Big 5 & Walmart employees need to be educated on selling otc deer tags!!! This Is the only weekend I can go deer hunting, so we were planning on heading out to our spot around 4 am tomorrow. I swing by Big 5 on my way home only to be told all hunting & fishing licenses are sold online. I tell the guy behind the counter I already have my license, I need a deer tag, guy tells me you have to get those online. I tell him no tags are sold over the counter, he says no F&G is doing it all online starting this year. Again I tell him no the tags are in the drawer behind the counter, F&G does not sale otc tags online. I tell him let me talk to the manager, he says he is the manager. I tell him you need to know what your talking about if your managing the store. I leave & go to Walmart, after ringing the assistance buzzer & waiting 15 minutes for nobody to come ! I start looking for someone that works there (yea ok thats a funny one), I find a guy & tell him I need assistance in sporting goods, what do need he ask, I tell him I want a deer tag, he looks at me with blank stare it’s obvious he has no clue what I want. He calls the manager of that department, she says we never received any deer tags from F&G and nobody in town has received any this year. I start laughing & tell Her my brother in law just bought a deer tag earlier down the street at the Bait & Tackle shop (it was after 5pm or I would of just went there). The manager at Walmart said they didn’t get any & probably won’t be getting any this year. Needless to say our morning hunt is screwed since I have to wait for the Bait & Tackle shop to open in the morning. F&G needs to tell the idiots of these stores how to sale tags or make them available to purchase online!!! Seems like every time you try & buy a tag at these stores its a hassle & they are freakin CLUELESS!!!😳😳