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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/15/2022 in Posts

  1. 17 points
    Tessa had a tag for the Navajo reservation we had gone up on January 2nd to hunt it was brutally cold single digit temps and we did not know it but we both were in the early stages of covid. The first day found us looking at roughly 40-50 different bulls. The wind was blowing in the wrong direction for us to do much without spooking all the elk. The second morning we found a herd of bulls with several of them looking to be 390 plus. We had a target bull that was some where in the 380 range we probably could of had a good chance of killing him but elected to go after the bigger bulls. Well as luck or bad luck would have it this herd crossed into the park once in here you can not hunt them and amazingly they seem to know it. We waited all day for them to come back out but they did not. With us both feeling sick we decided to return home. On the reservation you have to have a guide the guide we was using had another hunter coming in anyway . We returned for the following Thursday morning things had changed dramatically, we saw about 10 bulls in the same areas we had seen as many as 50. After finding this bull about two miles away up a canyon with 3 other bulls . We put a plan together after a 1.5 hour hike we were in position for Tessa to be able to harvest this elk. He was just shy of 360 his teeth were wore down to the gums he had to be very old doubtful he would survive another winter. I do not know how many more hunts i have with her because she has a boy friend now i will cherish them all. She has an oryx hunt on the White Sands Missile Range next month. I hope she gets one i here the meat is excellent.
  2. 7 points
    The best hunt is the one you get to be on. It doesn't matter what month it is. If you want to be in a December hunt, go for it!
  3. 4 points
    All but one guy killed in 3 days and I hate keeping people waiting so when I saw 5 points on his right side and his mass it didnt take me long to pull the trigger... Quality is poor because of low light Also another cat killed
  4. 3 points
  5. 3 points
    What’s the purpose of covering it? You drive around with it all day, park it in your driveway all uncovered. Free bump.
  6. 2 points
    Big 5 & Walmart employees need to be educated on selling otc deer tags!!! This Is the only weekend I can go deer hunting, so we were planning on heading out to our spot around 4 am tomorrow. I swing by Big 5 on my way home only to be told all hunting & fishing licenses are sold online. I tell the guy behind the counter I already have my license, I need a deer tag, guy tells me you have to get those online. I tell him no tags are sold over the counter, he says no F&G is doing it all online starting this year. Again I tell him no the tags are in the drawer behind the counter, F&G does not sale otc tags online. I tell him let me talk to the manager, he says he is the manager. I tell him you need to know what your talking about if your managing the store. I leave & go to Walmart, after ringing the assistance buzzer & waiting 15 minutes for nobody to come ! I start looking for someone that works there (yea ok thats a funny one), I find a guy & tell him I need assistance in sporting goods, what do need he ask, I tell him I want a deer tag, he looks at me with blank stare it’s obvious he has no clue what I want. He calls the manager of that department, she says we never received any deer tags from F&G and nobody in town has received any this year. I start laughing & tell Her my brother in law just bought a deer tag earlier down the street at the Bait & Tackle shop (it was after 5pm or I would of just went there). The manager at Walmart said they didn’t get any & probably won’t be getting any this year. Needless to say our morning hunt is screwed since I have to wait for the Bait & Tackle shop to open in the morning. F&G needs to tell the idiots of these stores how to sale tags or make them available to purchase online!!! Seems like every time you try & buy a tag at these stores its a hassle & they are freakin CLUELESS!!!😳😳
  7. 2 points
    Saw 3 big bunches of does yesterday. Only one buck. With 6 bonus points he wasn’t big enough to sit out the year.
  8. 2 points
    Got my first mule deer and i couldnt be happier. Hunted this guy for days never seeing him and yesterday morning he decided to show up. We weren't sure if it was him or not so i gave chase. Once i was able to get a good look at him i texted my buddy that i was going for it. Chasing muleys for the first time was pretty fun but man finding a mature buck can sure be a challenge!
  9. 1 point
    I did my first euro mount with some tips that the late hoghntr gave me I think it looks good. sorry for turned pictures and I don't know why the antlers got darker
  10. 1 point
    We're raffling off another AZ Lifetime Combo License. If anyone wonders what we do with the money we raise, our NWTF Chapter (NAZ Chapter) in Flagstaff donated 600 lbs of turkeys to the Navajo Nation right before Christmas so families could have a Christmas dinner. We also have an $1800 scholarship that we partner with a local company on to give to a senior in high school who is active in hunting/conservation. Our chapter is also very involved and supportive of the local Hunter Education program in Flagstaff. These are a fraction of what we do with the funds we raise. https://www.naznwtf.org/product-page/az-lifetime-combo-license-raffle-1
  11. 1 point
    Ruger m77 7mm-08 in good shape $450 located in the white mountains no playing games if you say I'll take it I expect you to come buy it and show up
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    Heard this Brian Fisher dude is pretty stand up. To soon?😯
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    I dont know about you guys but I m taking the 308 win.
  16. 1 point
    You forgot to cover the plate in the 3rd pic. 😎
  17. 1 point
    If you like one of these rifles and it shoots accurately then spend the time and money on ammo and practicing. 98% of the misses out in the field are due to the operator not understanding how his rifle shoots. Practice, practice. The best time to practice is coming up too. I shoot 90% of my high powered rifle rounds from February to May. If I'm shooting a bunch of rounds in the fall I have failed to be a good hunter. Guns should be setup in the spring and only double checked in the fall. When you shoot in the spring there is no pressure to get it done fast and you can make adjustments to your gun or loads. Go dent primers!!!!!!!!!
  18. 1 point
    plus he wouldn’t have to burn his one-time point guard use for elk before starting over.
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
    Andy Knowlton at Rimrock outfitters! https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.instagram.com/rimrockoutfitters/%3Fhl%3Den&ved=2ahUKEwjZstPJobD1AhXTJEQIHXtyAZ4Qjjh6BAgDEAE&usg=AOvVaw3b8ZxSF0i7ytuLPVk1j_yP
  21. 1 point
    Since you didn't give a budget.... Tangent Theta TT315M or TT315H. You are welcome.
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
    3rd gen (1996-2002) 4Runners are pretty hard to beat. If you can find one with the rear locking differential they are great awesome!
  24. 1 point
    You can send the email with your name and contact information and his/her name .Every entry so far has been from the parents .IF you have more than 1 child to enter you can just list all there names and they will be entered as a separate entry with the same contact .
  25. 1 point
    Estimated wind gusts of 25-35mph maybe more. 950 yards cat accidently walked into this one. I missed 3 prior shots 2 barely 1st shot was 4 ft right after holding 3 feet left. Probably an exaggeration wind was tricky. 210 gr berger from my 300 RUM.