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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/26/2021 in Posts

  1. 6 points
    Nice to see a bad guy get some real time for their crimes. It’s be nice if our state game laws carried more weight. Poaching 4B bulls should carry prison time.
  2. 6 points
    I'd like to think that Del and HogHunter are popping a few tops together.
  3. 4 points
    Oh boy, this sounds serious!
  4. 4 points
    Honestly I thought the same as lance. Thought he was an old dude just based off the things he said. I thought he was straight from the 60s with some of his comments. Some days he made me laugh, some days he just pissed me off, and then eventually made me laugh again. But most of all I saw how much he loved his kids and how proud of them he was. Although he was for sure a polarizing individual if there is a legacy I would want to leave behind it's gonna be the same as him, the love I had for my family. Whether you loved him or hated him one thing you could never take away from the guy was how much he loved his kiddos. For that I will most definitely raise a drink in his honor tonight. Rest in piece delw.
  5. 3 points
    If there is one thing I noticed, he always said what he felt. I respect that. We had some pm's after a couple of my hunts. We were to meet for beers but never got around to it. Channeling my inner delw. I hope where you are now is fukn awsme
  6. 2 points
    Unit 10? Tons of mulies in there. Now I am wondering if there is a troll around.
  7. 2 points
    But wait..... There's more..... Insert "kicking the dead horse emoji here" Somehow ran across his name again and found some more recent stuff. This is not all of it, just what a quick search turned up. Real short story is: He didn't skate with a small fine and probation. Feds indicted him on 2018 after his initial AZ problems came to light. Defendant pled guilty in the predecessor case to one count of possessing a firearm as a convicted felon. Defendant was sentenced in October 2019 to 46 months in prison. He is serving but has appealed. Appeals were denied on all counts on May, 20th, 2020 United States v. McReynolds Earlier case CR-18-08052 8 pending Federal charges Count 1. Possession of a firearm and ammo while a convicted felon Counts 2&3 killing or harassing wild burros Count 4 providing guiding services in violation of federal law Count 5 taking and transporting a mule deer from Grand Canyon National Park Count 6 taking and transporting elk antlers from Grand Canyon National Park Counts 7&8 structuring financial transactions at a financial institution to evade reporting requirements. https://www.casemine.com/judgement/us/5ed5dd5f4653d0348fdf7a6c https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/14543469/parties/united-states-v-mcreynolds/ Older AZ prison history https://www.publicpolicerecord.com/arizona/doc-prisoner/LOREN_MCREYNOLDS/190891
  8. 2 points
    He shares a FB with his wife. Hes been notified.
  9. 2 points
    Or pulled from a canal in Weldon.
  10. 2 points
    Although fairly common today to see WT in the area, 30 years ago it was not so common. I remember seeing my first elk (cow & calf) in 17a up on juniper mesa in 1986 and thought that was weird at the time. Now it is pretty common to see elk in the unit. Used to be much more common to see a lot more mule deer up north than elk but not anymore. Some species have expanded and improved while others like the mule deer have declined. I was born and raised in this state and spent a lot of time camping and fishing. Started hunting in 77-78 but I didn't see my first elk until 1983. Arizona is constantly evolving.
  11. 2 points
    are you wondering what sort of giant put that "golf ball" on top of that mountain out that way too haha
  12. 1 point
    I have reloading components that I’d be willing to donate to anyone who has a child/ren with big game tags this year and finding it difficult to obtain these components. I have powder, bullets, primers, and brass. I live in AZ and happy to deliver or ship components at my expense. I’m so sick and tired of these businesses and some folks on here ripping people off and gouging us for supplies. My kids have several tags this year and know how difficult it is to find what is needed to ensure they have ammo to hunt with. Here are the cartridges I reload for. If you need anything for your kid/s hunt, please send me a PM 6.5-284 6.5 PRC 270 Win 7mm Mag 300 win Mag 30 Nosler
  13. 1 point
    Killin coues in CaveCreek area since the 80s Use to find lots of bucks thru the Mc Dowells.
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    Killed my first Coues about 40 years ago at 2500ft elevation in a drainage that fed into the Verde river below Bartlett. Seen coues bucks from the pavement going to canyon lake in summer 20 years ago. Killed a coues close to the water at Apache lake 10 years ago. They have been in low elevations for a long time now. Kent
  17. 1 point
    Here’s a few clips of mountain lions I combined. All in Southern Arizona. I love this camera model, the Browning Recon Force Advantage.
  18. 1 point
    I enjoy the Firewater. Which is why I named my side hustle that.
  19. 1 point
    There’s a ton of white tail around there
  20. 1 point
    I’m not too worried about people taking advantage of the situation. I figure there are funner ways to go to he11, than ripping off a guy trying to help kids. 🤣 to my knowledge this has helped 3 kids so far. I can’t take all the credit, there are others who are helping
  21. 1 point
    I didn’t pick one up actually. I had a few in my cart but decided I didn’t need more projects. I did pickup a bare action a while ago and built a 7/300Win and of course now I need a bolt stop when everyone else does also and my supply is gone.
  22. 1 point
    Kyackers need to learn maritime law.. Nice fish , willow?
  23. 1 point
    It always seems like the bulls are going better the second week when I’ve hunted, but I’m sure there are plenty of exceptions and lots of factors. I can’t hunt opening weekend this year and will probably be out Tue or Wed through the end of the hunt. If I had to pick one or the other my gut feeling would opening weekend then come back for the second week.
  24. 1 point
    I don't think they were defending him as much as just defending "innocent until proven guilty", which he still is, until the trial or he confesses. Remeber when the G&F busted one of their own officers and ended up having to give him $100,000? And he still got to keep his job and the elk and his hunting privledges. The Govt can **** up a Royal Flush. I think a year or two later they actually gave him an award for best fish cop or something like that. Same guy hid in the bushes at some ungodly hour so he could nab a grandpa and his grand child a give them a ticket for some minor waterfowl technicality. If they find him guilty or he confesses, jail time should served along with a fine. The licence revocation and restitution for the game illegally killed is a seperate civil issue handled by the commission and/or a civil trial.
  25. 1 point
    Lol. I got $500 that says that buck never left the park.