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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/18/2021 in Posts

  1. 12 points
    Im blessed to be able to roam gods country on my mule following my hounds. I run into these kills probably more than the average hunter. Here are a few from 2020-2021 for you Coues nuts.
  2. 2 points
    Withdrawn. It's a controlled round feed like pre-64s. FTF near Shea and the 51.
  3. 2 points
    Lol... I honestly don't know what average hunters do anymore. I've been obsessed with hunting for way too long. As far as the pressure of college kids goes, I think there will be more pressure during the hunts than there is now and less preseason pressure than there is now... if there is a ban. If I was having a kid preseason scout for me, he would get explicit instructions not to push or bump the deer. Hang back and watch from a distance. Honestly though... in the end it's probably a wash. Again... it will effect outfitters but I can promise you it won't hurt them. A big adjustment for sure but it wouldn't take long. It will be another wash at best. I personally think it will help outfitters. Actually I know it will. We've gone back and forth at length so you already know that in the end... I don't care either way. This is all came about because of a handful of outfitters in a few units. Nobody can argue that. The funny thing is and the reason I take issue with all this is because the guys that caused all this will be hurt the least by it. I sure do appreciate the civil discussion man. I could disagree with a guy like you all day long... 😂😂😂. Seriously though... thanks for not getting stupid and making it personal.
  4. 2 points
    Its not about killing the big ones, its about killing the big ones with some fair chase involved. Atleast those college kids are out in the field actually hunting. Those college kids are not going to see alot of those nocturnal bucks either. You and I, both know big bucks are hard to keep tabs on. They can travel miles in a day very easily. That college kid better be versed in big bucks to stay on him. Its not just about guides vs regular hunters either. I think some think that's what this ban is about, its more about giving the animals a little more elusiveness back. Hopefully lowering the success rate and letting some bucks slip thru the cracks. IMO, regular Joe hunters will have a harder time killing bucks. Thats kind of what its about.
  5. 1 point
    Large Weber in a stainless table, I have too many grills. $40 Also comes with a pizza oven attachment
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    The beauty will be that it will be enforced by hunters in the field, leaving basically everyone no choice but to stop using cameras. Right or wrong there will be plenty of bashed in cameras.
  8. 1 point
    I'm all for a ban. Fair chase is fair chase. Having 20 cameras to do your work for you just doesn't seem right, gotta hunt hard and earn it, but that's just my opinion.
  9. 1 point
    Nice! Used to fish there all the time but haven’t been there in over 30 years. Been thinking about trying it again
  10. 1 point
    Caught 11 on Thursday morning... all on jerkbait or crankbait. Saw numerous beds out on shallow Rock points/reefs. Lost a big smallie at the boat😥
  11. 1 point
    They seem to be able to enforce the unenforceable bait ban just fine.
  12. 1 point
    You people and your "Bans" are brain dead. One thing leads to another good luck.
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
    Or did you? That’s the question
  15. 1 point
    It's Antelope! You can literally glass them up from 10 miles away pretty easy. Plan on getting up there a week before your hunt to get the lay of the land. Good luck on your hunt.
  16. 1 point
    Not sure which is worse...rattlers climbing in boats or cottonmouths dropping out of trees into the boat when I was a kid. I might take a rattler over a cottonmouth...
  17. 1 point
    A guy is out fishing and runs out of bait. He sees a snake that slithered into his boat with a frog in his mouth. He’s fishing for big fish, so he thinks the frog should do for bait. He picks up the snake close to its head, and the snake goes limp enough for him to take out the frog. Well, the fisherman didn’t think too far ahead with his bait grabbing and finds himself holding a live snake. Not knowing what else to do, he gives the snake some of his Jack Daniel’s and the snake goes limp once again. So the fisherman throws it out of the boat and goes back to fishing. After a few minutes he feels something on his foot and looks down. It's the snake again, this time with two more frogs!
  18. 1 point
    dang Senkos will catch everything
  19. 1 point
    My brother in law posted this pick yesterday of a snake removal. I'm no expert but don't ya want to grab them closer to the head?
  20. 1 point
    Yes it is, Claudias Favorite place in the State of Az. every time she comes back from base we go there even if its for half a day. That pic was taken from sycamore canyon look out, during hunting season we hunt those canyons on the west side from JD Dam to that point and get a ride back to our truck. Lots of bear and coues in there as well as some big muleys and elk. couple of times we have started just south of elk tank and ended up at that point. long rough hike but quite fun even for an old guy like me. this is another view of that area west about 10 miles as the crow flies, about 25 miles walking wise. The 1st pic we actually hike down to the bottom from our camp which was about 5 miles, then came up the other side through the canyon behind her and up just before it got to cliffy. Lots of caves stuff down there as well as a few sheds. just dont be down there when the monsoon is going as its not fun no where to get HIGH fast.
  21. 1 point
    Nice! Your responses on this thread are solid! You sound like a real stand up guy with some common sense. I appreciate that after hearing other guides on here seem so arrogant and ignorant.
  22. 1 point
    The baiting ban was also "unenforceable" yet very few still do it. You obviously haven't been to 23 or 9 for an elk hunt or the strip for a deer hunt since you don't understand why guides are the root of this problem.
  23. 1 point
    Dude it's because he showed up on other cameras. Come on. Do you work for Biden? Frickin lies
  24. 1 point
    Still don’t answer questions. One sided preacher.
  25. 0 points
    Nice is 9 what it was 20 years ago? Did your cameras 10-3 miles away help in the harvest? Guess you got lucky to find him again. Guess you knew he would be 10 miles away. stop your holy bs. Cameras helped your right? talked both side of the coin preacher.