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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/11/2022 in Posts

  1. 4 points
  2. 3 points
    We finally found the pigs today in my normal honey hole again. Me and my son doubled up shot mine at 40yds and his at 25 yds. Had a blast good luck everyone its been tough!
  3. 3 points
    Granted, you can get away with a lot but personally I prefer to be legal from the get go. I spent too many years putting distance between being a shitty person and who I am today.
  4. 3 points
  5. 2 points
    I can’t get enough of watching mature desert mule deer bucks. I don’t want this month to end
  6. 2 points
    Yes. Pretty frustrating after donating literally thousands of dollars to build up enough points to MAYBE have a chance at drawing a tag once in my lifetime. But whatever. They have better things to do I guess,
  7. 2 points
    Looks like you missed the red dot.
  8. 2 points
    I'll been looking and asking for over a year. No luck. I even contacted Berger who said there is a big run of them planned, but that was over 6 months ago and it still hasn't happened. If you happen into a bunch of them. Please let me know.
  9. 2 points
    Dimensions? Double layer of insulation board? R13 right?
  10. 2 points
    res hunting lic $7.00, non res $30.00 deer tag$4.00, elk $20.00, antelope $20.00, sheep $50.00
  11. 2 points
    I was in your shoes a few months ago… started butchering goats, wanted more space for game and game meat processing. Looked on craigslist, offerup, etc for used commercial equipment. I ended up building my walk-in a few months ago, and it only took about 2 weeks.... Highly recommend building one as you can tailor it to your needs. I just got an email today from CoolBot that they want to feature my cooler in their blog. Wasn't expecting that lol. Mine will get down to 34 deg in less than 5 minutes. Can control temp on smartphone... connects to home wifi and will give you alarm notification on your phone if there is a temp swing outside your set range.
  12. 2 points
    There is no proposal to eliminate them. The Center for Biological Diversity and others have submitted comments to that effect, but that is not a proposal from the Department or the Commission. Yes, everyone should submit comments in support of those hunts, but comments countering some made up proposal are not helpful. Comments should be structured to state that you support the current management system. Getting all hot and bothered over a made up ban proposal won't do anyone any good. The current commission will never outright ban such hunting. I believe that lion and bear hunting will be banned in our lifetimes, but it will come through the ballot box on a voter initiative. It will start with outlawing spring bear, then the use of dogs, and then the hunts will go away all together. That being said, the sky is not falling yet, so just keep the comments informed and to the point.
  13. 2 points
    Maybe because is the most visited/viewed/active section of the forum?
  14. 1 point
    Hey guys I've seen posts on here debating using ARs on the ham hunt. Straight forward question, is it legal? Thanks in advance for the responses
  15. 1 point
    Want to trade for a car lift? lol
  16. 1 point
    Check the ATFs definition of pistol. If yours meet those you are good. Some ARs do, most don't. I am sure someone will correct me if wrong, but I believe it is largely about barrel length and the use of a brace rather than a stock.
  17. 1 point
    Why not get some quotes from contractors? Do you have plans to submit for a permit? If so then start calling subs and get quotes for concrete, framing, electrical, drywall etc. Not hard to do but time consuming and can be very overwhelming for a homeowner especially if you aren't a tradesman and don't understant the process or how to schedule the work or control the payments to the subs. Don't be eager to take the lowest bid either. Make sure they have licenses and are bonded and they will lean your property, which is normal. Check with the Registra of Contractors to make sure their license is up to date and there are no outstanding judgements against them. For every licensed contractor there are 20 gypsey contractors out there who will want 50% down "to buy materials" and you will never see them or your money again. People see a slab and a bunch of 2x4's and think, hey I can do that. Most can't, a few can. Also talk to your homeowners insurance to see what they will want to see in order to insure it.
  18. 1 point
    I scored 5 out of 6 but I did have a claim near Stanton. Also, we don't like to factor fuel and tire damage into the equation either.
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
    If you want to build one cheap I'll tell you how. Mine has been running full time for over ten years. You can build one for $1,000 to $1,500 easy with everything.
  21. 1 point
    FYI https://mountainlion.org/2022/01/04/arizona-hunt-guidelines-action-call/
  22. 1 point
    Them cows deer are fornucating. Saw a old mature muley totally distracted at last light. Snuck with 60 yards when he turned and ran full throttle right at me, he turned at 20 yards. A much larger buck was getting him away from his does.
  23. 1 point
    We have seen 18 bucks I believe in the past 3 days. Out of those bucks only 2 were non shooters. A couple of them were absolute studs. North of the 180” mark. 4 of them were all after one doe the other day fighting and posturing for her company. Day to day it just keeps getting better. And here I am stuck at work waiting for the clock to strike 2 so I can get back out there
  24. 1 point
    Hike in, you’ll have the place to your self
  25. 1 point
    He’s not talking about the doll in your closet 😂