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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/20/2022 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Headed to our first ever turkey hunt, with the youth camp in unit 1. Hope we have some success but either way it should be lots of fun. 🤞🦃 Update: Saturday morning my son tagged out. We had the best mentor from the youth camp in unit 1. All around great guy and hunter. He had roosted some turkeys the night before. We hiked in before sunrise, we heard 3 different gobblers around us. We got in as close as we could. My oldest son and I sat under a tree and my other son and the mentor sat about 10 yards to our left. We were right on the edge of a canyon. The sun started to come up and they were gobbling close. One flew out of the tree right above us down the canyon (side note, I had no idea they flew or they sat in trees). Our mentor started calling, we saw a hen to our right, then about 45 yards in front of us came a tom over the hill puffing his feathers. My son asked me if he could shoot it, I told he let's make sure he had a beard first, as soon as I saw it I told him to shoot. Great shot about 40 yards away, another Tom came right up and started fighting with the bird my son just shot. I was trying to signal to my other son , but it happened so fast. The mentor thought it was the same bird so he was trying to tell us to shoot it again. I found out later they didn't have as good of view as we did. Such a proud moment for me and even the mentor 😂. We tried the rest of the weekend but couldn't make it happen for my other son. It was a great weekend, the boys learned so much but so did my husband and I. My 6 yr old can't wait to hunt! Thank you to the youth camps, volunteers, and mentors. (Don't mind my son's hair 🙄)
  2. 2 points
    Going to chase some barbary sheep, haven't drawn anything in New Mexico in years.
  3. 2 points
    That's a very good question.As I ran the giveaway I paid for the transfer in payson for one winner and the boys at Chandler tactical waived the other.IF I can pick up the rifles on sale between now and let's say the end of the year ill buy them.Given the 6 to 8 hundred per gun budget I figure gun, scopes and rings at around 1000 or so per gun.looking at leupold freedom 3x9 scopes .Simple and easy for kids.I'd like to do 3 packages depending on what I can afford.Hopefully by next week I can set up a separate bank account for just the giveaway funds so I can do e- banking donations.
  4. 2 points
    So the OTC deer quotas aren't met and the season is open in January... Ed F
  5. 1 point
    If you applied in New Mexico with the Etag option you can check results that way
  6. 1 point
    Selling a brand new S&W MP15 Sport II with a Crimson Trace red dot. Never been fired. Comes with 40 rds of 556. Have box and 30 rd mag. Asking $720 Call or text 480-299-2573
  7. 1 point
    In my previous LR rifles, I pretty much stuck to winchester brass. On my newest gun, Winchester brass was included with the gun. All was once, maybe twice fired. I only have like 70 pieces of brass and know I will need more. Finding Winchester brass seems to be a challenge, so I was going to buy the Lapua brass and had a few questions. I am not trying to blow the taint hair off a gnat, but want accuracy. 1. Typically if a good load is found using winchester brass, is it likely that the Lapua brass will be similar in accuracy? I know case capacity could and probably will change a little, but what are the odds it is still an accurate load. 2. If I do get Lapua brass, Does once fired lapua brass have any impact on accuracy vs. the unfired Lapua brass.
  8. 1 point
    Well I bought a zero compromise 4 X 20 X 50. The scope came as advertised and is insane. Though after playing with it I'm going to get a different scope. I'm not a fan of the reticle or mils. I thought I might bet used to both but I'm not a fan of either. I really like a very simple crosshair and MOA. Don't kid the scope is probably the best on the market and is awesome I just don't think it is for me. I would have bought the Schmidt and Bender 3-20x50 PM II Ultra Short Rifle Scope 34mm P4FL2-MOA but couldn't find one in stock when I needed to buy the scope. I was also told they didn't know when they were expected. So, if you like the reticle of the ZCO scope and like mils then this scope is perfect. I did shoot my sheep with it at 462 yards and the turret was fine but I would have been more comfortable using an MOA scope. I should thank Lance for taking a phone call from me. He helped out with my choice of scopes and he is crazy knowledgeable about them.
  9. 1 point
    There you have it! Sharing the brotherly love! LOL
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    We have an in-person class scheduled in Flagstaff May 12-15 and registration is open now on the AGFD website. We'll also be offering some field days as well up here.
  12. 1 point
    Not my pic. From Coconino NF Twitter page.
  13. 1 point
    Not looking good for north Flagstaff. Sounds like some homes are now on fire and it jumped 89A. The direction it's headed, it might run into the cinder lakes which could be a good thing. The wind is crazy right now.
  14. 1 point
    What caliber are you shooting and how can I get your brass?!
  15. 1 point
    Thank-you, Lance. I appreciate everyone coming forward with their interactions with him. Maybe I will be able to get something back if people keep seeing this thread. Or an affadavit that they bought something that belonged to me or my mom... I am not hopeful though and feeling defeated. 🥺
  16. 1 point
    Unfortunately every contactor I work for cannot find architects or get plans drawn in a timely manner. One contractor's long time architect died, took him 8 months to find someone else to do his work... everyone and every trade is swamped. Kent
  17. 1 point
    because I don't have a tag... lol
  18. 1 point
    he is also a Nigerian Prince and can sell you an extended car warranty.
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
    You can expect same or better accuracy by switching to Lapua brass. Winchester brass will get the job done but is junk compared to laupa,adg,Petersen brass.Lapua brass is arguably the best brass you can buy and is worth every penny. Just load it and shoot! In my experience with higher end brass I haven’t noticed much if any accuracy difference from brand new to fire formed brass. Just be be careful and adjust the powder charge accordingly for the new brass. I have seen up to 130fps difference in the same load/bullet but using different brass.
  21. 1 point
    20 years ago I settled on Winchester brass and got decent results. I would uniform the primer pockets and de burr the flash hole and got good enough results. Couple of years ago bought some new Win brass and was disappointed at the quality. Very beat up and some cases not usable. Now shooting a 6.5C and loading both my used Hornady brass, meh and new Lapua. Lapua brass is Sierra Hotel. Just bite the bullet and get Lapua, no need to weigh (cases in a box vary +/- .2 grains) no flash hole fixing or primer pocket work required. Yes I see enough difference in the Lapua brass shooting better than my weight sorted, flash hole-primer pocket fixed Hornady brass.
  22. 1 point
    Heard one this morning and then my daughter put her tag on him. We were able to call in the hen as he followed.
  23. 1 point
    https://youtu.be/-Vmpmw-tqHk A little late but I was able to harvest a nice Ram this on 12/15/2021. I knew how special drawing this tag was (6 Bonus Points) and wanted to do everything I possibly could to earn this privilege. I immediately got in the phone and called everyone I knew that might have information that I could use, watched every video and read any type of information I could about Desert Bighorn. To be honest Bighorn hunting was something I never thought I would have to think about until I was 60, 70, 80 years old IF I was lucky! I knew I wanted to scout as much as possible. I attended the Sheep Clinic and also the banquet and I tried to absorb what ever information I could. I scouted hard about 10 weekends I was able to make it out. I took tons of video and pictures. I would spend all week reviewing/judging. I wasn’t to big on score but was hoping for a 170’s mature ram. When the hunt came I kept preaching patience to myself. I was wanting to spend time enjoying the hunt and that I did. I had lots of help from a lot of friends that made it when they could. The weather was perfect, it was overcast a few days, some light rain and highs in the upper 60’s. After seeing on average of about 10 or so different rams a day over different country, I finally found the Ram I wanted to take a shot at on Tuesday evening. We bedded him down and made a plan that he was there in the morning I would try and take him. Wednesday morning we had to walk in about a mile and there he was up and feeding. My buddy Marcos Ranged him at 600 yards I settled in with a nice cliff on my right, reminding myself not to get to excited and fall over. 610 yards, a little further than I was wanting to shoot but I was comfortable, we made it happen. I definitely couldn’t be anymore appreciative of the tag I had I understood and soaked it all in! Thanks to everyone’s advice and help, the wife of course, my family who helped wherever I needed, my 10 year old Brody who could only be out there 4 days because of school getting into the way! my friends with Ace in the Hole Outfitters Marcos, Jon and Ramon. Friends that helped glass, give advice and anything else I needed, Gabe, Brian Myers Matt, Drew, Craig, Kile, Ogle a long list that I’m sure I’m forgetting a lot of people by they know who they are. Also big thanks to Jon with Ace in the Hole in putting together this video for this once in a lifetime hunt !
  24. 1 point
    OK, you are REALLY talking about my preferences now. FFP Alpha glass. If you really want the best scopes money can buy, there are 3 brands I would suggest. 1. Tangent Theta. The TT315M is fairly lightweight @ 27.7oz. There is also the newly released TT315H with the same features, but a simplified reticle and locking turrets. They "only" have dual turn 20MOA turrets, so 40 usable MOA for elevation. I have shot my 6CM with one out to 1500 yards, so don't let the limited elevation scare you off. They can be hard to come by, but if you want one, they are worth the wait and price. I use CS Tactical for my purchases of the TT315M. Ask for Richard, and tell him I sent you. Also the heavier, but far more adjustable and feature rich TT315P. All three are 3-15×50, and have MOA reticles available. I own three TT315Ms with the Gen 2XR reticles. Also the predecessor to Tangent Theta, a Premier Heritage Light Tactical 3-15×50 and a Premier Heritage 5-25×56. I wouldn't own three if they were not amazing. I have shot them out past 1770 on steel and rocks. They are plenty for hunting at 1000+ yards. And the glass quality more than makes up for added magnification of other mid-range scopes. 2. Zero Compromise Optics. While they don't have MOA scopes available, MIL is easy to learn. I actually prefer MIL over MOA myself. ZCO 420 4-20×50. I own two now. They weigh in at 34oz, so a bit heavier. Features on them are like a Caddy. Very nice, and lots of them. Reticles in MIL are my favorite. MPCT1 is a simple .2MIL subtensioned crosshair. MPCT2 has a Christmas tree below. I have one of each. Wide FOV for the magnification, eye box is ridiculous, glass is unreal. Turrets are perfect, locking, and very tactile. 20x on top end is nice too. 36mm tube limits mounting options, but the ones that are available are top notch. I use ARC M10 rings for mine. Spuhr, Talley, Zeiss and a couple others are available too. 3. Schmidt & Bender. The scope that all others are compared to, and what they all strive to be. S&B has a few different models that fit the bill. PMII 3-20×50 or 3-20×50 Ultra Short. I have one of each. Big mag range, amazing glass, locking turrets, many reticle choices. New or used are plentiful. Ultra Short PMII 4-16×50. These are longer and heavier, but still a good choice. New or used available, but not as often as the 3-20 or 5-20. PMII 5-20×50 Ultra Short. I have one of these too. Shortest, lightest of the S&B PMII line. Amazing glass, locking turrets, but mounting options are very limited. I honestly don't know how or if these would fit on a LA. But on a SA, they fit well as long as you don't want to move it too far back. Can be had new or used easily. If you want to get behind any or all of them, let me know. We can meet at the range on some weekend.
  25. 0 points
    The fire missed me by about 1000 yards. If the wind shifts I might still be f'ed, but so far I'm good. I'm under evacuation orders but won't leave untill I absolutely have too. The fire swept through 200-500 homes. How many are still standing, no one knows at this point. I've heard sheriff's and summit fire were working on someone trapped in a burning home. Absolute worst case scenario.