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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/12/2022 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Too old and worn out to throw blows, but ill throw a few back and watch.
  2. 3 points
  3. 2 points
    I second getting a Garmin Inreach !! I didn’t think I needed one until the day I needed one and 4 EMS with a gurney, forest rangers and a life flight helicopter.
  4. 2 points
    A little rule here, a little rule there pretty soon you have a lot of rules that can be spun around to stop Hunting. Be careful what you ask for because you might get it.
  5. 2 points
    This bill introduced and sponsored by the Democrat Party? Interesting to see people that traditionally align with less government and less regulation vouch for a unenforceable disaster like this that doesn’t really do anything other then make it more confusing. It might seem simple on the outside but there’s no way this is gonna be enforced and not just waste a ton of taxpayer money. I have no desire to have 6 paid glassers help me find a critter but I do believe that keeping government small and enforceable is a good policy.
  6. 2 points
    It will definitely limit the “huge guide party” hunts with lots of finders out looking…which I assume is the intent. I’m sure others are right and the loopholes will be there though.
  7. 2 points
    They will find loopholes and grey areas just like the camera whores here in Az . If money is involved cheating will be.
  8. 1 point
    Check out Zoleo instead of Garmin in reach. 1/2 the price of garmin on guidefitter and you can suspend service for $4 a month while keeping the dedicated phone number. Advantages of Zoleo over the Garmin are, better battery life, $4/mo when not activated, Zoleo detects if you have cell service or on wifi so you won’t use one of your messages if you have service, uses the same satellite network and it is Cheaper.
  9. 1 point
    Go hike the Windcave Trail at Usery. It has enought dips and elevation gain that will let you know if the pack shifts and how it rides. Go early and beat the heat and you will stay in the shade for the trip up and most of the way back to the parking lot.
  10. 1 point
    If Game and Fish got into the business of being guides and outfitters, they would make more money and can incorporate all their 'job duties" like flights, cams, surveys and will help out the hunter. Make guiding into a State run business and take it out of the private sector.
  11. 1 point
    We need to get a weekend and camp and box. Like cage match. If you got beef with someone, you have to show up box. We could make side bets and side fights, like thow a bladed rooster in the ring, shoot tranqed darts at boxers etc.... We can get a food truck, some beer and have a great weekend out of it.
  12. 1 point
    Tough hunt! Good luck!
  13. 1 point
    I would add on getting a good high flow filter. Nothing sucks more than using a squeeze filter when you're tired or having the bag bust. Id recommend doing a few over night trips in the summer. You'll quickly learn what you need, and what you dont.
  14. 1 point
    Meateater is gonna do a calendar for f*cked-up old deer mounts... You might have a winner there...
  15. 1 point
    5 points is worth any antelope tag in the state. A few trips up there and you will have it figured out I'm sure. There has to be goats off of pvt land still and you will shoot one.. Nobody doesn't shoot a goat in any state unless you choose not to.
  16. 1 point
    This one maybe? https://www.badlandsgear.com/products/valkyrie-day-women-s
  17. 1 point
    Neither.....I'd suggest getting a Ranch Hand Bumper use the ol' F-250
  18. 1 point
    Boretech makes a carbon remover that works pretty good. Some of the internet guys are using CLR, but with stainless. I wouldn't use it for a blued barrel.
  19. 1 point
    12" steel plate rings like a bell @700yards
  20. 1 point
    “Now that guides can’t use cameras ill surely kill better quality” - some bucket hat wearing boomer
  21. 1 point
    Lol wtf? Because I told trphyhntr that he never kills anything it hurt his feelings and now wants people to think I'm bonercollector777? The butthurt is real. I guess calling out people's BS on all the "200" inch 175 bucks in 3c is triggered. I'm also not a big fan of BTO due to the fact that their owner is a convicted poacher.
  22. 1 point
    Well if it’s not then nvm, but whoever that is, still a douche
  23. 1 point
    Fred Who else could get that triggered over some legal daylight kills in 3c by bto? but now people are telling me they’re friends or something
  24. 1 point
    Not as deep as the stack of poaching charges you got
  25. 1 point
    I have a .45 cal sabotless built by bad to the bone in las cruces. It’s my favorite gun. Shoots as good as any of my centerfires. I’m very comfortable with it out to 700 with the scope, 300 with a red dot and 275 with iron sights. It shoots a 300gr Parker at 2600fps with 122gr (by weight) of blackhorn. Here’s my 2 cents on LR muzzleloaders. 1: blackhorn 209 is an absolute must. 777 is water based so it and the residue imbibe water out of the air. This makes for inconsistent fouling and inconsistent powder. 2: measure your loads with WEIGHT not volume 3: For super long range you need a bore sized bullet. No plastic, no sabots or plastic belts. They burn up at the high temps, are very variable with ambient temp changes, and the varying amount of residue in your barrel will change your impact drastically with them. Get a barrel that’s well built and use a system that has bore sized bullets set up for it 4: magnum rifle primers are a must to burn magnum charges. The arrowhead system is great the bad to the bone system is as good and easier to use. The Remington system won’t work for blackhorn (see #1). Not sure on the paramount. 5. You need a muzzlebreak. My rifle is just behind a .338 lapua at the muzzle for energy. You wouldn’t dream of shooting a sporter weight lapua without a muzzlebreak. Don’t try it with a LR muzzy. My advise would be so send a 700 action to Arrowhead and have them put together a .45 cal bore contact gun with a break as cheap as they can. Prob still gonna run you $3k but you’ll love it and you’ll be a few hundred over a modified paramount or ultimate by the time you get it where you need it.