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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/10/2021 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    Just supply and demand. We dealers are not happy with these stupid prices. Ca. dealers are coming here and ruining the market. Anyone can google search " Used cars prices are way up" and you will see all the reasons. Not us dealers fault here in Az.
  2. 3 points
    Yes it is, Claudias Favorite place in the State of Az. every time she comes back from base we go there even if its for half a day. That pic was taken from sycamore canyon look out, during hunting season we hunt those canyons on the west side from JD Dam to that point and get a ride back to our truck. Lots of bear and coues in there as well as some big muleys and elk. couple of times we have started just south of elk tank and ended up at that point. long rough hike but quite fun even for an old guy like me. this is another view of that area west about 10 miles as the crow flies, about 25 miles walking wise. The 1st pic we actually hike down to the bottom from our camp which was about 5 miles, then came up the other side through the canyon behind her and up just before it got to cliffy. Lots of caves stuff down there as well as a few sheds. just dont be down there when the monsoon is going as its not fun no where to get HIGH fast.
  3. 2 points
    Be ready for some severe sticker shock on what you are looking for. Been in the biz for 50 years. Never ever have I seen this madness. Diesels are through the roof Even with over 200k miles. Some over 300k. Some of these Pick-ups at auction are bringing $5-10k over KBB wholesale ! No new inventory out there.
  4. 2 points
    Well me and 3 of my fam are taking the plunge on friday for the vaccine.
  5. 1 point
    Ruger M77 stock long action in like new condition this is a newer one not for a tang safety style. Asking $50 OBO location Scottsdale
  6. 1 point
    Daughter and one of Friends came to AZ from Camp Pendleton for some shed hunting and Easter. They got in 1:30 am sat morning, we left at around 9am looked for sheds tried to call in yotes then ate dinner in Williams and got back to PHX at 1:30 am just beat tired/ We towed her Jeep up north unhooked it and they took off looking for sheds. one guy was coming out of the area we were going. come to find out we both go to the exact same ridge, so we turned around and went elsewhere. They hiked around the edge of Sycamore canyon both sides about , I went to call yotes, no luck for either of us, She didnt go home empty handed she found another cool skull, we have a huge collection of them that she finds all the time. didnt see one elk deer yote squirrel nothing. then we got into the snow and saw maybe 200-300 elk all laying in the snow drifts. Lots of people Camping, looked like opening weekend of archery deer, some were shed hunting some were just enjoying a nice easter weekend. J.D Dam Was packed. Had a good time as usual tiring as crap but well worth it, spending time with Her and she loves unit 8.
  7. 1 point
    Tessa and myself just returned from a successful hunt with Heart of Texas Outfitters it was an awesome hunt we saw hundreds of sheep Tessa shot a giant 34 inch super heavy ram . She made a super tuff 575 yard shot down in a deep hole took several hours to pack out through a lot of nasty cat claw . I shot my ram at 600 yards he’s 31.5 and really wide. I missed a ram that may have been bigger than hers . So once again she has the bragging rights
  8. 1 point
    Very clean 2010 Polaris Sportsman 500 192 hours 2207 miles 90% tread year old tires Clean clear notarized title in hand located In Rio Verde $3500 OBO 602-448-1314
  9. 1 point
    If you can glass and kill coues the actual hunting part should be fairly easy. Although you might have to get a bit further from the truck and expect a workout getting the meat back. I'm not sure what elk are doing in December as far as pressure there but glassing should get you on point. I can tell you camping lower is better then camping higher, you don't want your entire camp snowed in. Can't help at all as far as what should be open but like I said, try to avoid the snow.
  10. 1 point
    I may be interested in your Frontier. My wife wants a Frontier-type pickup. Please PM me the particulars?
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    That’s no joke a lot of bend over Bills’ out there with no lube.
  13. 1 point
    If you buy her this she will love you forever.
  14. 1 point
    Oh ya download OnX maps to, very very helpful
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    Lol... I'm fine. Just reminds me of why I left the Facebook hunting groups.
  17. 1 point
    They already arrsted someone
  18. 1 point
    I would imagine it will be really easy to track these asswipes down. I am sure guys in that tourney know who volunteered to dispose of the fish.
  19. 1 point
    👍 Myself and family took the plunge as well. If it was just me, I might not have done it (Needles are one of my phobias....). My older brother & sisters though, whom I'm VERY close too, are all totally onboard with it. Sort of figured I would go with it for the 'greater good' of my family. We all spent Easter brunch together, and it felt good to crowd around a table full of food together again! As with lots of things, just a personal choice.
  20. 1 point
    Fellow outdoorsmen/women, I would first like to express my condolences to any who may have lost someone to this virus and for those that continue to deal with challenges from it. I pray for your endurance and speedy recovery. Despite all the varied opinions on best prevention, rights, and other nonsense the one thing that is certain is this has taken its toll physically, psychologically, and emotionally on people especially our young ones and elderly. We can't control alot of things but what we all can do is treat each other with dignity and respect. We never know what it took for that other person just to get out of bed each day. Give people the benefit of the doubt. Let go of old grudges. Tell our family everyday that we love them. Teach our kids to do good deeds for our elderly community. Be humble enough to allow ourselves to be wronged for the sake of peace. Stay safe and shoot straight, Mark
  21. 1 point
    Go back to the campfire jerk
  22. 1 point
    I do subscribe to the school of thought that heavier arrow = quieter bow but I don't walk the talk. I've messed around with arrow weight quite a bit and found if that if I can get my arrow in that 415-420 grain range that's the best combination of trajectory and penetration for my set up (70lbs, 27" draw). I find heavy arrows really start to fall out the sky at 60+ yards and I don't see the additional weight any more advantageous in terms of getting a pass through. Also a big fan of the increased speed to get my arrow to target quicker. Flatter trajectory is also a more forgiving at longer yardages; say I range a deer at 55, dial my sight, he steps to 57, yet I still shoot for 55. My arrow will still hits home. I shoot Rage but haven't messed around with any other expendables so nothing to elaborate on there. Sort of a "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" situation.
  23. 1 point
    Ground and pounders being mentioned already, don’t overlook Jeremy ulmer with chasin a dream. Both local guides.
  24. 1 point
    Went out Sunday and for a few hours Monday. Managed to get 15 fox and a coyote.
  25. 1 point
    Az ground pounders or Steve Chappell