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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/07/2021 in all areas

  1. 7 points
    This is my Son, Aaron Altaha Jr., 11 years old, this past weekend was the last weekend of his rifle hunt for deer and he tagged out his 1st deer the day before the last day on 10/30/21. And he was blessed to harvest a Awesome 7x8 Coues buck from the San Carlos Apache Reservation in AZ.
  2. 3 points
    I do not post much , However this lost gun issue has become more frequent. With all due respect , how the f**k do you leave or lose a rifle while hunting... Seriously, please explain why he left it leaning on a fence?? Did he go take a sh*t and not remember he was hunting and had a rifle? Or maybe was carrying a downed animal? There must be some logical reason but i cant image what it is... Please enlighten my dumb butt.
  3. 2 points
    Old Larry Potterfield really took advantage of prices since late last year. Not a fan anymore.
  4. 2 points
    It's amazing someone would buy it at that price.
  5. 2 points
    Really? Hoping someone mitigates the loss is a "dick thing to say"? Losing a $250 rifle sure would be easier to handle than a $5k custom. To the OP, I hope it gets returned. There are good people out there. Too bad it is only about 10% of us.
  6. 1 point
    Big thanks to Clay Goldman at Mogollon Taxidermy for his stellar work,couldnt be happier!
  7. 1 point
    Hey everybody, I'm finally able to announce that I'm starting an archery shop in Tucson. I ended up acquiring Bull Basin Tucson and as of 15Nov it will be renamed to Stick Sniper Archery. Come check it out sometime if you are in the area. We are on Instagram and Facebook as Stick Sniper Archery. Our long term mission is to grow the archery community in southern AZ. Below is an intro video about us. https://vimeo.com/640596023
  8. 1 point
    So my old man at 77 had never killed an elk. He has some serious mobility issues and drew the Champ tag in 4b. Knowing his limitations, he went in having decided on the first bull he saw. He spotted this guy about five minutes after legal shooting light and the rest is history. Great end to a great hunt and a fun weekend. We are beyond thrilled. My 70 year old mom tagged her first elk this year also. It was pretty magical getting to be there for them both this year. Sorry about the sideways pics
  9. 1 point
    I have 28 factory Hornady 147m loaded rounds and 12 pieces of once fired brass. I will sell them for $100 Picked up on Peoria Whitey
  10. 1 point
    Sure hope the shop stays the same…
  11. 1 point
    I'll trade you 5 rounds of .38 special for all of it.
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
    idk, with his post history i assume he was attempting to be a dick as well
  15. 1 point
    Oh man, not much of a story teller! The AZ bull was about a 250 yard shot, had to sneak up behind by climbing a small mountain and getting perched on a rock ledge up above it. HARD going for me! Double foot drop and bad legs. The Utah one was a short stalk to a knoll and there were 3 bulls and about 40 cows up on a large smooth mountain/hill. That was about a 700 yard shot and getting up the incline to it was a real bear for me... My son was with me on both hunts and was invaluable in helping out. He tagged out in Utah within hours of me. Hope to repay the favor some day when he gets drawn in AZ (a gazzilion bonus points, should happen very soon)
  16. 1 point
    Man this heat is no joke today...what a terrible way to start a hunt. 91° In November 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ Just does and fawns for me. I had friends glass up 8 bucks but I haven’t heard back from them after they said they were going after them.
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    My little brother (zackcarp) and his wife found this buck. Unfortunately opening day we got the news that our dad had passed away so we left thinking we were done. Fortunately i was able to return with some friends a couple days later and make it happen. I know that I had my dads help getting it done. This buck will be known as my Dads buck from here on. I got my passion for hunting from my dad and am doing my best to pass it on to my daughters.
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
    Split the difference go with a 7mm rem mag
  21. 1 point
    Dam nice 3...let's go Branden . Congrats
  22. 1 point
    Get an early coues tag in a southern unit, carry a rifle , and they will fly up your pant leg and cause you to poop your pants. Works every time for me. When I lived in Vail and went after them with my Brit , it was hit or miss for me. Beautiful birds.... good luck!
  23. 1 point
    I got a golden eagle on a different waterhole...it likes to go hop into the water and take a bath and then sit on the cement and dry off.
  24. 1 point
    It seems that maybe you aren’t familiar with how the habitat dollars are used. Each year AZGFD authorizes the sale of 3 special commissioner tags for each species to raise money for the Habitat Partnership Fund. The dollars raised from those have to be used for habitat enhancement which includes water hauling. The HPC fund annually raises about $2.5m. Those funds are available to wildlife organizations for projects. But AZGFD cannot use those dollars for their own projects or personnel. A water hauling project requires a few resources; vehicles, water, trailers, labor, pumps, etc. So when AES or AMDO takes these on, if they can get more of those resources donated the further those dollars go. When you or I can contribute a trailer, truck, fuel, etc and pair that with a coordinated effort from an organization who identifies where the need is (which tanks are empty) and that makes a really successful effort that maximizes the use of those dollars that sportsmen have contributed. To make this work it takes everyone contributing and pulling together. No one organization, department or group can do this alone. Conservation takes everyone doing what they can and no one can absolve themselves of responsibility based on what they view as another’s responsibility.
  25. 0 points