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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/18/2022 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    I took AZGF hunters safety in ‘83 and don’t recall them. I had to look them up. I can see their utility. However, I can give you the gift of the only song I know with “bandana” in the lyrics, so here you go. Good luck with the search.
  2. 2 points
    I weigh in 196lbs. But doing a mild bulk. Up 3lbs in the past 6 week. I hate seeing my waist go up and retaining water
  3. 2 points
    Its been Awsome to see the age level of the kids most are in the 10 to about 14 or 15 and about 1/3 are girls .Lots of them are first time hunters also .
  4. 1 point
    40-rounds of 7 rum 175-grain nozler partition 20-rounds of 7 rum 175-grain core lokt 20-rounds of 7 rum 175-grain hornady interbond 20-rounds of 7 rum 175-grain p.s.p. 37-rounds of 7 rum 140-grain Core lokt ultra bonded PSP 10-rounds of 7 rum 140-grain PSP core lokt ultra plus 10-round of once fired brass 20-rounds of 7 rum 175-grain GR. A-frame power level 3
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    You do know Remington makes different models you’re comparing their high-end model to their low end model. But good luck. Maybe try gunbroker cuz I don’t think your going to get people on here to pay 3 times what the gun is worth.
  7. 1 point
    Just saying! I think your a bit high on your price
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    Prices--.30-06 $1100---Made in Japan .338 Win Mag---$1000--Made in USA Mark V .257 Wtby Mag---$1750--Made in USA
  10. 1 point
    https://youtu.be/-Vmpmw-tqHk A little late but I was able to harvest a nice Ram this on 12/15/2021. I knew how special drawing this tag was (6 Bonus Points) and wanted to do everything I possibly could to earn this privilege. I immediately got in the phone and called everyone I knew that might have information that I could use, watched every video and read any type of information I could about Desert Bighorn. To be honest Bighorn hunting was something I never thought I would have to think about until I was 60, 70, 80 years old IF I was lucky! I knew I wanted to scout as much as possible. I attended the Sheep Clinic and also the banquet and I tried to absorb what ever information I could. I scouted hard about 10 weekends I was able to make it out. I took tons of video and pictures. I would spend all week reviewing/judging. I wasn’t to big on score but was hoping for a 170’s mature ram. When the hunt came I kept preaching patience to myself. I was wanting to spend time enjoying the hunt and that I did. I had lots of help from a lot of friends that made it when they could. The weather was perfect, it was overcast a few days, some light rain and highs in the upper 60’s. After seeing on average of about 10 or so different rams a day over different country, I finally found the Ram I wanted to take a shot at on Tuesday evening. We bedded him down and made a plan that he was there in the morning I would try and take him. Wednesday morning we had to walk in about a mile and there he was up and feeding. My buddy Marcos Ranged him at 600 yards I settled in with a nice cliff on my right, reminding myself not to get to excited and fall over. 610 yards, a little further than I was wanting to shoot but I was comfortable, we made it happen. I definitely couldn’t be anymore appreciative of the tag I had I understood and soaked it all in! Thanks to everyone’s advice and help, the wife of course, my family who helped wherever I needed, my 10 year old Brody who could only be out there 4 days because of school getting into the way! my friends with Ace in the Hole Outfitters Marcos, Jon and Ramon. Friends that helped glass, give advice and anything else I needed, Gabe, Brian Myers Matt, Drew, Craig, Kile, Ogle a long list that I’m sure I’m forgetting a lot of people by they know who they are. Also big thanks to Jon with Ace in the Hole in putting together this video for this once in a lifetime hunt !
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    I weigh less than the average woman. But I’m ripped
  13. 1 point
    Well anybody who pays 1200$ for that .204 is a complete idiot anyways
  14. 1 point
    It was one of your rounds that got the job done
  15. 1 point
    It was one of your rounds that took it down
  16. 1 point
    That will come this Friday
  17. 1 point
    LOL "one off." Lame and fishy screws up the Elk draw and others with regularity. It's the norm. March madness isnt just for Basketball. Keep watching this web site for play by play. Set your phone and computers to instantly check your card balance so you can check easily once an hour. Productivity goes down. 😲
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    In the wise words of Mark Twain...."It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubts" These people have not learned that lesson yet.....and now EVERYONE knows. Except the NASA shirt guy. Props to him.
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    I would only hunt free-range, non-GMO, natural, vegan triceratops only.
  22. 1 point
    Finally hit under 210lbs today. Feeling good, probably need to buy some new clothes. I’m starting to look gangster with my baggy pants 😂
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
    Glassed for a couple hours and we didn't see anything but deer. Walked in a little further and looked on the other side, spotted pigs before we even sat down. Stalk was on. Got to about 30 yards, saw a big boar standing under a Ocotillo and let the Dan Wesson eat. Hit him hard. Followed him up, still on his feet in some brush. One more at 5 feet and tagged out at 1015.
  25. 1 point
    I bought a bag of frozen calamari at winco lol. Wasn’t bad at all tbh. recovered from my binge. Ate 1100 calories Monday night, lost all the water weight.