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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/21/2021 in all areas

  1. 5 points
    Feast or famine. At 74, I've seen this cycle before. Gov't has poured trillions of $$ into the economy to defeat the effects of bad debt management and COVID. Unless they plan on MUCH worse inflation than now, it will come to a halt and the cycle will turn. To those who need a job done, if you can wait, be patient. To those who have more work than they can use, save some for a rainy day, The worm turns! Just one old man's viewpoint.
  2. 5 points
  3. 4 points
    That's crazy. I remember riding my bike to Yelow Front and bought my dad a box of .22 ammo for Father's Day. It was about $1 or so.
  4. 3 points
    On a related note, but not on topic, my adult daughter gave me this today. It's etched into the mug. Pretty kewl me thinks, but only a chance for a cow this year so my pursuit of a bull continues. Eddie
  5. 3 points
  6. 3 points
  7. 2 points
    A few months ago I sorta teased about needing a taxidermist for a lion. and now the rest of the story..... My brother is relatively new to serious hunting. He does have a few deer under his belt but has not been "serious" about hunting until the last few years. In the last few years he has been fortunate enough to have some pretty good success on the predator trail though. To date he has several doubles both fox and coyotes and even a 1 day Az trifecta (coyote, fox and bobcat all in the same day). Considering he only goes out a couple times a year he is doing pretty well. In March we made a run up to Strawberry to do some work on our cabin. We were hoping to get a day of calling in but with a big weather front coming in and the cabin work taking longer than expected our plans got a little derailed. Regardless of not being done with the work, we set out early(not really) to try to get in a couple stands before the wind got ridiculous. Big winds of 15-25 mph were predicted for most of the day. First stand, big beautiful area that should have produced. Nothing. DRY DRY DRY everywhere so not too high of hopes on seeing critters. Second stand was right next to one of the few water holes that had water. on our approach we kicked out a couple ducks. Made a big racket. They dive-bombed us a couple times showing their displeasure as well. Coolest sound ever. I don;t remember what kind of ducks they were but I have never seen them before. So I get my brother set up and I head around to set up the call and get in position. I turn on the call and start to get.. BAM!!!! 5 friggin seconds in he shoots! I keep calling for another 15 minutes and nothing. I stand up and look over and he gives me the thumbs up. I walk over and dead coyote. I don;t know if that thing was heading to water and just had the worst timing in the world or if he was camped there and jumped up when the call started but whatever, dead coyote. So we gather him up and head for our next stand. Wind is howling by now. We head down into a canyon and set up by a dry waterhole. With the canyon set the way it was and the wind blowing we only had 1 approach for coyotes. They would have to come straight over a mt against the wind. Easy path to circle around us and wind us. Pretty much a dead stand but we tried anyway. about 12 minutes in I gave up and was about to call it when I saw a flash on the hillside. Sure enough a coyote was trotting across the hill and heading to my right to circle us. I quickly adjusted and tried to get a shot. No dice. I thought about jumping up to catch him circling but was really just too lazy to do so. I sat and watched for a few minutes just in case he was stupid enough to take a short cut. He didn't. My brother was to my left and saw me shift and get on the scope so he also shifted and was watching the hill. The call was about 50 yds in front of him in a bush. As we stared at the mt for about 3 minutes we heard a big crash. My first thought was "dang wind just blew the call out of the bush". I look to my left at the call and... WHAT THE HECK???????????? What is that? cat. ITS A CAT!!!! LION!!!!!!!!!!!! Dang lion was on its hind legs stretching up in the bush swatting at the caller! I start my swing left and BAM!!!! My brother shoots. Lion flops and is down. I am on it now. Lion starts to get back up so I shoot to anchor it. "click" Not kidding. I had nothing in the chamber. For those of you who know my history with lions this is REALLY funny. For those of you who don't know, this is pretty much status quo for me and lions. It is truly a comedy of errors so many times. Fortunately my brother is a better student than I am a teacher so he fires again. Dead lion. I started screaming like a little girl "LIOOOOOOOOON!!!!!! We got a Liooooooon"!!!! I really don't know why as it was far from my first. but probably because it was so unexpected. And it was really cool that my brother was threre The best part....we had TWO cameras running. The worst part...BOTH cameras failed. I HATE tacticam. With a violent passion I HAAAATE them. They have let me down more times than I can count. Turns out he didn't need the second shot. Both shots were double lung kill shots. I wish he hadn't taken the 2nd shot because skinning it was a drag. it was like skinning a bag of chunky pudding. So now he pretty much just needs a bear to finish of his Az predator list. Not bad for a "novice". G&F says 5-6yr old female. It was the last lion for the unit before it closed. Overall a good day. Thanks to Adam for help with prepping it for tanning.
  8. 2 points
  9. 2 points
    Game and fish thought they had problems with conflicts at water holes, just wait till guys start stealing or destroying cams to “help” enforce this ban. There will be violence. I see problems going way up.
  10. 2 points
    Yes. Lol, there's alot of 3x and 4x rag horns. Hope for snow then some better bulls will push of the rim.. And double what biggybrowns said..
  11. 2 points
    I just got estimates from 3 small time guys... all were 6-8 months out. good luck. you can probably take a masonry class at local Jr College in 3 months
  12. 2 points
    I'll be up there too with my father in law. Holler if you need help.
  13. 2 points
    Unfortunately I'm swamped and turn down 30% of offered jobs from people I know and 100% from those I don't. I don't know anyone that's not hammered and if you try and pass a job off on them they say no. Bad time for folks looking for sidejobers. I had 1 friend job I put off all spring and finally did it a couple weeks ago before it got hot, a back yard patio. When the neighbors saw the concrete truck I was mobbed and had to tell them I don't do backyard jobs, it was for a friend. Tough to see their disappointment... I'm 64 and this is my last year. Kent
  14. 2 points
    For the record I though guilds we’re lame before it was cool.
  15. 2 points
    No Not even close. this site reminds me of the last days of basszone now. Few classifieds and one off topic ramble thread.
  16. 2 points
    Why Nuke a thread? I never understood that type of thinking, unless it was porn or talking about someones kids I just dont see any legitimate reason.. isnt it the same as the Cancel culture ?. someone gets there feelings hurt or doesn't like something so it needs to be nuked or lock?
  17. 2 points
    They are so concerned with the stress of the animals but yet they scheduled hunt after hunt after hunt. Its non stop hunting from Aug to the end of Jan.
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    I think I mentioned before in this thread but this will really hurt the smaller and less established guys. There are lots of guys that have 9 to 5's that rely heavily on trailcams because they don't have the time to scout. Most bigger outfits with established reputations and that have full time guys won't be hurt as much.. if at all. They'll just have to put a lot more time in the field scouting and that will cause prices to go up. I say most because there are a couple big very established outfits that rely a lot on trailcams and this will definitely hurt them. It'll depend a lot on species too. Elk hunts will go up. Coues hunts will go up. Muley hunts south of the ditch shouldn't really be effected. Antelope hunts won't go up. Of course that will all depend on the outfitter too. Some guys might spread rate increases across all their hunts and some will just raise rates on the hunts most effected. What ends up happening on the strip will be very interesting to see. It's an entirely different world up there. In the end, the outfitters some people want to see hurt and taken down a few notches by this, won't be hurt at all. The little guys that aren't part of the trailcam "problem" will be hurt and maybe put out of business. That's usually what happens with more government regulation.
  20. 1 point
    My brothers and I made this for my Dad. Its from a deer he shot many years ago. The wood is from a 100+ yr old cotton wood cut down from his fathers house. He's never had anything mounted as its not his style so we wanted to do something for him.
  21. 1 point
    An account I read said the first water over the Roosevelt Dam was.used for the ship's christening. https://www.azcentral.com/story/life/az-narratives/2014/12/04/uss-arizona-pearl-harbor-history/19788563/
  22. 1 point
    We probably don't need a copy of it if you log in and it's already not there....that probably means Stan was able to delete the member and related messages before you logged in to check it out. Thanks for your quick action Stan! but if you get an email about a private message and it seems it has not been taken care of, then you can let Stan or I know and we can take care of it. Thank you.
  23. 1 point
    Its ya’lls fault for drivin those F250s, Cummins and Duranax Climate change monsters instead of a lavender Scented Prius Sincerely, Beijing Biden.
  24. 1 point
    Those Berger 215 Hybrids seem to be the holy grail these days. I've been looking daily for months and can't get anyone to part with any. I put in a call to Berger the other day about them and was told that they are on the high priority list for a giant run of them in the very near future. Fingers crossed.
  25. 1 point
    More than last year and 2022 will be more than 2021, 2023 will be more than 2022, and so on. Population is growing.