Savage/Stevens Model 555 Enhanced
Enhanced is the higher level of this model
Over/ Under 12 GA. Shotgun
Chambered for 2 3/4 or 3.00 shells
Silver engraved Reciever
28 inch barrels
,250 rib with brass bead
comes with 5 choke tubes,
Improved Cylinder
Improved Modified
With choke wrench included
Walnut Stock
Weight is 6lbs 5 oz
Shotgun is vertially brand new, less than 10 rounds through the barrels
1 half inch long scratch on butt stock from taking it out of my safe to advertise it
Awesome engraving on reciever
Asking 600.00
I tried to upload several pics, but some unknow reason, only a couple worked, text me for more pics.