Here we go. Again!
Probably won't get the Yukon done in time for a last minute scout- (switching out the transfer case and a new yolk is ordered) and I'm busting at the seams ready to go.
I've spent some time there this past month- lost a cam. By lost I mean someone acquired it. Suddenly roads with a lot of elk activity are closed. (Those wonderful yellow stickers that magically appear on the brown signs) - that kinda sucks. They closed them in mid Nov. Probably during the late archery hunt. (And what's really odd is sometimes they only post that on one road entrance, but not the others.)
I really love 7E. Not tons of elk, but I'm hopeful the lower resident herds don't move far. I'm heading up the 1st just to chop enough wood for 7 nights. Or I'll hit Flag and get a pickup full from someone selling.
Got three tags this year- me and the boy, and one of my friends that has never hunted a day in his life. Should prove interesting.