Wow, I go offline for a day and look at all of this!
Let me be very clear. I have no hard evidence to support any claim that anyone has poached a deer. If I did, it would have been reported to AZGFD. Nor have I ever made any public claim on this site stating that trphyhntr poached a deer. In as much, I will not be elaborating any further on any poaching incidents.
Let me begin by copying exactly the public comment I made since I don’t believe it has been shared anywhere in this thread:
"Tags mean nothing to guys like you who are willing to poach deer you 🤡!"
Any public comment beyond this about any poaching was shared by trphyhntr.
To give a little background, Trphyhntr and I have a history that goes back a number of years to a time when my son and I drew a 3A3C deer tags. I posted about our tags on this site, and shortly after received a PM from trphyhntr offering some assistance to us that I considered troubling and unethical (but to be clear, nothing to do with poaching). I knew nothing about trphyhnr at the time so simply thanked him and declined. Since that time trphyhntr has clearly had a vendetta against me and has sought to troll a majority of the comments and posts I have made here. I am certainly not alone in this. I cannot imagine that anyone who has spent considerable time on this site would disagree that tphyhntr is the site’s leading troll. But that is just my opinion. Unfortunately, in a moment of frustration over one of his replies, I allowed him to get the better of me and made the previous stated public comment. I quickly recognized that the comment was beneath me and reached out to him via PM to discuss it further, while removing the public comment. I would have been happy to have had a more in depth conversation with trphyhntr, but once it became clear he was not interested in having a private conversation (he immediately created this post and started sharing the private conversation), I moved on with my day and had not returned to this site till this afternoon.
Back to the original public comment (keep in mind everything else was from a private conversation AND SHARED BY trphyhntr):
I did not state that trphyhntr poached a deer, only that guys “like” him are the type of person willing to poach a deer. I am still of this opinion and since it is MY opinion, I won’t apologize for having it.
The only reason it remained posted for all to continue to see was because he reposted it.
I recognize that the way I made this comment was not prudent and have already apologized for making that. No additional apology will be offered.
With regards to me being a “liar and coward”, trphyhntr’s opinion of me is meaningless and I could care less. Those on this site who know me beyond the computer or phone screen know me well enough to make their own judgements, and I feel good about that.
So, in my opinion, my biggest error here was allowing trphyhnt to do what he loves, and that was to get under my skin. Since I have now recognized that error, I won’t be making it again and won’t be getting into any further exchanges with him about this or any future topics.
Thank you for you time. Much luck to you with your hunts this year.