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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/15/2021 in Posts

  1. 5 points
  2. 4 points
    I forgot to add something to my long boring post from earlier. I completely disagree with this idea that the commission is somehow corrupt. What in the world do any of them have to gain from a trailcam ban? Some might say they're influenced by the cattle growers association. Ok... to what end? Free steaks?... lol. At the very worst, they're old school guys that want to see the old ways of hunting preserved. Does that amount to a conspiracy? No. I think we need to not let the national political climates influence on our thinking impede simple logic. Leave the conspiracy mindset on social media.
  3. 3 points
    Getting a little moisture just north of us!!!
  4. 3 points
    Been flying ole' glory 24/7/365 (yes it's lighted at night) for many years now.
  5. 2 points
    I drew a 5BS archery tag. I plan on heading up there the week of the 26th just to get reacquainted with the unit. I haven't hunted there in about 6 years.
  6. 2 points
    Hijack much? You got some sort of proof of 200k missing ballots? Start another thread to show that proof? (I honestly would love to see it... lol)
  7. 2 points
    You're too kind. It's easy to make a flag error. Years ago my son pointed out that the flag patches on our karate associations uniforms worn on the right shoulder were facing the wrong direction. He said as worn we were in retreat and not advancing. He was right.
  8. 2 points
    How about those 200k missing ballots from the audit
  9. 2 points
    Why would you let a low life liberal like Biden keep you from fling your flag. Its still America we just have to fight a little harder to get it back..
  10. 2 points
    I wouldn't be surprised if this becomes like the seat belt law. Rarely does anyone get pulled over just because they don't have a seat belt on if they are not doing anything else wrong. But the police certainly can use it as a reason to pull you over and will also tack it on. I can see the fish cops or whoever is enforcing this to use it in a similar manner. Mostly as a way to put an end to SOME of the fighting and territorial behavior. As i said many months ago, this is all about some hunters not being able to manage themselves. We caused this. Ego and internet fame. Its not about hunting.
  11. 2 points
    I made the decision yesterday not to comment anymore because at that point I felt it was a waste of time. There was another reason though. I was tired of arguing with people that I would agree with on nearly every other topic. Debate is good until it's destructive. At this point I feel like it's getting destructive. I'm commenting again because I feel like I can offer something positive, otherwise I wouldn't comment. Whenever you're dealing with an issue like this with two opposing sides, you have to ask yourself what each side stands to benefit. This is especially true if you're on the fence like I ended up being. That has been my approach. In this case there are really 3 sides if you add wildlife into the equation. Leading up to the commissions decision, I definitely leaned anti ban for three reasons. I don't believe in more laws, I didn't think it was enforceable and I worried about unintended consequences... which there are many. Before the meeting, both sides here made compelling arguments. As the debate progressed and considering how a ban would effect me, I drifted towards the middle. I still had concerns... (still do)... but they were less about trailcams and more about unintended consequences. Then I watched the meeting. At that point I could honestly say I was just an objective observer. The pro ban folks didn't pull me to their side or push me away. It was zero sum. Admittedly I get very worried anytime the anti's and hunters are on the same side. Especially the Humane Society. The pro ban hunters (the only ones on that side that matter to me) really don't stand to gain anything. One can question their motivation though and I think many want a ban simply because they hate guides. But in the end, they don't gain anything. The anti ban guys on the otherhand (some) TOTALLY turned me off. Some were respectful, made good arguments and were compelling. I was totally impressed with how Mike Ornoski handled himself. Russ Richardson was another I liked. Some on the otherhand were totally disrespectful, came off as totally self-serving and did nothing but hurt their cause. I know a few of them personally and want to maintain friendly relations so I won't name names. My advice to anyone interested in getting more involved in the political side of hunting would be to silence those guys and keep them from trying to represent you. They will ONLY hurt any cause they are involved in. I wish the outfitters and guides from both sides would have steered clear and not commented. No matter how pure their intentions might be, in a situation like this where guides are seen by many as the problem, they will appear corrupted by self interest. It's a sad fact but it's true. Finally the commission. They may have already had their minds made up. But I don't have an issue with that. Any chance of them voting on option 2 was shot to he!! by those who insulted them. It still blows my mind. It may have been a slim chance but after those comments... there was ZERO chance. The MOST important side in all of this is the wildlife. One can argue whether or not wildlife was helped by this. I think in most parts of the state wildlife will benefit. Especially where I hunt most in the desert. I worry about the "handful of units" because I think this will add human presence not lessen it. The most important thing is this didn't hurt wildlife in any way. That makes me happy. I think in the long run hunters will benefit. More time in the field makes you a better hunter. Theres no arguing that fact. Anyone that is forced out of the outdoors by this is only a benefit in the long run. If you can't get your butt out there and hunt without sitting water and using trailcams, you need to question why you hunt. Except of course those with mobility issues. I think they should make an exception for CHAMP hunters for sure. One thing that hasn't been talked about much is how the commission is keeping things like this out of the legislature and out the ballot box. There is no question that we want the legislature or non-hunting public out of wildlife management. They have no business making decisions about wildlife. That will benefit all of us. Sorry so long but that is my take. I think each of us needs to continue to question our own motives continually and remind ourselves that we always need to do what's best for wildlife and to preserve our hunting culture. Once the results come out, this will all calm down. Please remember that we are all on the same side in the end. Leave your animus on the thread when you walk away. Good luck to everyone in the draw!!!
  12. 2 points
  13. 1 point
    I have a bunch of various used camo. One poncho and an ABU top from my sons Old Air Force Academy uniform.38L Two sets of of Large wool long underwear from my Army issue in 1993. No holes or tears stuff keeps ya warm. A Large BDU top. Then just various lightweight camo in XL some L. I’m 6’1”. 36 inch waist. Some of this was my sons when he was 5’11 32 waist. it’s all in a garbage sack. I’ll hang onto it for a week and then it’s off to good will.
  14. 1 point
    Looking for someone that can tape and do texturing on drywall. My son did some remodeling at his house and could use some help. Thanks
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
    Love happy ending, gonna be some great pups.
  18. 1 point
    It's always Flag Day at my house.
  19. 1 point
    Yup, I’m flying mine. Flying it because it’s Flag Day, and I’m proud to honor the flag. (I didn’t think it was to honor the president….) Are you not flying yours because Biden got elected??
  20. 1 point
    Good American.. cant believe they have a rainbow flag emoji but not an American flag , commies
  21. 1 point
    I too forgot today was Flag Day...no matter who is in office.
  22. 1 point
    Aztroutman........ seems 90 % of your time on cwt since March had been trail camera posts or comments. Are you even a hunter? Seem to be a know it all about nothing!
  23. 1 point
    I’ll take both pounds.
  24. 1 point
    This was a personal agenda based on their idea of fair chase...... AZGFD controls all tags, manages success rate of bowhunters (20% harvest of rifle hunters- season closes deer) - just look at all the closed units this year- harvest will always be roughly the same for all big game animals, as they issue and manage each year all tag allocations based on hunter success and unit conditions. Just look at the history over a time... For me the biggest disappointment and was truly disgusting as a Sportsman who values open minded discussions and conservation through the North American model. Witnessing each commissioner pull out and a read their pre-written statements of excuses why fair chase was needed to help wildlife and vote the complete ban of trail camera - Yuck!! Almost made made me throw up sitting there witnessing it. I lost all respect for the commission as the open public comment discussion was just a process and was on death ears and their facial expressions showed . Additionally, The Emergency rule to open the rule making to the Governor was requested to protect the lives of sportsman and fellow citizens. Not once did they address public safety. Looks like Sir Royal was correct- the trail camera ban was a self created political agenda..... What am I missing here..... All they talked about was Fair chase with the new definition. Its interesting as all technologies will guide in a quarry's ability to elude detection- What is overwhelmed mean?? Since I use my 15x 56 swaro and spot n stalk and harvest the javelina, deer or elk... looks like I am now guilty as the critter was not able to elude detection? I found it and went and harvested it with a valid tag....... Yup a bit frustrated.... Fair Chase is the ethical, sportsmanlike and lawful pursuit and taking of free-range wildlife in a manner that does not give a hunter or an angler improper or unfair advantage over such wildlife. Fair Chase has been embraced as the proper conduct of a sportsman/sportswoman in the field and has been taught to new hunters for more than a century. It pays respect to the traditions of hunting and angling by emphasizing the development of an individual’s skills rather than reliance on practices or technologies that overwhelm the quarry’s ability to elude detection or take. In many situations, Fair Chase is not something that is enforceable by law. Rather it should be guided by each person’s own ethical compass, which compels them to do the right thing when no one else is watching—even when doing the wrong thing is legal. AZGFD
  25. 1 point
    Thanks again everyone. I’m not usually social about stuff but thought this might be the time and place. Again, thank you all. Life sucks but this messed up dysfunctional family here really helps!! Honestly it does.