I think you might be referring to my son Draysen? He has done skulls for a pile of members on here. He doesn't use beetles. There was another guy out here in STV, can't recall his name right now, that used beetles. Good guy, but he got out of it about 6 months ago. He offered to sell all his beetle stuff to Draysen, but the wife wanted nothing to do with 100,000+ flesh eating bugs.😂 Draysen is simmering them, but unlike a lot of guys we see doing them on Facebook these days, he does javelina the right way. They have bones than have such deep saturated grease, that they need a month, sometimes more, after cleaning to do a deep long leeching soak in a degreasing agent to make them look right right long term. We have learned through a lot of experience, that you can do a javelina in a weekend, and it will look fantastic for a few months, but in time, that grease ALWAYS pulls through, and it shows. I might have to do a picture post to demonstrate one of these days.
Anyhow, if you are interested in my son doing them, hit me up. I'll include his current info below.