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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/18/2021 in all areas

  1. 5 points
    Mins away still
  2. 5 points
    Fellow hunters, I try to approach these highly controversial subjects with an open mind. I will preface my comments with the fact that I love running trail cameras and have used them for about 15 years. I also have tremendous respect for most guide services and their guides. I also can appreciate the passion on both sides of this issue. The challenge I face with the trail camera debate is it has changed public land hunting and created more controversy over water especially. I respect Sir Royals opinions, however I have seen it on more than a few occasions in Arizona. A guy is sitting water early archery and another hunter has driven 2 hrs to check camera and it's his only available time to do so. A heated debate almost coming to blows ensues. Not uncommon. I challenge most of you fellow hunters to ask if you would feel comfortable in most units putting an unlocked camera on known water sources?! I have had multiple cameras in multiple units stolen in lock boxes....not by guides but by fellow hunters. I even run dummy cameras and have got pictures of guys cutting bolts off. I now run most cameras high using tree steps to access. Once a " trophy" animal is seen on a camera, on a particular water, many people's mentality about that area changes... it's factual data. Like most privileges in life that get restricted, the cause is often contentiousness amongst those that value it the most but also abuse it to a degree it ultimately gets regulated. Unless we unitedly work on teaching ethics and morals to the next generation it will continue to spiral downhill. I have heard of Sir Royal doing some great things for young folks....thank you sir! I have run into some great outfitters making people hunting dreams come true...thank you! We are getting fired up on " the effect"....let's start showing the same zeal working on "the cause". Respectfully, Mark B
  3. 4 points
    Monday is the first day for leftovers. Everyone should mail in a leftover application. Just to fu@$ with them.
  4. 4 points
    Great point. The problem they're trying to address is seemingly caused by a small group of people, guides in premier units, in a small number of units and the group of people causing the issue are already regulated differently than the average hunter. Why not used a targeted rule to address the issue and aimed specifically at guides instead of roping in a bunch of people who have nothing to do with it. Important to note, trail cams in non premier units seems to be a non issue. While scouting water sources where I hunt I have seen zero cams and have had guides and cams impact my hunts zero times. Weve got enough rules as it is and should make an effort to accommodate individual hunting styles as much as possible and reasonable.
  5. 4 points
    The baiting ban was also "unenforceable" yet very few still do it. You obviously haven't been to 23 or 9 for an elk hunt or the strip for a deer hunt since you don't understand why guides are the root of this problem.
  6. 4 points
    At Alamo lake right now. 40 in 5 hrs this am. The lake was slow last few days due to storms but man it just flipped on. Fish fry tonight for st patty's day out here. Kids having a blast oh yeah still check this sight from credit card hits 5 times a day out here Hahahaha
  7. 4 points
    I’m still picking 8:05 I just gave up on the day...
  8. 4 points
    Dude it's because he showed up on other cameras. Come on. Do you work for Biden? Frickin lies
  9. 4 points
    Still don’t answer questions. One sided preacher.
  10. 4 points
    Not sure why guys want the ban. Do you really think it’s gonna stop guides from killing the biggest animals? As a matter of fact it’s gonna boost there business as the everyday joe blow will be booking now because he couldn’t put out a few cams for his hunt. IMO this just one right taken away with leverage for them to start enforcing more rules. Do you want to be told what magnification to hunt with ?...or what caliber to hunt deer with? This is just a gateway for more. Stand up for your rights.
  11. 4 points
    are all the tags left over this year?
  12. 4 points
    Haha sir royal seems like one of those guys that think if they yell loud enough and make enough noise everyone will believe them. Can't wait until the June meeting when they ban them effective Jan 2022.
  13. 4 points
    I can't wait until they ban trail cams. Also for all of the people that support a trail cam ban or regulation, get your comments into rulemaking@azgfd.gov by April 11th.
  14. 3 points
    Honestly, the last thing I want while hunting is to have a guide screw up my hunt because he's trying to find/get his client a trophy. The guides & their minions I've personally had the displeasure of running into while hunting couldn't give a dang about screwing up other's hunts, but rather were only focused on pleasing their client/employer (& this came from talking with them afterwards). Know those of us who eventually will become tagholders (again) have often waited a decade or more for our hunts & have therefore earned our tags! I wonder how many guides would be out there if it were illegal to charge for guiding? I've "guided" family and friends too, but it wasn't to get paid, it was to share their life experience with them as family & close friends, & not for money. I don't personally know any of you here on CWT, certainly not any of the guides here, so to be fair I don't know if "you" are akin to those I've run into in the past described herein, I certainly hope not! All I can say is there have been numerous times I've been in a position where I was there first in on a large bull & a guide with his client screwed it up knowing full well I was getting close, perhaps just to prevent me from taking those magnificent animals (it certainly seemed that way). On the flip side, I've also had other (solo) hunters in the field back off when I was there first just as I have conversely done for others. That said, & in all fairness while it's probably happened, I have never experienced a guide/client back off when I was there first. It seemed their intent was to either have their client make the kill or nobody. If this is not you, then Thank You! Otherwise, leveraging wildlife to earn the almighty dollar can ruin this for all of us in the end, & that's my two cents, like it or not. BTW, I too use cameras & love checking them, so personally was against the overall ban fwiw. Again, I sincerely hope the guides here on CWT have honorable morals recognizing and respecting other tagholder's rights to pursue wildlife just as I know guides have the right to charge for guiding.
  15. 3 points
    I only want them to ban cameras in 1, 8, 9,10, 12b,13a and b, 18a and b, 19a and b, 20ab&c, 21,22, 23, 27 and 12a except for the buffalo hunts. 😆 That's all!
  16. 3 points
    Other than buying points in Wyoming, it is. Couldn't afford it while married. No longer married, can afford it. Crazy how that works.
  17. 3 points
    true hunters use their stimulus money for elk and deer applications in New Mexico
  18. 3 points
    Their system is a piece of cake. Love the cart feature for all apps.
  19. 3 points
    I believe you and agree that good guides will be fine and continue to be successful with the cams gone. In fact, it will probably help the full time guides more than the guys who guide in addition to their normal 9 to 5. With all of that being said.... you have to admit that there are guides - in certain units - that have gone a little bit camera crazy. Personally, I'm more in favor of addressing only those handful of units. Trail cams don't create conflict in many units across the state and I think we are solving a problem that exists in a few units and severely overreaching by blanketing it across the state.
  20. 3 points
    April 1 would allow for some fun...but only if they started at 10 am, and went real slow.
  21. 3 points
    But which Friday? Fair question.
  22. 3 points
    That is correct. At some point it is on and the hits are coming. Just not anytime soon.
  23. 3 points
  24. 3 points
    A lot of landowner agreements are for access. Take the money and blade a road around them. Simple. Then, don’t maintain the old stretch of road because it’s not public anymore. Maintain the new road around them. A lot will change if that mentality was pushed.
  25. 3 points
    Doesn’t seem like they can charge Credit Cards after the draw either!