It seems that maybe you aren’t familiar with how the habitat dollars are used. Each year AZGFD authorizes the sale of 3 special commissioner tags for each species to raise money for the Habitat Partnership Fund. The dollars raised from those have to be used for habitat enhancement which includes water hauling.
The HPC fund annually raises about $2.5m. Those funds are available to wildlife organizations for projects. But AZGFD cannot use those dollars for their own projects or personnel. A water hauling project requires a few resources; vehicles, water, trailers, labor, pumps, etc. So when AES or AMDO takes these on, if they can get more of those resources donated the further those dollars go. When you or I can contribute a trailer, truck, fuel, etc and pair that with a coordinated effort from an organization who identifies where the need is (which tanks are empty) and that makes a really successful effort that maximizes the use of those dollars that sportsmen have contributed.
To make this work it takes everyone contributing and pulling together. No one organization, department or group can do this alone. Conservation takes everyone doing what they can and no one can absolve themselves of responsibility based on what they view as another’s responsibility.