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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/12/2021 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    I am so proud of my boys, even my 6 year old. They really put in the work to have an amazing hunt. Their tag was in 5bs/6A we signed up for the youth camp that the Elk Society was putting on there. They really do a great job with all of the youth camps. They teach the kids so much and everyone there is always so happy for the kids and willing to help. We also stayed in one of the bunk houses that they have there and the kids thought that was really cool. We got into them right away my oldest got his down around 10am and my middle son got his around 5:30pm. We hiked altogether about 12 miles. It was a long day but well worth it. They were really rutting hard, a few times we were on a herd the bulls were surrounding the cows so I was nervous for them to shoot, but it all worked out. It was really fun experience it as a family. We live in queen creek and luckily Miller's Southwestern Processing was there. They are nice and very efficient. (It wouldn't let me upload all of the family pictures for some reason)
  2. 4 points
    Couple still in velvet last week
  3. 3 points
    Might not be too many members here need this service but maybe you have friends that would like to use it. The Phoenix Silhouette club will be at Ben Avery running a sight in service this Wednesday through Saturday starting at 7:00 AM till 2:30 PM. It cost $10 for the first rifle and $10 for the second rifle after that its $5 a rifle. Heck come drop in anytime and for $10 we will probably let you do your own work if you like, far more relaxing than main range. We will be at the small bore range and it is only a 100 yard range.
  4. 3 points
    Two boxes 140.00 for both.
  5. 3 points
    After missing at first light on opening day and spending Saturday jockeying with other hunters, my son punched his tag Sunday morning. Second cow tag he’s filled and he turns 12 Wednesday. Aside from the tag being filled, it was a great hunt. He got to see bulls sparring and we were right in a lot of bugling still. He’s able to handle most of the gates finally which was a huge plus for me. I hiked him up and down some steep stuff and into and out of some thick nasty stuff, and he packed out a front quarter even that was probably half his body weight. Beyond proud. Now the processing fun begins. Huge thanks to Dave and all the ADA volunteers for a great camp. You do an amazing job. sorry for the sideways pic
  6. 2 points
    Grandson Ryan had a 34a youth tag this year. We missed opening morning because of his job. Got to the Gardner canyon area around noon, set up camp and got out for the evening. Saw one doe. Sat morning I glassed up 2 bucks and 3 does. The bigger buck bedded down at 300 yards at 7:30 , while the others went over a ridge. A few minutes later a doe walked by the tree where we saw the buck was bedded. She stared into the tree where he was, and as luck would have it, he got up and followed her up the ridge. When the buck stopped at 350, I told him to hold 2 in. over his back. At the shot, he staggered a few steps, and went down. He was super excited to say the least, but the pack out took most of that away. 4 hours after boning the deer out and packing back to camp, all was good. That deer lived in the steepest , nastiest canyon possible…or so it seemed to this 72 year old, while huffing and puffing him out. Beautiful country though. The grasshoppers down there are HUGE, and they eat meat!
  7. 2 points
    During the muzzy hunt would you shoot one of these?
  8. 2 points
    Yeah definitely not a crankbait for old wrists!
  9. 2 points
    This "Lost Long Range Rifle" was found in its case so maybe bounced out of the back of a UTV. 50 some years ago, dad and I left a .22 rifle leaning against the jeep after lunch and some plinking. I was probably 9 years old but got the blame. Remington replaced the rifle. A couple years ago I took my pistol off my belt during a nature call. I set it on a limb and it fell out of sight. Due to fatigue, I left the camp thinking it was already in my bags. Went back a week later and found it. Yeah, chit happens.
  10. 2 points
    Thanks for asking. We got into elk almost every day of our 12 day hunt. Unfortunately, she only has a 45 yard bow range, and we had bulls at 60 - 75 yards on a few different occasions. Had some cows in closer between 30 - 50 yards. Lots of bugling, but mainly at dark, just before dark, and just after sunrise. They shut down during the day. She had bugling elk coming in a few mornings and a couple of evenings. So, a lot of encounters, and excitement, but she never got to shoot. It was an awesome hunt nonetheless. We have a YouTube Channel called Catch n' Dinner. We'll be editing the footage from the hunt and posting soon if you want to check it out. My CO archery bull hunt is up already. Harvested a nice 5 x 5 just before we left for Arizona. Here's a link to the video.
  11. 1 point
    Withdrawn. It's a controlled round feed like pre-64s. FTF near Shea and the 51.
  12. 1 point
    Can I add the dept shouldn't be allowed to auction or raffle a single tag if there are max point holders in line
  13. 1 point
    Thank you Andrew for your interest and submitting recommendations for the 2023-2028 hunt guidelines. I read all your recommendations. You definitely have a lot of good points, but with all due respect, I believe we have to be careful recommending some things because somethings usually never are reinstated once taken away. I’m referring to just a few things. 1. Eliminating crossbows as allowable archery equipment isn’t something I would recommend but I’m ok with tightening requirements for obtaining a crossbow. 2. I’m not in favor of restricting hunting over manmade water. 3. I wouldn’t recommend reducing archery elk season to 1 week. Like I said, once taken away, usually we never get reinstated what we’ve lost. Just my humble opinion. TJ🙂
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    I think at some point every one has it happen usually not a gun .we find gloves and such all the time I've found several trial cams in 23 before must have bounced out of a sxs .my dad lost a spotting scope in 6a one minute its in his pack next its gone lucky it was cheap.on my first elk hunt I lost my wallet we were on quads and covered lots of ground i shot a cow and was home when I figured it out I had to go back up and hike all the spots we had been brought my rifle just in case I ran into some cridders and on the last trial I found it next to a pile of bear shoot.lesson learned don't carry wallet on hunts and check your zippers and the ground around you before you make a move.
  16. 1 point
    I run a older 3rd gen to hunt with. It's been through it all and keeps plugging away.
  17. 1 point
    Yes, I’m laughing at you. You spoke of a pathfinder and a 4Runner in the same paragraph. They can’t even be compared. A Lexus IS nice….
  18. 1 point
    I have left my rifle behind twice and my bow once. It is usually code talk as in i/we need one more day to hunt. And its the only surefire way to get a yard pass for one more day from the Mrs.
  19. 1 point
    Pretty fucking close ahole.
  20. 1 point
    It felt like 5 days of hunting in one day. Lol
  21. 1 point
    My buddy found this set today. Did 8 miles
  22. 1 point
    It’s a lot of fun watching kid have success.
  23. 1 point
    All 6 bucks we saw this morning were In velvet
  24. 1 point
    Well, we hiked 9 miles. Only saw a couple young bucks. I found 3 drop antlers and my brother in law scored on a giant bighorn ram dead head. We eliminated a lot of country and scratched an itch I’ve had for awhile. On to the next.
  25. 1 point
    You suggested some interesting ideas. I don't agree with all of them, but definitely 80%. Great job!!!