I went up to the pines last year to get away, shoot the bow, get out of town, drink beer, look for antlers, and just screw off in general. While I was there I started noticing these little sticks under the pine trees. They had all the bark stripped off and I realized the squirrels were doing this. I collected a red solo cup full of them and brought em home and asked the wife unit if she thought she could find a use for them. She loved em and said she would think of something to do with them. She ended up making a cool hangy thing with some colored beads and crafting wire. I loved it. I took her up to the spot recently and we found a few more , but they weren't as prevalent as before. Must be more at different times of the year. You guys ever notice these little sticks? The completed one is the one she made last year and she is making one for the daughter with the ones from this year