Although the numbers increase in NR vs Resident for 2018-2020 is about the same (+857 res and +991 Non-Res) NR tags are increasing at 10x the rate as RES (32% vs 3.2%). For arguments sake, can we all agree that selling 29,589 OTC deer tags in 2020 WITHOUT any kind of harvest reporting is an issue? How can you issue that amount of tags without having any idea what the impact is? Success rates have to be way higher now than they were when these hunts were designed. People are better at hunting, spend more time in the field, hunt harder and spend way more money on hunting gear now than ever before. All of those things drastically increase your odds of killing animals. The Arizona model has not changed much since probably the late 90's/early 2000's and is built around banking that people will continue to have low success rates. They do not want to have mandatory harvest reporting for the simple fact that they will not be able to sell as many tags because the statistics will show a tremendous jump in harvest numbers. It is a huge predicament for us hunters here. I for one LOVE that I can hunt deer every year in Arizona but at the same time, I do miss the days of strong deer populations, more mature bucks and lower pressure. You can't have your cake and eat it too I guess but sticking your head in the sand when there is an obvious issue doesn't help.