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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/24/2022 in all areas

  1. 12 points
    I will not be satisfied until a correct apology is made or evidence is presented. If Trphy can be accused we all can. G&F also monitors this forum. Clear his name or clear your account. Unethical does not equal illegal. Anyone that has hunted a lot and killed a lot has done something others would probably think was "unethical” but is also 100% legal. Rossi, i’ve been on this forum for a good 20 years and have seen a lot of members progress over the years and it’s fun for me to see. You were a very humble guy trying to learn how to become a good hunter and how to turn your son into a good hunter. Your family drew a pile of good tags in a short period and you PAID an outfitter to find you some good (not great) animals and i’ve witnessed the shift in your humility and honesty. You used to be a guy that asked for help and advice and turned into a guy that looks down his nose at someone who asks for help and advice. I am not perfect and have had beef with a lot of people on this forum but I have never and would never make an accusation of someone being a poacher without having a book of evidence to back it up. Keep paying for mediocre animals and keep throwing stones at people for making honest posts and trying to keep a dying forum alive. I will go out on a limb and guess that we’ve probably seen your last post. I would have been disappointed in that fact a few days ago but not now.
  2. 7 points
    FIrst sensible post so far. Lord know's I've made my fair share of stupid posts but Sean you need to clear the air.
  3. 6 points
    I am no saint and have said some fup stuff too. Sometimes you just have to agree to disagree. One thing i have seen over the years is that you love to hunt and have helped people out over the years. Seem ok in my book. Some of your posts are funny as chit. Its miller time boys! Thank God Sir Royal hasn't posted yet! That dude is crazy. HorseHunter started hitting whiskey at 8 am. Go to Monster Muley you would fit in with the Utards. Dumbest post ever.
  4. 5 points
    "Tags mean nothing to guys like you who are willing to poach deer you 🤡!" See! Commas are important and could have saved a lot of grief... Tags mean nothing to guys like you who are willing to poach deer, you 🤡! Goes to show ya, grammar could save your life or grandma being eaten. YMMV
  5. 3 points
    Like new 10/22 Deluxe 22 lr. Scope and rings NOT included. Shot 50 rounds. Couple small impressions near rear sling stud. Came that way from factory where it had the sling ring on. I removed those. Have another 10/22 I always use so letting this one go. $260, pick up only. Located near 91st Ave and Deer Valley Peoria.
  6. 3 points
    See, getting to the bottom of this has already brought us closer together..
  7. 3 points
    Can this thread just end, we get it you're not a poacher
  8. 3 points
  9. 3 points
    I do not see how anyone can defend rossislider comments at this point. The dude only wanted rossislider to apologize for calling him a poacher and it would have been a done deal and he would have moved on, but instead he just added more fuel to the fire. I also enjoy reading his post. Seem like a great guy. Maybe he hit the whiskey hard that night or someone hacked into his account. Trphyhntr has said some fup things on here, but never this low.
  10. 2 points
    Am I the only one that wants to know what the “troubling and unethical” assistance was?!? Might need to add that to my bag of tricks and I don’t even know what it is!!!
  11. 2 points
    If this thread is a ploy to cement leaderboard status...... You sir are a gosh darn genius! IF so, this would not be the first fake celebrity feud. 10 Celebrity Feuds That Are 100% Fake BY MELISSA YOUNGPUBLISHED MAY 16, 2021 https://www.thethings.com/celebrity-feuds-that-are-100-fake/
  12. 2 points
    AND......the #1 most important thing... be sure your handline is tied off or on your wrist. AND keep the line away from fishing poles and tackle. Don't ask how I know.
  13. 2 points
    “You killed a buck the night before the opener in 3A3C. Might not have gotten caught, but many know what you did." “Let me be very clear. I have no hard evidence to support any claim that anyone has poached a deer. If I did, it would have been reported to AZGFD. Nor have I ever made any public claim on this site stating that trphyhntr poached a deer. In as much, I will not be elaborating any further on any poaching incidents.”
  14. 2 points
  15. 2 points
    So you shot off a loose accusation publicly, then PM’d him with a more detailed accusation? Don’t act like you didn’t specifically accuse him of shooting a buck the night before the hunt. That comment has now been made public by trphy so it needs to be addressed. Forget about what you posted PUBLICLY. Explain to us why you called him a poacher PRIVATELY. I agree, weak. Man, i almost always enjoyed your posts, reading your stories and seeing your success but i have zero respect for a person that tries to absolutey ruin someone’s reputation over a rumor. This is EXACTLY what is wrong America currently. Everbody is getting canceled over false accusations. I expect more from the veteran members of this and this one REALLY disappoints me.
  16. 2 points
    She says "I'm not a biologist." Gotcha...you just admitted gender is determined by biology.
  17. 2 points
    Anyone else think this is very womanish? Posting alleged "dirt" 9 years later?
  18. 2 points
    Let's eat, Grandma. Vs Let's eat Grandma. Comma is important... Ymmv
  19. 2 points
    I just want the road to the Reavis Trailhead reopened. If they can't do that, please move that stupid gate that was installed across the Apache Trail at Apache Lk Marina.
  20. 1 point
    I'm considering burning my 7 Deer points in Colorado. I'm currently looking at Unit 80/81. Does anyone have any experience with this unit they would be willing to share? If you would recommend a different unit, please let me know. Thx, Adam
  21. 1 point
    The decision was made for me, I sat on the fence too long. Glad it's going to a good home.
  22. 1 point
    Nope, we have the tank from the marina for our own minnows. They gave it to us for free so they have no plans to sell minnows.
  23. 1 point
    You get to wound up I was just liking he apologized guess you can continue to beat the dead horse. Not sure how you want to run your mouth on me.
  24. 1 point
    No. The government cannot search your property without a warrant (See 4th Amendment in Bill of Rights)
  25. 1 point
    Things turned out really good and good results. Tons of door prizes for those who were able to stick around and plenty of Frybread. On a side note I believe 2 of the Cattle Associations are still paying bounty for predators. You can contact them for exact details and requirements but it's always been open to everyone including non-members. DAN