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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/20/2021 in all areas

  1. 5 points
    HuntHarder & AzKiller You are totally taking things out of context. 1st. I am a die hard working class hunter that still gets a paycheck every week. I pay a mortgage , My Sweetheart and I are still raising kids. 2nd There is one thing in life you cant buy more of and thats TIME. So I want to spend it wisely and unselfishly. 3rd. Guiding 2 or 3 hunts a year in no way puts me at the level of full times guides. They are the best. I specialize in a few units . 4th. Facts are not Arrogant and Arrogancy is not the fact. 5th We would of taken a different approach had AZGFD and The Commissioners had. 6th. You cant negotiate with CORRUPTION! If we met out hunting I'm positive we would get along just fine because we have the same passion for the hunt. Thank you guys for responses and your criticism it is well noted. Thank God we still live in a country where we can bitterly disagree with our government and not go to jail! Let Freedom Reign in the Heart of every American!
  2. 3 points
    I just got hit! It’s not over folks!
  3. 2 points
    YEP.... just as I though... solid guy.
  4. 2 points
    The least I have is 2 points every year....hunter ed and loyalty....just like most people here. I can't speak for everyone, but, I think when points are mentioned by people here it is "total points". I never break mine down when discussing points, it's all points added together. So yes, you have two points.
  5. 2 points
    I find it fairly comical all the anti price gauging, far right wingers, on this site. It's like, we want capitalism and the ability to run our business's like we want to. THEN, someone has something they want and they want to complain that his price is too high or the business owner wants them to wear a mask in their store and they are like, "that violates my rights." FFS make up your minds ladies.
  6. 1 point
    New to the forum. Just saying hello and to introduce myself. Archer from Tucson with a passion for elk, muleys and those stupid little whitetail (I hate them and everything they stand for as they continue to elude me). name is Phil.
  7. 1 point
    Wanting to sale or trade for 15x56 of equal value or close to with added money. Asking 1750$ These are like new except 1 little mark where I installed the outdoorsman adapter. Glass is perfect 928-651-0764 live in safford
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    Thanks for this update Hookset. I'm still in the hunt. 😂 Eddie P.S. I guess I'm officially in the hunt. Forget this still crap.
  10. 1 point
    I have drawn successfully 7 out of 8 last draws for elk. I never get species point, because I keep scoring a tag with two points. In full disclosure, though, I'll point to the fact that the tags for which I am applying would have been "leftover tags" 10 years ago. The opportunity to hunt is more important to me than focusing on the opportunity to get a lifetime trophy bull.
  11. 1 point
    Well it doesn’t matter now I didn’t draw....Thanks all.
  12. 1 point
    Just got another elk hit 2 minutes ago! There is still hope!
  13. 1 point
    Talking to my youngest yesterday about varmint calling! I informed him that in almost 50 years of coyote calling I had never called or shot a fox! Today that changed!!!! Shooting the .17 Remington built by my oldest son!
  14. 1 point
    I think that "give nothing" mentality is justified at times if you're passionate about your cause. It's the same mentality we all have and use when it comes to 2A. I can understand why there are some that would question SirRoyals motives being he's a guide. That's fair I guess. At the same time and as a general rule, I always try to trust the intentions of a fellow hunter. You and I might disagree on this particular topic but I can promise we would agree on 99% of everything else. I can guarantee it would be the same with SirRoyal. We can't ever forget that. It's kinda like family... we might fight behind closed doors but nobody else better mess with my brother. That's how I feel about hunters. Actually... scratch that. There are some hunters I can't freakin stand.. lol
  15. 1 point
    That didn't take long.
  16. 1 point
    The last time something like this came up it was about baiting. I actually agreed in theory but then Game Branch Chief Brian Wakeling said it was about the spread of disease... namely CWD. I could never understand why they didn't just call it what it was which was a fair chase issue. I opposed that rule for same reasons I oppose this rule. They're playing politics. "We want to ban them for this reason. Nevermind... we want to ban them for this other reason." That's just shady crap to me. If you're gonna do that, why even ask for public input? I know they legally have to but it's seems they don't care what the majority of hunters think if it's really something they want to push through. I like that they don't take taxpayer money. It keeps them independent. But sometimes I think maybe they're too independent. Who is the game and fish commission accountable to other than hunters on a subject like this? Nobody really. And they're showing pretty clearly they don't feel accountable to us either.
  17. 1 point
    Well, I'm sure everyone has already checked this morning, but we had a charge show up at about 11pm last night. Typically our card company posts charges immediately after being "hit", so not sure why that happened, but at the same time feel "blessed!"
  18. 1 point
    Same here with same bank...it’s back now. Had me nervous thinking I’d imagined it. LoL
  19. 1 point
    You musta scored one of them primo 12a tags. You don't even need to hunt hard, place is crawling with elk.
  20. 1 point
    Well suck me sideways....just got hit for elk!!!
  21. 1 point
    I honestly don't understand what guides vs DIY has to do with all this. I understand there are some units that get hammered with cameras. That's gotta be frustrating as heck. I don't guide or hunt in any of the premium deer units so I only know what I hear. I completely understand the argument guys are making in favor of banning cameras. You all make very valid points. As I've stated many times, I'm opposed to unenforceable rules and the way this rule is worded, it's totally unenforceable. I was a hard core DIY guy long before I ever thought of guiding so I completely understand the challenges that come with having a 60 hour a week job, 2 weeks vacation and a family. You get to hunt one week if you're lucky enough to draw a tag and then a few weekends here and there for archery deer. Trailcams ARE a huge benefit to DIY guys. They may be for outfitters in certain unit as well... I don't know. As I've also stated, I don't use trailcams so throwing the "guide" thing at me makes no sense. I don't have a dog in the fight. I truly just want what's fair and right for AZ hunters. I also totally oppose more arbitrary, unenforceable rules.
  22. 1 point
    Mark Thank you for the kind words. Big clue: Here is. You cant negotiate with something that is already CORRUPT. STAY TUNED! My zeal has led me to learn many things the hunting public would CRY FOUL right to the Govorners office.
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
    This truly isn't about guides or DIY. It's about a rule that will have a big impact on the way some people hunt. It will actually impact all of us one way or another. If they do ban them, it's going to force a lot more hunters to scout a lot more. More people in the field more often. If you want the ban, don't complain when you're hunting early archery deer and there are guys everywhere scouting for elk. I just want game and fish to do what's right. And to me.. what is right is clear concise rules without miles of gray area that are enforceable. Good night all... good chatting with you.
  25. 1 point