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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/10/2022 in all areas

  1. 13 points
    Got my first mule deer and i couldnt be happier. Hunted this guy for days never seeing him and yesterday morning he decided to show up. We weren't sure if it was him or not so i gave chase. Once i was able to get a good look at him i texted my buddy that i was going for it. Chasing muleys for the first time was pretty fun but man finding a mature buck can sure be a challenge!
  2. 6 points
    Griffin and I hit the road with high hopes and much excitement. We connected with 2 locals who volunteered to help us out. You never know what to expect. Does this mean here’s a dusty 2 track I once saw a deer at or rolling out the red carpet. We were humbled by the level of commitment to help us. Each day was filled with hours of glassing and holding out for a good one. We passed many bucks and held the bar high. Finally on day 4 we spotted a heavily palpated 4x4 about a mile away and 800-1000 feet higher. We watched him graze and knew he’d be the buck of dreams if we would be able to hang our tag on him. We formulated a game plan and off we went. 4.5 hours later we sat above the thicket. We decided to wait him out. Unfortunately the gray ghost gave us the slip and we never saw him again. It was an epic 2 hour hike out in the dark with our egos bruised but our hearts full of the experience. The next day was to be our last in AZ so we decided to take the first legal buck we saw. Finally on the opposite hillside we spotted a buck and moved into shooting range just as the buck disappeared into bottom. He was about 200 away. As we sat there picking apart the hillside just looking our local friend hissed “he’s right there!” 100 yards away the buck emerged from the thicket and stood quartering to knowing something was up. Quickly griffin steadied on the sticks and the crack of the rifle broke the silence. No buck in sight. We decided to give it 30 minutes and give it a look. No blood at all but we spread out and began grid searching. Just a few short minutes later we located the buck and the celebration was on! I want to say I’m so humbled to the 2 gentlemen who took time out of their schedules and spent 5 days helping us chase down the gray ghost we are forever in your debt. We came as strangers but now I consider you good friends! The hunting community is filled with good people who are the salt of the earth with kindness in their hearts! Cant wait to return to AZ next year!!
  3. 5 points
    Why both? None of which are required in AZ.
  4. 4 points
  5. 3 points
    We finally found the pigs today in my normal honey hole again. Me and my son doubled up shot mine at 40yds and his at 25 yds. Had a blast good luck everyone its been tough!
  6. 3 points
  7. 3 points
    Yup, fantastic hunt…lot’s going on so no write up yet…topped it off with a beautiful coues yesterday on a 3 hr stalk
  8. 3 points
    Well, mutiple arrows. My buddies found him on the rifle hunt but killed a didferent buck last hours of last days. Even though i was with them for the majority of the hunt i never personally saw him. I only knew he was there because they told me. Stalked to 20 yards and waited for him to take 2 steps from behind a bush. Well the doe he was on made a beeline to me and i knew she was gonna bust me so i drew back and stood up, only had a front shot so i took it. He fell forward and laid down while i scrambled to knock one of my last 2 arrows. He jumped up and started to trot around me and i tried to lead him an let the next arrow go. That one ended up in his hind quarter went through the opposite quarter and broke his femur. He was trotting and stopping so i had a perfext broadside shot and i took one more st him with my emergency arrow that jad a damaged vane. Well i shouda ranged him again but i didnt, it him him and he dropped straight down and i thought that was it. Well it wasnt... when i got back to him he jumped up again. At this point i freaked out a bit and decided to go to where he last stood and walk the blood trail backward to find one of my arrows to finish him off. Once i did both arrows nocks were broken so i had to use my leatherman to make a makeshift nock. Snuck back up and double lunged him and watched him expire. I felt bad for the poor guy and im very thankful i was able to finish him without him suffering too long. Buck fever is real man, im not a peffect archer at all bit i absolutely love archery. If i didnt get all jacked up on adrenaline whenever im close to letting an arrow fly i would probably quit hunting.
  9. 2 points
    I purchased the same set up earlier this year. 1000% game changer!!!!
  10. 2 points
    Looks like seller is being super responsible and careful. Just because you follow the "rules" doesn't mean you won't get sued because you didn't use extra caution. I'm with the OP on this one.
  11. 2 points
    The OP’s ad, so his rules. Don’t like it, don’t buy it.
  12. 2 points
    For 6a October rifle cow, you'll need about 7 BP to be in the bonus pass. With 3 bp, I think your chances are about 4%.
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
    Proud of you my friend. You’ve been there a lot. I’m glad you finally found a nice one.
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    We lost 20 goats to a lion .G$F did nothing
  17. 1 point
    Ask a California Hunter if they thought the same thing...
  18. 1 point
    Interesting read…some not so obvious choices. https://freerangeamerican.azurewebsites.net/archery-movie-moments/
  19. 1 point
    If you are still coming send me a PM and I’ll send you to an area that will not disappoint. Remember, any info us residents give is a gift so please treat it as such!
  20. 1 point
    There is no proposal to eliminate them. The Center for Biological Diversity and others have submitted comments to that effect, but that is not a proposal from the Department or the Commission. Yes, everyone should submit comments in support of those hunts, but comments countering some made up proposal are not helpful. Comments should be structured to state that you support the current management system. Getting all hot and bothered over a made up ban proposal won't do anyone any good. The current commission will never outright ban such hunting. I believe that lion and bear hunting will be banned in our lifetimes, but it will come through the ballot box on a voter initiative. It will start with outlawing spring bear, then the use of dogs, and then the hunts will go away all together. That being said, the sky is not falling yet, so just keep the comments informed and to the point.
  21. 1 point
    Why is this in the classifieds?
  22. 1 point
    There are two very problematic assumptions in your statement. 1. AZGFD’s mission has nothing to do with hunting. From their website: To conserve Arizona’s diverse wildlife resources and manage for safe, compatible outdoor recreation opportunities for current and future generations. If you are relying on a government agency to protect what you love, you are in for disappointment. 2. This point has been made, but in AZ, you do not have a right to hunt and fish. We have that opportunity because the so far the public has supported it. The second that changes and some anti organization can pass a ballot measure to end it, it will end. I understand that many people are frustrated by what is happening. I also understand that bitching about AZGFD has become a normal pastime around here, and I have participated plenty. But there is nothing to blame them for here. The HSUS is using this process to go on public record and establish the fact that thousands of Arizonans are opposed to predator hunting. Unfortunately, when the comments are posted in their entirety for everyone to see, there will not be a record of how many lion and bear tags are sold each year unless someone submits it as a comment. AZGFD manages wildlife in the interest of the public, so if the public doesn’t want them hunted, guess what? I know how dumb and frustrating this seems to people who are using common sense. Unfortunately, democracy doesn’t always follow the rules of common sense. It follows rules and processes. Right now the enemies of hunting and fishing are monopolizing one of those processes to paint a picture. The fastest and best way to combat that is to overwhelm their effort. I am begging the CMT community to set the snarkiness and apathy aside. This is important. Please comment in support of lion, bear and bobcat hunting. AZHuntGuidelines@azgfd.gov
  23. 1 point
    Cool videos and great write up...anxious to see if there will be a "part two"
  24. 1 point
    Not my story or pics to share but Russ's kiddo got his first buck and went on to another hunt right after this and also tagged an elk in wyoming a few days after. Ill say this, the kid was a trooper and put in some serious grown man effort on his hunt and handled it like a champ! Way to go Griff!
  25. 1 point
    Who don't shoot back these day's ! Trayvon Martin