Two years ago my target buck was intact a week before opener. Opener comes, glass him up, he's missing his right side from his brow up. Devastated. Thought it was shot off, etc.
Three days later I killed my #2 buck in same basin. My #2 buck had stab wounds and marks on his neck that looked like antler scrapes. I got suspicious they had a tussle.
I verified that was the case when I found my #1 bucks sheds. Antler was not shot off but was a very irregularly broken with no bullet evidence. Break was up and down, not from a shearing bullet.
Buck #2 is on wall, with buck #1's sheds next to him. Buck #2 was mounted as he was with cape damage from antler.
For some reason they got into it. This is my long winded version of it can happen this early because I've seen it.
Combined with this year's conditions and I bet it wouldn't take much this year for breakage. Bunch if ways he could have gotten broke including a bullet.