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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/15/2021 in Posts

  1. 15 points
    I have been a firefighter for 27 yrs...I have personally been on 4 of these calls in that time....In EVERY case the individual that got out of his vehicle and approached the other vehicle was the one shot and killed. They all made the choice to be a tough guy and confront the other person and it cost them there life....Stay in your vehicle and drive away.....Or take the chance of getting killed....Not really a hard decision to make....
  2. 14 points
    12 yrs ago I was on my way to lake mead with my 12 yr old son for a 4 day fishing trip... West bound on carefree highway about 75 ave a small passenger vehicle pulls along side me and the female passenger is hanging out the window and yelling at me....I slow down and roll my window down thinking something is wrong with my boat / trailer....She starts yelling profanities at me and says that my truck kicked up a rock off the road and broke the windshield on her car and that I was gonna pay for it or her boyfriend was gonna kick my butt....I smiled and waved rolled up my window and keep driving....At the light at 99 ave and carefree Hwy they pulled around in front of me sideways blocking me in between them and the truck behind me....The clown driving the car gets out with a baseball bat and puts it over his head and starts yelling he’s gonna kick my butt and wreck my truck...I reached down and pulled my 45 out and placed it on the dash of my truck making sure he could absolutely see it....He turned white as a sheet threw the bat and got back in his car and drove away....Had he come several feet closer to my truck I absolutely would have shot him...I thank god everyday that he didn’t....
  3. 14 points
    You can “limit” firearms all you want. There are so many in circulation that if someone wants a gun, they’ll get a gun. I’m 100% pro 2A. You think a CCW permit is going to make sure a bad guy doesn’t get a gun? The way i see it, the only way to defeat a bad guy with a gun is with another gun.
  4. 7 points
  5. 3 points
    My son now lives in NV and they have a pretty unique tag turn back program. I won’t bore with the details but he was able to grab this late season bull tag. Filled his first bull tag while I was in route to help on the hunt. By the time I got there he had capped and quartered the bull by himself and humped the head and cape off the mountain. Happy to know I taught him a bit. Anyway even though all I go to help with was the meat haul it was a good hike and I couldn’t be happier for him
  6. 3 points
    The wire thing is a spool for barbed wire. That is not a skull that is the pelvis.
  7. 3 points
    It’s a mule deer. Just because they are or are not forked on their G2 has NOTHING to do with the species.
  8. 3 points
    Can you take a picture with a round through the trigger opening with a flying squirrel about to land in the background?
  9. 3 points
    Well it’s been a long, hot hunt but if you walk the flats long enough you eventually run into them. No exciting kill shot videos or any of that. They were bedded 4 miles from the closest hill. Just flat as can be. Finding fresh tracks and walking as much area as you. He was with a 3x3. I love deer hunting but I am glad this tag is filled and my hunt is done. It’s been a warm one.
  10. 2 points
    Loaded and headed back to camp Friday evening!
  11. 2 points
    I've had this kinda thing happen to me twice in the 17 years living here .the first was 16 yrs ago going down the 60 and a guy got mad the lane ended at about mill and tried to pass in the emergency lane and ran outa relastate.as he is behind me he started to hand gesture he's going to shoot me .I dialed the dps and notified them and stated I had a gun in the car .I didn't start to worry till he reached under the seat .I pulled my sig outa the holster and rolled the window down bullets and Windows make a mess .as he pulled up along side me he thru something at the car and then saw the gun and made a quick exit .the dps officers had stopped him and called me to come and I'd him .the officer asked if I had a gun and I said yes he said good holster it and come with me .the guy was in the back of a car and the cop said is that him and I said yep .he told that guy he was lucky I actually had a gun and could have shot him .I signed the paper and pressed charges .no amount of restrictions will fix stupid.I do believe training does good.you absolutely need to understand the law if you pull and use a gun.
  12. 2 points
    Tighter gun laws would not change what happened today. Only honest carrying people.
  13. 2 points
    I have 2 sons and a son in law. So why not??
  14. 2 points
    I was a contractor in the valley for 15 years and I definitely don’t miss the idiots on the roads. 10 years ago when I left, I didn’t think it could get any worse, boy was I wrong! Sorry this hit so close to home but no way will tighter gun laws help. The guy paid the ultimate price for not staying in his vehicle!
  15. 2 points
    Anybody that drew 35 A , I can help you if You need it ,just get a hold of me .Had the tag 4 years ago................................BOB!
  16. 2 points
    Pure mule deer. Don’t see the question.
  17. 2 points
  18. 2 points
  19. 2 points
    Glassed it up last week but it was getting a little late so I figured it would be safe for another week.
  20. 2 points
    well guys, thanks for all the prayers and well wishes, he went home yesterday and i went to see him today, everything is good organs wise, he is a little weak but he will get stronger, it will take time, between hospital and rehab he was there 3 months, for us is a miracle thank you all and god bless.
  21. 2 points
    I usually don’t notice the drug smugglers when I’m out hunting and I’m weighed down with my own guns and drugs
  22. 1 point
    That's a dandy. Congrats.
  23. 1 point
    He’s a dandy! 178”
  24. 1 point
    Bob at Desert Pheasant Recreation in Coolidge does it an rechecks are free.
  25. 1 point
    Went scouting for sheep again this weekend.