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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/19/2021 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    Gobbled so loud he scared himself..... STC_0008.MOV
  2. 3 points
    My uncle and I drew tags on the Navajo Nation. I made a video and posted it on youtube. Don't judge because its my first video ever!
  3. 2 points
    My family had some tags this spring and I made a video of our javelina hunts. Check out and let me know what you think!
  4. 2 points
    Im blessed to be able to roam gods country on my mule following my hounds. I run into these kills probably more than the average hunter. Here are a few from 2020-2021 for you Coues nuts.
  5. 2 points
    Got My Osceolla Turkey yesterday in the wind and Drizzle here in Florida . Been waiting along time to get this done as I am a Turkey Freak. Still raining today , I'M ready for the Beach. These guys are a smaller bird and quiet too. Luckily it didn't take me long. Looking to hunt Georgia too ! Enjoy...............BOB!
  6. 2 points
    Had both for years and I will never go back to a fiver. Way too much hassle and lost bed space. JMHO Bill
  7. 2 points
    Fifth wheel will give you better stability as it puts all the weight directly over the rear axel. If you go with an Anderson hitch your wife will be able to put the hitch in and take it out and you won’t loose all your bed space.
  8. 2 points
    Just got back great day 4 over 3 lbs and a 2lb slab crappie fish and lots of pickles. And something that towed the boat around for 3 mins. Never came to the service, either a big big cat or a 20lb Florida strain. Who knows now just a fish story. Time to hit the trout..
  9. 1 point
    Tessa and myself just returned from a successful hunt with Heart of Texas Outfitters it was an awesome hunt we saw hundreds of sheep Tessa shot a giant 34 inch super heavy ram . She made a super tuff 575 yard shot down in a deep hole took several hours to pack out through a lot of nasty cat claw . I shot my ram at 600 yards he’s 31.5 and really wide. I missed a ram that may have been bigger than hers . So once again she has the bragging rights
  10. 1 point
    I usually get my first gobbles around 5am which is like 20 minutes before light, but it wouldn't surprise me if they gobbled earlier. The latest that I've gotten a gobble in the evening is like 10 minutes after dark, but most of the time I hear them 30 minutes or less before dark.
  11. 1 point
    I have a b&w hitch on my truck and I love it I can use the gooseneck or 5th wheel really ease or just my bed because the ball it’s a turn over
  12. 1 point
    Bumper hitch is fine for smaller trailers. It is easy to hook up and allows use of the bed. If you tow alot or tow larger trailers Gooseneck or 5th wheel adapter to gooseneck is the way to go. They tow much better and maneuver better. I have towed with GN and bumper. My toyhauler is small at about 22' so bumper is ok for that. It I was going bigger though I would be looking for a 5th wheel and use the GN tower like pictured above.
  13. 1 point
    Same hitch I have and it is easy to install and remove. It also tows better than the standard fifth wheel. I had a tongue pull and would never go back. Less storage and it does not tow near as good. Just my opinion.
  14. 1 point
    Goose necks aren't 5th wheel. 5th wheel is an over the road hookup, goose necks give more flexibility at the hook up. The G N gives much more stable handling and more clearance than BP.
  15. 1 point
    My snake pole isn't for catch and release. mainly a safe way to handle an unsafe situation.
  16. 1 point
    Pups available that are going to be great hunters. German Shorthaired Pointers
  17. 1 point
    A buddy and I fished Rosy on Wed after seeing his post and had this very discussion.. Try and flip out with a rod (too flimsy?) or grab the net maybe and hope it doesn't get through it? I don't have a hook/pole in the boat and you sure as heck can't get past it to get to anything off the front deck. Can't shoot it. I would contemplate just jumping in the lake and give the boat to the dang snake. I need a plan please!
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    Caught 11 on Thursday morning... all on jerkbait or crankbait. Saw numerous beds out on shallow Rock points/reefs. Lost a big smallie at the boat😥
  20. 1 point
    Thank you! If you head over there you can get it for free because we actually left it on the fence! 😂
  21. 1 point
    My fifteen year old son Bryce has not only notched 20 big game kills already, he is now a young entrepreneur. STO evolved to cure the Covid lockdown boredom when we shot family outdoor themed videos for his new Sportsmens Tradition Outdoors YouTube channel. Then he designed a logo, sold hats, and started to build his website, Facebook, and Instagram pages. STO GameStop was the next step in his vision and he currently does timely and fair prices Euromounts while offering several options. A few you can view below. He wants to evolve into Taxidermy and Processing, as well as becoming a guide. As of now he is getting stuff out in one week but I have not opened the floodgates yet. If you are in need of getting a euro mount completed, give us a shout.
  22. 1 point
    I was in the exact boat two years ago. I've spent my whole life in the woods and was never worried about lions or bears or anything really But after seeing 9 kodiak bears in one day, being within 25 yards of a probably 8.5-9ft sow and cub with a semi bluff charge standing, staring me down and with only my bow for protection and seeing them follow the blood/gut trail to within 20 yards of me last year even when I stood up and shouted with little to no concern. I have a new appreciation for being prepared on Kodiak. I don't care about the caliber but I want something on me besides my bow for sure. If I was carrying a rifle I wouldn't care as much. my go to set up for AK is my Glock 19x (20 rounds) on a Kenai chest rig. If I'm being attacked for some stupid reason, 20 rounds makes me feel pretty good. I got that after my first bear encounter 2 years ago. Thankfully didn't have to use it last year.
  23. 1 point
    https://youthoutdoorsunlimited.com/jrturkeycamp/ May be a good resource if you aren’t getting on birds. Good luck
  24. 1 point
    I couldnt find that I shared the pictures on this site, if I did I apologize. One my favorite weekends and the best overall game meat I have ever had.
  25. 1 point
    I saw this in a customers house today. Apparently, it used to be the state record.