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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/04/2021 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    Couesdeerhntr, I agree with your thoughts. It's crazy how degraded the content has gotten and how much disrespect for people's opinions ones feel at liberty to express. I by no means am implying that there are not good, salt of the earth folks on here, but what happened to being interested enough in someone's expressions that we asked adult, respectful questions when we disagree or don't understand. I tell my son that this forum is like hunting camp with the guys. We love each other but also rag the heck out of each other every chance we get. Nothing personal, even though it appears to be. That reasoning, wildly imagined, is why I keep coming back and sharing our memories moments in the field. Good luck in the draw!!! Mark
  2. 3 points
    Maybe he went to dig up his old Lit professor and have a one on one conversation with her, or he could be writing a non fiction book on Crappie trolling with Thrphyhntr ;)
  3. 3 points
    I used to always drop them off at the last minute, so mine would be the first out. I got ram the first time, so I had to keep doing it
  4. 2 points
    All this and nobody asked if g&f got hacked and all our info is out there.. lots of vague answers. I feel like someone getting sniffed by Joe.
  5. 2 points
  6. 2 points
    Who thinks Fatlander will post again? I was surprised that he was getting roasted and the thread didn’t get locked. He is like a god on here. Someone please start talking about the trail cam ban. I miss SirRoyals craziness.
  7. 2 points
    I've followed this forum every year to check in on the draw but man this thread has gone sideways! Not sure what protocol is but maybe there should there be a separate thread about the actual draw updates vs ethics, bonus points, and whatnot? My personal gripe is that azgfd isn't using any of their social media platforms to give updates on WTH is going on and instead leaving dedicated hunters to guess what is going on and therefore devolve into hating on each other. Just sayin... Sincerely hope you all draw tags.
  8. 2 points
    Fair enough but...since you cannot control the bitching on this forum, aren't you also bitching about something you have no control over, and therefore lame? 🤔😂
  9. 2 points
    You can question my motives or morality all you want, I’ll sleep fine. There are many choices others make that I would not, no big deal, they have that right. You’ve been around here long enough to know that we apply for and hunt a lot of non “primo” tags. So to say that’s my only concern is comical. I do want my children to experience hunting as much as possible. I will do my part to make sure they get the opportunities afforded to them by the laws and rules that are in place. I would support deleting bonus points to simplify the system and reduce the games that are played to gain an advantage. It’s interesting to see how many people are opposed to rules governing trail cameras because of “government” interference and then how many support further regulation of the permitting process. I also think it is bad for the future of hunting to create barriers to entry. Someone who just learned about hunting late in life should have the same opportunities afforded to the rest of us. Eventually, hunters will have to hand together or we will slowly lose these opportunities. If new hunters don’t see opportunities out there, they won’t care what happens when an apex predator needs to be deregulated or land needs to be conserved. Just my opinion. I won’t venture a guess as to what the motives were when AZGFD allowed parents/grandparents to sign over tags, I wasn’t there when that happened. But it seems unlikely that they couldn’t have seen the possibility of a non hunting grandparent to apply. Regardless, I dont have to guess, they wrote the rule and we comply with it. After all this I will sign off. This argument is going nowhere. But I must say it’s a bit odd that you would be so concerned about something that has so little impact on the overall draw process. It seems the much larger issue are the number of point mule applicants being added to the system for averaging party apps. This is much more prevalent and impacts many times more potential applicants than grandmas giving a tag to a kid.
  10. 2 points
    I love how delayed card hits turns everyone crazy.
  11. 2 points
    Wow, I have all of mine between 1.5-2.5 oz. I don't touch the trigger until I mean it.
  12. 2 points
    If your feelers are hurt because I apply my Mom for a tag with the intention of transferring it to one of my sons, too dang bad, grow up. Wish I was at my computer, I’d light this thread on 🔥
  13. 2 points
    Didnt you draw last year and turn the tag in? Quit Bitching! 😂
  14. 2 points
    But Utah takes 3 months to turn around the Elk and Deer draw results Application must be in by March 4th Results published May 31st
  15. 2 points
    You guys all know the drop in deer population is directly related to the boom of the 6.5 CM.
  16. 1 point
    Nice! G&F web site probably crashed due to everyone logging in to check! 🤣
  17. 1 point
    Sale pending I thought our Dyson died the other day and already replaced it but then we figured out it was just a clogged filter. This is a 10 year old vacuum but it's working fine. Just trying to get it out of my house since we have a new one. Both filters were changed about two months ago. Gotta meet me near Corona de Tucson or Vail. $50 PM me if interested please.
  18. 1 point
    is Game n Fish using Dominion Machines to process draw?
  19. 1 point
    I enjoy the bitching. It's 6 months from the start of hunts and 4 months from when we use to put in. The elk still haven't dropped last year's antlers, and not one minute of scouting time is affected. I think if anybody has this much complaints about waiting an extra week or two. They should boycott draws!
  20. 1 point
    Careful, some on this site don't agree with using the word "harvested".
  21. 1 point
    People just need to relax and we will all get through this. I promise.
  22. 1 point
    The title of this topic is perfect. Perfectly representing continuous bashing everyone here seems to partake in over trivial things. Now we are debating what words others use for "taking" game? Or if someone tells a dead animal "thank you"? Who freaking cares! We all have our different tendencies, rituals, or habits and they are unique or personal. Ridiculing things like this just makes us all look bad. Please for the love of everything holly, go back to worrying about when the draw results are going to be out and stop the bitching.
  23. 1 point
    I’m in!! Time to hop on that opportunity train! Actually no thanks Id rather have my integrity and sleep better at night and remember what’s actually important in life. I’ll also teach my children about ethics and character and doing what’s right even though nobody will get you in trouble.
  24. 1 point
    Bunch of whiney little bitches in here. Is this like the 5th thread bitching about the delay?
  25. 1 point
    .......patiently waiting for the g&f apologists to join