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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/22/2022 in all areas

  1. 6 points
    Don’t post reminders about upcoming draw deadlines. It’s hard enough to get tags.
  2. 3 points
    So with this new trail cam ruling I encountered an interesting conundrum> I have trail cams on my 5 acre property(barely inside city limits) where my shop is located along with the chickens etc. Trail cams are/were strictly to monitor human as well as coyote/dog traffic that might show up on my property! Through the years I have had pictures of dogs, elk, coyotes, deer and human visitors. I really just check cameras, let neighbors know if their dogs are harassing my chickens and go on with life out at the shop. And, just like this guy knows exactly what laws went into effect......................
  3. 3 points
  4. 3 points
    I got reamed for that one once, thought I was being nice! Ever since then I decided I should be a total dick. No regerts!
  5. 2 points
    Marlin 81-DL bolt .22. Will handle 22 short, long, and Long Rifle. Overall good condition. Nice wood. Bluing, so-so. Some dings on the underside of stock. Tube magazine holds 17 rounds. My son and I rehabbed it, but have not used it nearly as much as i thought we would. Hopefully someone can get some use out of it. $200 Catalina, OV, North Tucson area. I have a Williams adjustable peep sight that I can include for an extra $25
  6. 2 points
    My names Brandon and I have Been a member for a few months, Ed F referred me here to find a cape for my 2020 muley. Just got back from my first couse hunt in AZ. I had no expectations and just knew My buddy from Utah and I were going in blind. Awesome country and it blew my mind. I love glassin and this was the hunt for it. Hunted this buck hard for three days and was finally able to connect, spotted him the day before the opener and on opening day he was no where to be found, we new he should be In The area and stayed the course, on Saturday we spotted him in the same bench we found him a few days wait let and made the plan. Got to 1200 yards my buddy got his spotter out said he was bedded in the same location and after a back and forth on who was gonna go in( I was pushing him to go in and he was pushing me) I caved and went in. My buddy is a way more accomplished hunter then I am so he was happy to see me work in on this buck. popped up on the finger next to the bench he was on, ranged him at 196, cross haired him and waited for him to stand. Bout 15 mins later KAPOOOW, the 6.5 creed ate for the first time and he dropped in his bed. If you guys want to hear more details and how my buddy filled his tag as well, check out my podcast- we are based out of Southern California. I did a semi live 3 episode podcast on this hunt but am going to be posting a in-depth in studio recap of the entire trip so be on the look out for that. podbean, iTunes, google play and any platform you listen to podcast on. Ridge2Ridge outdoors podcast Instagram @ridge2ridgeoutdoors I love Couse hunting.
  7. 2 points
    Haha. Those deer read the law books. know the rules and season dates to a T.
  8. 2 points
  9. 1 point
    Limpopo Province, on the Limpopo River, May 2019 I received a couple of questions regarding my avatar so I thought I would post a little bit of information about the hunt for anyone planning a hunt in South Africa. I think it is important to mention that the majority of hunting in South Africa is conducted behind what is termed high fences here. The size of the high fenced areas varies greatly from small 4 foot fences to stop cattle and sheep movement to large scale “big 5” fences. This fencing also serves to protect outfitters and land owners from poaching and therefore their viability. You will struggle to find a property in South Africa or Namibia with no fences somewhere along the line, be it a park border, a high fence on a neighboring property, or a barrier to public roads. The land areas are generally very large so you may not even see a fence at all during your visit apart from entering or leaving the area, and the low fences do not hamper animal movements much. There are also a number of different ways in which you can hunt in South Africa - but all of mine has been traditional “Track and walk”. You would typically wake up and have a coffee and small breakfast at the camp before being driven to another part of the property known for the type of animal you are looking for and walk from there. For this hunt, I was at Maswiri safaris’s Beskow camp, a 5,000 hectare parcel of land in the far north of South Africa along the Limpopo river and I was after a nice bull kudu as my wife wanted some “decorative horns” to place on the coffee table. Similar to the Coues deer - a kudu is also referred to as the “Grey Ghost” and can sometimes be a nightmare to find despite their size. My friends knew about my target and as such bought me a couple of books (Peter Flack - Hunting the Spiral Horns) and magazines in attempts to assist. We walked for miles and miles, glassed for hours on the top of “koppies” (small rocky hills) without too much luck for about a week. We didn't even see cows. After another unsuccessful morning we made our way back to camp for a breakfast where I discussed going straight back out in the heat of the day and focussing along water points. We drove to a likely area and were dropped off with our backpacks, professional hunter and a tracker and slowly walked our way along. It wasn't too far from the drop off point (I’d say less than 2 miles) that the tracker started getting excited as he had seen a good bull. The path towards him was pretty open so we backtracked and went around another koppie, inching our way around to spot him again. And there he was with his head deep into a bush and perhaps a 100 shot with his shoulder exposed. We set up the shooting sticks, set up the rifle and turned off the safety. I slowly squeezed the trigger and down he went - my first kudu bull. It was only later when we looked at him that we realized just how great a bull he was - old as the hills, with ground down teeth and beautiful ivory tips. Of course - we now started to find kudu’s everywhere we looked for the remainder of the trip. For those of you interested, horn length for a Kudu measured in it's simplest form is taking the measurement of the longest horn from the base along the spiral ridge to the tip only and can be extremely difficult to judge in the field - factors such as how deep the curls are influence the final score greatly. According to a post on Africahunting.com titled judging Greater Kudu: “In terms of trophy size when it comes to mature Greater Kudu bulls, the holy grail is taking the elusive monster 60 inch plus (152.4 cm) Greater Kudu which is something that does happen to a lucky few, however it is the result of the hunting gods smiling down upon you. I would say that horns above 55 inches (139.7 cm) make for an amazing trophy, horns above 50 inches (127 cm) make for a great trophy, horns above 45 inches (114.3 cm) make for a good trophy and horns below 45 inches (114.3 cm) make for a beautiful trophy and great memories!” Mine doesn't have exceptionally deep curls, but measured 53 inches. Regardless of the measurement - my wife didn't get her decorative horns for the table - but he does sit proudly on my wall.
  10. 1 point
    Two of my boys and one niece drew the general hunt in unit 32 during the first week of November. It was super warm and the bucks were doing there best to stay out of sight. We worked really hard, hiked near and far and the kids kept grinding. These kids work really hard to be proficient with the rifles they are using and we were blessed to fill all three tags, including a first buck for Carson. Below are some pictures from the hunt and a link to a video I put together on youtube. https://youtu.be/PAwnyyqWHc0
  11. 1 point
    I’ve got a Rem 700 for sale chambered in 338 EDGE (338-300RUM) Rem 700 LA with bolt knob and bolt shroud added. Factory trigger tuned ~2.75lbs Action Is cut for 4.00” wyatts box 27.5” stainless benchmark sendero contour barrel Vias muzzle brake. Hogue stock Gun shoots great! Barreled action is cerakoted black. I have a full custom EDGE being built and I don’t need two of the them. Hope my new one shoots as good as this one! will provide load data. Shoots 300gr Berger’s,SMKs,270 and 285 ELDs all better than I can shoot them. $950 FTF (bipod not included) pm or text 505six353six33
  12. 1 point
    Don't use the term Grey ghost Don't pronounce coues as 'cows' deer (Newberg does this and his name is now a bad word) Don't mention you're from California Don't use arizona as a descriptive noun. For example, I have 27 arizona elk points Don't use the term(s) otc, diy, public land hunting. Otc is a touchy subject right now. We all hunt diy for the most part and Az is 65% public land with another 25% being reservation. Dont use the the term peccarry. They are javelina. Don't mention all of the other states you hunt. It doesn't matter, you are asking for advice in this state. Don't complain that you have been on two hunts and still have not tagged out. Don't bag on g&f. Us veteran hunters will do that. You don't have enough street cred yet. Keep them coming.
  13. 1 point
    Great seller, I bought a pair of 15x 56 Meoptas from him.
  14. 1 point
    Spent 3 great days watching Mule Deer. 300 + Deer in that time. Heard looks healthy. A lot of smaller Bucks. A couple around 175 range. Awesome sunsets, sun rises, and Moon sets.
  15. 1 point
    you can not receive messages. Also the pics are on your post from last year. Good luck with the sale.
  16. 1 point
    I appreciate everything you have done with documenting and sharing your hunts with Tessa on here. It's been fantastic seeing her grow into the young lady she is and we all see how proud you are. Congratulations on your success. All of it.
  17. 1 point
    Don’t start your post with "not asking for any honeyholes, just a place to start" especially when you have not looked at the G&F page under "where to hunt" if someone helps you on a hunt and you don’t report back or post an update, your man card and hunting license should both be pulled.
  18. 1 point
    These ain't eastern whitetail, stop counting eyeguards as points. That ain't no "levy" it's a dirt tank. Mags ain't "clips." AZ ain't got no "streams." If it's wet it's a river, if it's wide and dry, still a river. We ain't got washes, it's pronounced "warsh" or "warshes. " In the southern units, undocumented foriegher is an "illegal."
  19. 1 point
    Don't brag about what gear you are "running".
  20. 1 point
    Kudu are such cool critters. Rememeber my cape kudu like it was yesterday.
  21. 1 point
    Just stumbled upon this post, and glad I did! Super cool story and you did a great job writing it up. Kudu are incredible creatures and it’s awesome you had the opportunity to chase them
  22. 1 point
    I always knew I was gonna make it out on when you here BRRRRRP….BRRRRRP!
  23. 1 point
    Idk how anyone could immediately discount sitting water in September like the above poster.
  24. 1 point
    Yup, fantastic hunt…lot’s going on so no write up yet…topped it off with a beautiful coues yesterday on a 3 hr stalk
  25. 1 point
    Nice to see a bad guy get some real time for their crimes. It’s be nice if our state game laws carried more weight. Poaching 4B bulls should carry prison time.