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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/21/2022 in Posts

  1. 8 points
    Do NOT California our Arizona............
  2. 5 points
    Best of the best. Enclosed is a picture taken at the lowest power through spotter 12x50 vipers $300 MD 50W compact spotter $100 items are in Mesa/Gilbert
  3. 5 points
    Ok you talked me into it 5de1117b9af575cfae05c9614cbc26ca35305a4e_copy.mp4
  4. 4 points
    Don't use the term Grey ghost Don't pronounce coues as 'cows' deer (Newberg does this and his name is now a bad word) Don't mention you're from California Don't use arizona as a descriptive noun. For example, I have 27 arizona elk points Don't use the term(s) otc, diy, public land hunting. Otc is a touchy subject right now. We all hunt diy for the most part and Az is 65% public land with another 25% being reservation. Dont use the the term peccarry. They are javelina. Don't mention all of the other states you hunt. It doesn't matter, you are asking for advice in this state. Don't complain that you have been on two hunts and still have not tagged out. Don't bag on g&f. Us veteran hunters will do that. You don't have enough street cred yet. Keep them coming.
  5. 4 points
    Don’t Use an AR pistol on a ham hunt 🙄😬🙄😬🙄
  6. 3 points
    I’ve got a Rem 700 for sale chambered in 338 EDGE (338-300RUM) Rem 700 LA with bolt knob and bolt shroud added. Factory trigger tuned ~2.75lbs Action Is cut for 4.00” wyatts box 27.5” stainless benchmark sendero contour barrel Vias muzzle brake. Hogue stock Gun shoots great! Barreled action is cerakoted black. I have a full custom EDGE being built and I don’t need two of the them. Hope my new one shoots as good as this one! will provide load data. Shoots 300gr Berger’s,SMKs,270 and 285 ELDs all better than I can shoot them. $950 FTF (bipod not included) pm or text 505six353six33
  7. 3 points
    Tessa had a tag for the Navajo reservation we had gone up on January 2nd to hunt it was brutally cold single digit temps and we did not know it but we both were in the early stages of covid. The first day found us looking at roughly 40-50 different bulls. The wind was blowing in the wrong direction for us to do much without spooking all the elk. The second morning we found a herd of bulls with several of them looking to be 390 plus. We had a target bull that was some where in the 380 range we probably could of had a good chance of killing him but elected to go after the bigger bulls. Well as luck or bad luck would have it this herd crossed into the park once in here you can not hunt them and amazingly they seem to know it. We waited all day for them to come back out but they did not. With us both feeling sick we decided to return home. On the reservation you have to have a guide the guide we was using had another hunter coming in anyway . We returned for the following Thursday morning things had changed dramatically, we saw about 10 bulls in the same areas we had seen as many as 50. After finding this bull about two miles away up a canyon with 3 other bulls . We put a plan together after a 1.5 hour hike we were in position for Tessa to be able to harvest this elk. He was just shy of 360 his teeth were wore down to the gums he had to be very old doubtful he would survive another winter. I do not know how many more hunts i have with her because she has a boy friend now i will cherish them all. She has an oryx hunt on the White Sands Missile Range next month. I hope she gets one i here the meat is excellent.
  8. 3 points
    I appreciate everything you have done with documenting and sharing your hunts with Tessa on here. It's been fantastic seeing her grow into the young lady she is and we all see how proud you are. Congratulations on your success. All of it.
  9. 3 points
    How many people are even around to remember cornbagger !!!lol
  10. 3 points
    Free bump for the moon pic...that's some hella glass
  11. 2 points
    Two of my boys and one niece drew the general hunt in unit 32 during the first week of November. It was super warm and the bucks were doing there best to stay out of sight. We worked really hard, hiked near and far and the kids kept grinding. These kids work really hard to be proficient with the rifles they are using and we were blessed to fill all three tags, including a first buck for Carson. Below are some pictures from the hunt and a link to a video I put together on youtube. https://youtu.be/PAwnyyqWHc0
  12. 2 points
    I think this is 20-30 years to late. Just past the Airport heading into town in Cody, Wyo there is a billboard that says Don't California our Cody. I wish there was a sign like that for AZ at every entry point into AZ from Cali.
  13. 2 points
    Was someone really doing this!? That would be awesome!!! I’m curious if he went down there again this year? If I were him I wouldn’t step foot on AZ soil again! Lol
  14. 2 points
    I hunt coyotes in 6A during antelope fawning all the way until Aug. I killed an entire pack trying to get a newborn fawn on Mud Tanks, but that herd is still not doing well. Lots of antelope off the 229, 81A, and 214. Biggest antelope buck I ever saw on the hoof was a few years ago off Schnebly hill road while bear hunting. He looked every bit 95". Problem with 6A is it takes too much time to go from buck to buck and they have endless places to hide. That allows for lots and lots of hold over bucks though and it wouldn't surprise me if they didn't break a top 10 record in the next few years. It's not a 100% success hunt and most mature bucks are 75" class so people need to be realistic about that.
  15. 1 point
    Rossi 92 carbine Sold Cimarron 1866 yellow boy 44sp short rifle with action SOLD
  16. 1 point
    What a special hunt! That's one you'll both cherish forever. Congratulations!
  17. 1 point
    Sandbagger! Nice buck and shot!
  18. 1 point
    I sent you a PM about the 94.
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
    Were you the one flying the "Go Home Newberg" flag?
  21. 1 point
    Also ........ trail cameras are only for photography and hobby activities!
  22. 1 point
    These ain't eastern whitetail, stop counting eyeguards as points. That ain't no "levy" it's a dirt tank. Mags ain't "clips." AZ ain't got no "streams." If it's wet it's a river, if it's wide and dry, still a river. We ain't got washes, it's pronounced "warsh" or "warshes. " In the southern units, undocumented foriegher is an "illegal."
  23. 1 point
    As the father of a daughter who hunts as well, I think you’re gonna be hunting with your “little girl” for many more years! Mine is now married, and she made me bring the boy friend on our deer hunts when they started dating. Now we all hunt together. But you’re right, the memories of hunts with your kid will stay with you for a lifetime, just keep making more! Great bull, btw!
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
    I didn't really want to start my own thread but I haven't seen a meat pole thread all week to add to. I did want to thank the forum for all the help and advice, though. Being from CO originally I had a lot to learn about AZ elk when I moved in 2015. I drew my first AZ elk tag in 2017, a late rifle tag, and it's what pushed me to join the forum (thanks for the recommendation @cpugsie). I didn't fill that tag in 2017 and had to face the fact that I had a lot left to figure out about these elk. Drew the same tag this year, learned from my mistakes, and got it done on a bull I was very happy with. Thanks for all the lessons, guys!