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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/14/2021 in Posts

  1. 5 points
    Well it’s been a long, hot hunt but if you walk the flats long enough you eventually run into them. No exciting kill shot videos or any of that. They were bedded 4 miles from the closest hill. Just flat as can be. Finding fresh tracks and walking as much area as you. He was with a 3x3. I love deer hunting but I am glad this tag is filled and my hunt is done. It’s been a warm one.
  2. 3 points
    No tags in Arizona for us this year. But it is always nice to look at my antelope from 2020 and my daughter’s from 2016. Considering last year was so dry, my goat on the left looks great.
  3. 3 points
    He is 4 for 4. And I I’m proud of him. I know how hard it is to stay a young man that just wants to go hunting and not get involved in the numbers game. Especially around me, my friend’s. 100” is the topic when it cames to bucks, at get togethers and casual conversations. I do know how this kid does dream of a 100” deer but when I asked him what is was looking for this yr, his response “ just a 3x3 or a good 2 point”. Those words do make me happy. Here are his 4 coues bucks in four yrs Hope you all enjoy
  4. 1 point
    My son now lives in NV and they have a pretty unique tag turn back program. I won’t bore with the details but he was able to grab this late season bull tag. Filled his first bull tag while I was in route to help on the hunt. By the time I got there he had capped and quartered the bull by himself and humped the head and cape off the mountain. Happy to know I taught him a bit. Anyway even though all I go to help with was the meat haul it was a good hike and I couldn’t be happier for him
  5. 1 point
    the auction tag =255" came from the west side i believe. wonder what it would score in a good year?
  6. 1 point
    PRDATR said: "How do you like that call?" Well I have four calls, two FP's, one ICOtec and one WT. Without a doubt, in my mind, the WT has the best sounds but is too dang heavy for this old man to carry around. The CS-24-C is loud and clear and I use it almost always, the other two are back-ups. But to answer your question, I like it - a lot. As to battery life - I don't know, never paid much attention to it, I charge them the day before I go calling and always carry enough extra batteries in case needed. I use EBL 2800 rechargeables from Amazon.
  7. 1 point
    Sweet dude...gorgeous Sam.
  8. 1 point
    I was thinking you were in the 50 units with those red rocks in the background
  9. 1 point
    Thank you for all the help. We were able to get a tripod for her.
  10. 1 point
    Good job. Love your posts bro
  11. 1 point
    Congrats, very nice buck.
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    Congrats! Way to stick with it!
  14. 1 point
    Congrats. Well deserved.
  15. 1 point
    Take your child to South Dakota and have an amazing experience without the stress of the draw and how hard the Kaibab can be. I have 35 points and want my son to shoot “my” Buffalo after I sign over the tag to him, but opted to cut to the chase. You can find a great hunt up there for very little money. Here is my son’s Buffalo he harvested when he was 8 Good stuff
  16. 1 point
    Wow that’s bad butt man
  17. 1 point
    Ummmm.....the classified section here?
  18. 1 point
    Thanks coffeeman yes that was my boy and his cousin you talked to. We definitely struggled to find deer the first couple days but eventually got into a few. We hunted down low the start of the hunt saddle mountain area and didn’t turn up anything. Never saw a deer over 150” entire time up there. ended up with a little 4x on the last morning I will type up a story after work.
  19. 1 point
    4-6 feet high at 400 is 12-18 MOA. You could gorilla tape a potato onto the end of the barrel as a suppressor and not be off by 15 Moa.
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    I'm no marketing guru but adorable puppy pictures may elicit an emotional response you are looking for. This response includes a person shelling out $850. Picture this, a CWT member viewing the aforementioned adorable puppy pictures when a child in the home catches a glimpse of little fuzzy bundles of yellow joy... That child, all of the sudden, needs (can't live without) a lab puppy and it's so close to Christmas.....WHAMO, sold a dog! Everyone knows you don't get a pup on a major holiday, getting them before or after allows them to acclimate to a normal routine, missing or being settled in prior to the chaos of the holiday festivities. Thanks to the microwave oven and on demand this, on demand that, we are also horrible at delaying gratification so your puppies are well-positioned to be in hew homes before Christmas. GLWS
  22. 1 point
    Calm down people. Just wanted to see puppies.
  23. 1 point
    I do not post much , However this lost gun issue has become more frequent. With all due respect , how the f**k do you leave or lose a rifle while hunting... Seriously, please explain why he left it leaning on a fence?? Did he go take a sh*t and not remember he was hunting and had a rifle? Or maybe was carrying a downed animal? There must be some logical reason but i cant image what it is... Please enlighten my dumb butt.
  24. 1 point
    Usually a Ford, Chevy or Dodge product
  25. 1 point
    Darren Freestone has put together another calendar with some great Coues buck photos! The photos are excellent and each month of the calendar features the lunar cycle as well as highlighting any important dates regarding the big game draws in Arizona! If you would like to purchase a calendar, visit this link in the CouesWhitetail.com store https://store.coueswhitetail.com/coues-bucks-of-arizona-calendar-by-darren-freestone/