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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/27/2022 in Posts

  1. 11 points
    Caught this flathead at Bartlett this morning on a chatter bait, my scale only went up to 20 pounds, how much do you think this thing weighs, this is the first flathead I've ever caught
  2. 3 points
    Hope everyone is hanging in there!!! Can’t wait till it’s time to chase some grey ghosts again! To past the time, I wanted to share a video of my friend Ladd shooting a nice buck this last fall. It was a blast hanging out with him and his boys and capturing some unforgettable memories! Enjoy!
  3. 3 points
    Trphy is about the bbc life
  4. 2 points
    A few more this morning
  5. 2 points
    Gotta say “forbee”. Keep the internet searches down. I guess if they just search “best unit in AZ” all 4b posts will come up anyhow.
  6. 1 point
    Was out chasing mule deer this January and came across this shed! I spent a couple hours looking for the match but no luck.
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    It's only going to get harder to get drawn. There are 200 - 300 people moving to Phoenix every day. It used to be a dream for people back east to come hunt "out west". Only people that could afford to hire guides or the truly adventurous came out to hunt. Now, with Youtube, social media, hunting forums such as this, people can do research online and have a good idea where to go. They have to pay for the tag and the transportation. That's a lot cheaper than it used to be.
  9. 1 point
    Selling two handguns from my brother in laws estate. The first one (wood grips) is as new in box, un-fired, with papers. The second (Pachmayr grips) has been fired some, but is in excellent condition with box and papers. Both of these are 1976 Bi Centennial models. Unfired model - $725 Used model - $600 Buy both for $1275 FTF sale here in valley. If purchaser does not have a CCW permit, will need to transfer through an FFL at buyers expense. Please contact via PM
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    Ok I’m looking for HDs if anyone has some for sale. Thank you Bugln1n
  12. 1 point
    I will probably be coming to Phoenix in 9 days if that works for you
  13. 1 point
    Just stumbled across this pretty cool little shop. They have 6.5 creedmoor precision hunter ammo in stock. Only 6 boxes on the shelf. Owner is pretty cool too. It’s called Retac Shooting Sports off the 101 and Grand
  14. 1 point
    If it ain’t chartreuse, it ain’t no use
  15. 1 point
    I'm all in on making entire units primitive consecutive years. To reduce the success rate and increase the age class. Personally, it seems hunting these days for many is nothing more than long range target shooting. Primitive seasons would bring actual stalking of game back into the mix.
  16. 1 point
    JackJ, 6A is an incredible unit for elk and you are hunting the rut!!!! I am not sure how many bulls you have on your wall but i would enjoy the experience and shoot whatever bull gets your blood pumping and provides you the experience your looking for. My buddy owns one of the biggest taxidermy shops in the valley and I can tell you with certainty that most bulls, including the trophy units that come through his door are between 280 and 320. That said I have helped 4 hunters since 2017 gets shots at great bulls during that hunt including a 340ish bull. Get familiar with the unit and as it gets close key in on water that is heavily tracked up. With how early the dates are cows will not be in estrus yet and bulls will still be wallowing heavy. Here’s a couple of my favor trail cam pictures in my scouting. Good luck
  17. 1 point
    Great tag! Let me know if you need any help. Have had that tag twice and helped a guy from Wyoming kill a 366 in there in 2019.
  18. 1 point
    He definitely loves to run his mouth.. Always has. Always will.
  19. 1 point
    Don’t expect much we’ve got more bottles of liquor then we do people no electronics in a small aluminum boat
  20. 1 point
    I will be going out i have the governors tag got till August 14th just been waiting on the weather. Almost time good luck to you
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    AZ doesnt have wild horses, all are loose feral livestock. They are doing emense amounts of damage to the habitat that the real wild animals use.
  23. 1 point
    Just have a plan for what to do when you kill one. It’s easy to get 6-8 miles back with just your gear. Getting 250# of meat out of there is the tough part. I would plan on stock animals or not do it at all. Later fall coues deer hunts are made for bivy hunting. September elk hunts, especially off the rim are not.
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
    PM sent back Ryan! You definitely can utilize your glassin' skills in that unit during mid-day! Glassing has no impact on the bulls and gives you a better idea where to intercept or sneak into the herd later in the day when they get up to move again and haven't been bothered. Also, if the rut is slow and there are no bugles, the glassability of that country is a huge help. If you find a really big bull and you can glass him, I would try spot n' stalking him instead of trying to call him in. Those bulls can get call shy in a hurry in that unit, especially to cow calls. Trick Treein', or raking trees with an antler or branch, is usually very effective after you've snuck into the comfort zone of a bull with cows, it usually makes him run in to chase you off, but you have to be in his comfort zone so he feels threatened! If you aren't close enough he may just grab his cows and move off. We've killed 4 bulls that were over 400" on regular season hunts such as yours, and we tried calling all of them in, but only 1 was actually called in when killed and it was mainly because he had no cows and the timing was just right. Any of those older herd bulls, 350"+ class or better, are more likely to move off with their cows rather than move in if you try calling them, especially in your unit, but you'll know after the first try what he's gonna do. The trick is to stop trying it if you know he's packing up his cows and moving off! A lot of people (i've learned this the hard way myself) usually continue chasing and calling and before you know it you've just pushed that bull miles out of his normal routine and made him very call shy. This sometimes happens by other hunters to a bull you've been working but it's just part of the game and is why plan B, C, and D are all great things to have! So, if you are on a big herd bull that keeps packin' up his cows and movin' off when called to, try gettin ahead of him quietly or sneakin in on em and rub an antler or a branch on a tree. You can even throw in a small sounding bugle with the trick treein' as well and sometimes gets the bull runnin' in to put himself between you and his cows, but you have to be in his comfort zone first before making any noises. If he still continues to move off, I would continue getting less pushy and definitely would stop calling or only throw out soft cow calls very sparingly just to cover up my foot steps (only if my steps are audible), or I would back out and try later. Sorry for the long winded rant, I just get all worked up thinking about chasing bugling bulls! Hope my experiences or thoughts help ya out! JIM>