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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/12/2021 in all areas

  1. 9 points
    I'm gonna regret this, but here goes... I've gotten two "once in a lifetime" permits- early bull in unit 10, and deer in unit 13B. Unit 10- I hunted the BigBo, after spending 20 man days scouting and 200 miles of boots on the ground scouting. It was the best hunt I ever had. My son and I both got great bulls, and I met several guided hunters who had not even seen a good bull. It felt like I knew almost as much as the guides did (surely I didn't, but it felt like it). No game cameras anywhere. Unit 13- I spent 18 days scouting and hunting the unit. There were game camera "traffic jams" on every water hole. The guides knew every buck in the unit, and their runners were all over. It felt like any buck in the unit had snipers waiting for them. Just how it felt- not anywhere near the hunt I had hoped for. Honestly, for 90% of hunt units, I never thought game cameras were even a factor in the hunts. But in high trophy units with high-stakes guides in play, it sure seemed different.
  2. 9 points
    This is a huge kick in the balls to all the DIY coues deer hunters who like to run cameras far from the road. This ban will not change pressure on animals in Southern AZ. It will not change success rates. The only effect it will have on southern Arizona is that it will take away something that a bunch of us coues deer hunters really enjoy and cherish. My biggest passion outside of my family and hunting, is tracking coues deer ntler growth through their life cycles. Now I have to choose between giving up one of my passions and potentially being seen as a criminal if I hunt in the area of one of my cameras. I completely understand the need to regulate, but a statewide ban will always be viewed by me as a lazy way to throw a statewide blanket over a northern problem. To me it is similar to sending all the kids in class to detention because a few of the kids are being disruptive. For those of you on this forum that are arguing in support of this ban, how many of you are even coues deer hunters? This is a coues forum, and unfortunately most of the real coues deer hunters that used to frequent this site have all moved on to greener pastures. How many of you guys arguing in support of the ban actually spend time in traditional coues deer units and not just northern units where this is a problem. I ask this question because it seems like so many of you who are in support of this have no problem taking them away from everybody, yet you aren't even aware of how little issues there are in most units. Why wouldn't a ban on water have been sufficient? Why wouldn't a ban in the problem units have been sufficient for now?
  3. 8 points
    They are so concerned with the stress of the animals but yet they scheduled hunt after hunt after hunt. Its non stop hunting from Aug to the end of Jan.
  4. 6 points
    To me, this will be all but unenforceable. A waste of time. It needed to be black or white. This is as grey as you can get.
  5. 6 points
    Because guys get butthurt when women kill bigger game than them.
  6. 5 points
    I don't think anyone would argue this. Obviously 13B and A, the Bab, 9 and 10 (not on the Big Bo) are the trail cam problem areas. The issue with the ban lies with the rest of the state to the south where there isn't this trail cam congestion.
  7. 5 points
    My woman is a dang good hunter... and would take one look at this site and say it's full of a$$holes. I know because she calls me one daily.
  8. 4 points
    Anyone want to buy about 20 trail cameras? LOL I hope whatever lawsuits filed or yet to be filed have an effect and the decision is reversed. Ridiculous. Jeff
  9. 3 points
    This is where I fall on the issue. Should have started with the units that have the obvious camera problems. Frankly, there isn't a camera problem outside of those specific units. I am kind of excited about hunting the Kaibab without the camera checkers everywhere.... if only I could draw a tag for myself!
  10. 3 points
    The irony here is that you took over one of the largest fishing forums in the country and ran it into the ground. Now you spend your time trolling on one of the last thriving outdoor related forums which is managed and created by a woman. Do you tell your Marine Daugher that she belongs in the kitchen?
  11. 2 points
    The domino which will start the chain reaction dividing the hunting community? I enjoyed the comments and arguments on both side of this issue. The fair chase issue was the strongest in my opinion. Animal rights groups are the biggest winner today.
  12. 2 points
    Because they're required to by their own rules. If they could get around it I think they would
  13. 2 points
    But it says nothing about me running cameras and telling you where the 140 Coues lives. Too vague, not enforceable and going to open up a can of worms similar to Coconino's road closures nightmare. If we are going to change the way we hunt, lets do it properly or not at all.
  14. 2 points
    So true. Honestly, does anyone think there really will be zero cams in 9 or on the strip helping hunters? I think alot of relatives/friends of hardcore hunters will suddenly start taking up some serious "birding/nature watching", and, according to the commission, that is their right!
  15. 2 points
    I kind of figured it was a joke when I saw Jed and the Podcast Joker (Jay) on there
  16. 2 points
    So here are my two bigger items to address with a new barrel. Normally it takes at least 50 rounds for the speeds to get consistent from shot to shot. Some can take more shots depending on quality. Second, is how you get ready for a hunt. Typically I'll clean my gun as good as I want BEFORE the hunt. Then I go to the range and dump no less than 6-10 shots down the tube. Put the gun in the case and don't touch it again until I'm done hunting......or maybe even next hunting season. Having a "seasoned" tube is a huge deal if you want to hit an animal with the first shot at longer distances. 300 yards and under is no bid deal. Past that the details get more important.
  17. 2 points
    This was more about problems in 9 and strip.
  18. 2 points
    I got a good laugh at a few on this list.
  19. 2 points
    I didn't follow this today but from the comments I am guessing they banned them yet left it so anyone but hunters can hang one? If so that is the dumbest thing I ever heard. I was for a ban but this is absolutely one of their finer moments of idiocy. Totally unenforceable IMO.
  20. 2 points
    O, you thought that they would use facts and common sense?
  21. 2 points
  22. 2 points
    Amanda Moor Without her site we'd likely have a Utah style "Sportsmen for Wildlife" organization whoring out a substantial number of AZ's best hunting permits. CWT.com has educated a great many outdoorsmen and women of all ages. Current events affecting AZ outdoors rarely escapes the vigilant members of this site. Backdoor deals usually get sniffed out and are brought to light right here on CWT. Good on you Amanda! Lamel Ellsworth, John Russo, Bob Hirsch, etc., too many to name!
  23. 1 point
    Not quite 40". 32 1/4" wide, 196 3/8", biggest buck in the family.
  24. 1 point
    I have a great and honest guy in my church who does it. We just fixed 3 units at the church. He has helped with my house also. If you need someone super honest in Phoenix let me know and I can give you his info. (I make nothing for suggesting him) dude is really honest and even was featured on a show where they tried to set up a "sting" operation to see how honest AC guys were. He was the only one who said nothing was wrong with the unit. let me know.
  25. 1 point