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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/15/2021 in all areas

  1. 7 points
    I have packed out a couple that were 2+ miles. Sucks. Bad. Quite a few that were between 1-2 miles. Sucks. Bad. I have packed out a few that were within a mile. Sucks. But not as bad. I have driven right to a couple. This is the way to do it!
  2. 6 points
    I’ve been on Rokslide a bit and Just signed up here recently. I Shot my first coues buck in November 2020. Looking forward to more coues hunts
  3. 5 points
    Depends on the weather and how much help I have. Cool enough for the meat to keep and I’ve got horses? 10-15 miles wouldn’t be an issue. 75 during the day and 50 at night and I’m by myself? A couple miles is gonna be tough to do without spoilage. My brother and I shot two bulls out of the same herd about 10 years back in MT. It was 40 during the day and 20 at night. We got them both out but it took us 3 days. We were about 5 miles in. Prob won’t do that again. One elk yes. Two no. Edited to add a pic. That made my back hurt just thinking about that day which made me nostalgic so I had to dig up a pic. We 1,2,3’d them. Seemed like a good idea at the time.
  4. 5 points
  5. 3 points
  6. 2 points
    Is he in Texas? They have all the good stuff....
  7. 2 points
    I rarely have this conundrum but like most answers to life’s questions, I’d say the answer is “It depends.” If it’s a high-end, established taxidermist doing a shoulder mount that will take 12-18 months to complete and you’re paying top dollar, I’d say probably not. You’d “tip” that taxidermist just by being a good, patient, cash-paying client. No need to start calling after the first month and every month thereafter to “check on the progress” then whip out a credit card and ask for a receipt when it’s time to settle up. But if the taxidermist drives from Young and meets you in Payson so you can pick up a skull cap mount, an extra $20 for his gas would be appropriate, even if he had to go to Payson anyway. (But even then, it would probably surprise the taxidermist.) If it’s a young person who’s in school, on the football team and student council and cleans/bleaches skulls for a side hustle, I’d hand over more cash than required and say “I appreciate your hard work. I don’t need any change back.” So it depends, I guess.
  8. 2 points
    Wow. Bunch of cheap-asses around here.
  9. 2 points
    My guy is pretty big and has some vertigo, so he is pretty easy to tip; but he is old so I avoid it think he may get hurt. I just stick to cows.
  10. 1 point
    Just an FYI to all who may have a similar problem. Check your inbox to see if it's at 100% as this is most likely the problem if you cannot send or receive PMs. It certainly was my problem....okay one of them. I won't go into the rest of 'em as it's late. 😀 Thanks to BO and V for their replies. Eddie
  11. 1 point
    Mine does not look like yours, but deleting might have done the trick. I only see Disable my messenger at the bottom of my inbox. I deleted about 12 PMs. Here's what I see. I missed this earlier (if it was at 100%) as it does not stand out. A poor choice of colors but now I know. Thanks V. Eddie
  12. 1 point
    Is your mailbox full? Delete a few older threads and see if that helps.
  13. 1 point
    Ammo? I though they were boolitz?
  14. 1 point
    I bet the finder gets some feed back via the ground of the motor
  15. 1 point
    That’s a stud....congratulations!
  16. 1 point
    I killed a bunch of whitetail and mule deer with the Remington factory loaded 100 gr corelocks. Coyotes, javelina, bobcats and jacks too out of my Remington Mohawk 600.
  17. 1 point
    I'm no bear expert but I have read they like fresh young green grasses in the spring. Look for green up.
  18. 1 point
    Congrats on your first coues buck, he's a beaut. Love the color.
  19. 1 point
    I'm curious what she she would look like operating a vacuum hope she posts pics
  20. 1 point
    I should have been a dentist. All those billboards with 2 guys and 25 women!
  21. 1 point
    I actually have found common ground with ole Josiah! Good message you sent.
  22. 1 point
    I did. This is what I sent: Dear Sir, I believe you are a good man and a husband and a grandfather. I hate labels we are neither Democrats or Republicans because these parties are corrupt! But we are Americans that have been endowed with Inalienable rights given to us by our Creator (GOD). The Truth Gods Word has set us Free from age to age against evil plots of man to take free mens rights to worship , to bear arms, to live Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness! Sir. Dont let either party steal that from us!
  23. 1 point
    #1 Don't overbow yourself-My compound is 67#, my recurves are 37-51#. 40# is plenty to start with and will kill a deer no problem. #2 Bow length somewhat corresponds with draw length, don't get a 52" bow if you draw like 30". 58 or 60" is a good medium length. Agree about Bear Grizzly. Don't spend too much in your first bow but get something you like and will want to shoot. #3 Find a mentor or join a club. This one is kinda self explanatory. Happy to help, ask lots of questions! Lots of sites on Facebook to buy used bows. I can help with that too. Feel free to contact me by pm if you prefer. Good luck and have fun!
  24. 1 point
    I dont see the point in making it 5pm on friday and not start hitting cards. They should have made it Sunday night and hit on Monday morning.
  25. 1 point
    We weren't able to get on San Carlos yesterday due to the extreme low level (1.1%), however there are still some reports of catfish and bass and maybe crappie being caught from shore. As the Lake continues to drop in water level I'm sure another die off of what's left will occur. We did get on Talkalai Lake and the results were excellent. Plenty of Bass all around the Lake and the Crappie are actually a little early compared to previous years. 13 pounds were the two Big Bass of the day and a solid 3 lb crappie. DAN