast burritos on the wood stove. While we were packing the truck, it started to snow (NOT IN THE FORECAST!). We made the short drive to our spot, parking 600 yards from where we had roosted the birds the night before, and heard the gobblers going off! That made it easier to pick a good spot to set up in the dark. The snow was really starting to come down as we made it into our spot and set up our decoys. I only started hunting turkeys in the past few years, so I was unsure how the weather would affect the birds. But I was convinced our toms would just hangout on the roost all day because I sure as heck wanted to be back in the warm truck! We made a few quiet yelps to let the gobblers know where we were and sat back. They gobbled for the next 30 minutes, without us prompting them. We felt like we were in a good position and made another quiet yelp sequence to keep them intrigued. 15 minutes before sunrise we heard some gobbles 100 yards to the north of where our birds were roosted. It was either another set of toms that we hadn’t known about OR our birds had gotten down out of the roost without us hearing them. It ended up being the latter! The next 5 minutes was chaos, with the gobbles getting closer and closer. Each time they gobbled, I could feel it more and more in my chest. I understand the thunder chicken moniker now! I began seeing movement 75 yards out, which was a feat with the snow coming down in droves. I didn’t know it in the moment, but I think the snow covered up our decoys making it harder for the three incoming toms to know where we were. They missed the “X” and were moving to my left. In doing so, they forced me to rotate my sitting position and turn my shotgun towards the birds who were in the open at 25 yards. Aiming at the middle tom, I squeezed the trigger and CLICK. While trying to be quiet at the truck earlier that morning, I guess I hadn’t let the bolt slam all the way closed on my 3.5” shell and had a misfire. Trying to not the let moment pass me up, I cycled the bolt on my shotgun and got another round in the chamber. With all that noise, the turkeys knew something was up. They were confused and fixin to leave, but not before I got a shot off! What a cool morning! I had my first tom on the ground after an exciting hunt and the pictures in the snow will remind of this weekend forever. Side note: we filled my buddies tag in a similar fashion on Sunday morning, after it had warmed up a bunch. I’m hooked - and we will be back in the turkey woods next spring. CHEERS and thanks for reading! -MM
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
    If you have to ask you can’t afford 😂
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    My lab moose thinks he is a person.
  17. 1 point
    I have had 3 trucks with Inyati with zero issues
  18. 1 point
    You are 100% correct!
  19. 1 point
    2 new excited hunters. Thanks guys!
  20. 1 point
    Labs rule poodles druel I’m tempted.
  21. 1 point
    Ya i am in. i made call to the lady right before five so they will charge me for it tomorrow. Looks like i am going Gould's turkey hunting!
  22. 1 point
    I had the great opportunity this past weekend to take my 10 year old son on his first turkey hunt. This really has been a hunt he has been getting ready for the last 10 years. From the time he was 1 he was going with me to the NWTF national convention watching the national calling contest, seeing my pot calls in the call making contest and meeting the primos crew who he had seen on the truth turkey hunting DVD’s so many times. He has been to 3 national conventions. He has also been fortunate to join me in turkey camp so many times through the years. He has been with me in the shop watching me make so many turkey calls and picked out the wood and the size and surfaces for the calls he wanted me to make for him. He is always asking me to make him something new. I started making the smaller sized pot calls (3” instead of 3 1/2”) to fit in his hands better. He has also attended with me to so many fund raising banquets all over Arizona and even volunteered and helped set up, clean up and run prizes to the winners at the last East Valley Toms banquet. 4 years ago he joined me at a turkey camp helping other youth hunters. On the first evening of the hunt he started experiencing really bad pain bellow his stomach. He ended up taking a helicopter ride from Show Low to Phoenix Children’s hospital because his intestine had developed a small hole and was leaking into his body. After 3 very painful weeks in the hospital and several procedures later he made a full recovery. I am so glad he pulled through and this experience has really helped me appreciate all the time I get to spend with him and his two younger brothers. This hunt started a little rough when getting out of our vehicle on opening morning in the dark to the wind howling. We just had to go from past experience hunting this area because we would not be able to hear them. It took an hour or so of calling and moving to locate them but we found them and had them coming in to our calls. We had a fence between us them and some were hanging up not wanting to cross. Two hens and a jake did cross and just as the others were getting ready to cross a vehicle came driving by and scarred the flock in the opposite direction. Later that morning we were able to call the two hens and jake to our setup but the jake never gave him a shot opportunity. The first evening had us trying a different area on the other side of the unit playing cat a mouse with a strutting tom and three hens. It was fun to watch him strut but the closest we could get him to come was about 50 yards, good enough for my 12 gauge with 3 ½” shells but not for the 20 gauge 3” he was using. No shot taken. The second morning we thought we had the perfect setup after seeing the birds travel pattern on opening morning. The turkeys had a different plan in mind and went the opposite direction. Knowing where they would probably be heading we left our decoy and setup and hurried on a quick mile hike to get in front of them. After a few minutes of calling it was confirmed we had made the right move with gobbles not to far off and sounding closer each time. The hole flock came in and he was able to make a great shot on the strutting tom at 10 yards. He was so happy and excited. I have been apart of over 40 birds being harvested all over the country but this is my new favorite most exciting turkey hunt I have been on. I am so happy for my son. I would like to thank Steve AKA Cactus Jack and his son for letting us borrow his youth 20 gauge. He was nervous about the recoil and didn’t want to use any our 12 gauges. Sorry for the long read, just glad I was able to be apart of this hunt and share a little of it with you.
  23. 1 point
    Well we are 4-4 on his last tag. Hes 17 now and just needed wind do go away. Called him out of roost and he came in hot.
  24. 1 point
    Not into them personally. I have a 65qt Artic I paid $153 delivered about 5 years ago. That seems like a chunk of change for a itty bitty cooler. GLWS.
  25. 1 point