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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/12/2022 in Posts

  1. 6 points
    Agreed except the kid part. Met plenty of 50+ year old dudes in the woods with less sense than god gave a mule.
  2. 4 points
    20220107_071338_1.mp4 20220107_074517_3.mp4 20220107_074517_5.mp4 20220107_074517_6.mp4 20220107_074517_7.mp4 20220107_075808_1.mp4 20220107_075808_2.mp4 20220107_075808_3.mp4 20220107_075808_4.mp4 20220107_075808_5.mp4 20220107_075808_6.mp4
  3. 3 points
    We had bad weather on opening weekend and got lucky on the second weekend. We were able to glass the herd bedded under an oak at 7:30 am and the herd didn’t get up til 9:45 am. Once they started feeding we began our stalk. Pops got off a 19 yard shot with the crossbow and I was able to get a 15 yard shot with the recurve.
  4. 3 points
    Just here waiting on the first “sss” comment.
  5. 3 points
    If it's legal, I don't give a dam what someone uses.
  6. 2 points
    Why not get some quotes from contractors? Do you have plans to submit for a permit? If so then start calling subs and get quotes for concrete, framing, electrical, drywall etc. Not hard to do but time consuming and can be very overwhelming for a homeowner especially if you aren't a tradesman and don't understant the process or how to schedule the work or control the payments to the subs. Don't be eager to take the lowest bid either. Make sure they have licenses and are bonded and they will lean your property, which is normal. Check with the Registra of Contractors to make sure their license is up to date and there are no outstanding judgements against them. For every licensed contractor there are 20 gypsey contractors out there who will want 50% down "to buy materials" and you will never see them or your money again. People see a slab and a bunch of 2x4's and think, hey I can do that. Most can't, a few can. Also talk to your homeowners insurance to see what they will want to see in order to insure it.
  7. 1 point
    Long shot I know. Any chance anyone has a walk-in they’d consider selling? I have several head of beef I’m wanting to butcher and figure this may be the best route to go.
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    Got my first mule deer and i couldnt be happier. Hunted this guy for days never seeing him and yesterday morning he decided to show up. We weren't sure if it was him or not so i gave chase. Once i was able to get a good look at him i texted my buddy that i was going for it. Chasing muleys for the first time was pretty fun but man finding a mature buck can sure be a challenge!
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    I'm subbing out a detached casita right now and it's a pain finding people but getting through it. Hard to get more than 2 or 3 bids in any timely fashion so kind of have to gut check it and go to keep it moving. I ordered my lumber on Dec 31. The two lowest bids were having a price increase in Jan and the other is having one in Feb. Good luck on the build!
  12. 1 point
    Thanks to Michael(mfernaz) for the cerakote on the muzzle break the end of the gun is no longer shinny and looks much better.Thank You.
  13. 1 point
    I built a 1200 sq ft RV garage in Queen Creek a little over a year ago. Also no drywall and hired the subs myself for right about $50 per sq ft. Had the basic electricity installed and inspected and have been adding more as needed myself. 16 ft walls and an 18 wide, 14 tall garage door. Project went fairly smooth but its just a basic building with no plumbing. Also got bids from a general and he was 25% to 30% higher. I had a hard time getting general contractors to even call me back. Seems they were just not interested in smaller jobs. Sent the drawings to a couple of them but couldn't reach them after. Subs were better to work with as most of them were in and out quickly.
  14. 1 point
    This am. Has been 🔥. Have buddies in town from ND. So far they've missed one shot and currently stalking another good buck. 165ish. 7th buck of the am already
  15. 1 point
    I don't know anything about pricing, but after watching my neighbors try to do this for the last year and a half I would never do it myself. Sometimes it takes them months to find someone to do the work. I think things are pretty crazy right now..
  16. 1 point
    Sir....Give me a call. Dave 602-228-1719
  17. 1 point
    An ar rifle no an ar pistol yes.
  18. 1 point
    Depending on whether you’re going to have it insulated, sheet rocked, electrical etc., that might be a good price with today’s climate.
  19. 1 point
    Why would you want baiting bears back? Quotas get met fast enough as is...
  20. 1 point
    I had only a bow in my hand 580 yards away. I found the doe and buck bedded at 7:04 AM. They were in an extremely killable position but I just got done processing my last deer a few days ago and decided to stay put. When they got out of bed at 7:50, I started scanning around them and saw the lion broadside just 50 yards upwind. Initially, it looked like it had no idea the deer were there, then they started feeding towards the lion and I started the swap to my spotting scope from my binoculars. Once I started filming, I immediately focused on the deer for a while thinking I was going to get an attack on camera. The lion was within 25 yards or so on two occasions, but it was like he/she knew they weren't close enough and tried their patience. I swear it was like the deer knew it was there and just maintained their 30 yard barrier and fed away until ultimately flagging, blowing and weezing a hundred yards over and slowly away. Eventually you can see the lion kept its pursuit but the coues deer had the upper hand this morning. Like so many encounters, if only the stalker saw the coues deer sooner.
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    That’s a strange statement from Amber Munig. Are we suppose to comment every year on every species they manage? They keep terrible records, at least for easy public view. The most recent hunt survey report from 2018 shows lion tags have increased substantially. I think that pretty much shows continuing interest.
  23. 1 point
    Down to the last 2 boxes of shells for the season .Over 500 shells were donated and passed out to our youth this year .I'd like to thank those who donated shells I'm sure there is a kid with a big smile that really appreciated all your generosity
  24. 1 point
    That's the buck I would have shot as time was winding down. Cool big ol frame. I saw 2 or 3 others that were pretty big. I got some long distance footage but no pictures to speak of.
  25. 1 point
    Hide my trail cameras better so G&F can't find them.