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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/26/2021 in Posts

  1. 10 points
    Some Grays from the past few weekends...and a couple yotes...
  2. 6 points
    But a 1955 Winchester model 70 featherweight .243 (thanks Levers) Glassed for a bit, they weren't in their favorite canyon. Still hunted down the canyon, and one canyon further west. Heard them get up from their bed, t got about 10 yards closer to get a good place to shoot from. Made sure there were no piglets, 130 yards through both shoulders. 85 gr BTHP works great.
  3. 6 points
    The G&F employee who looked at my app with 5 points:
  4. 5 points
    I predict this is the beginning of a new trend, they’ll do the draw at 5:00 pm on Fridays now so their switchboard doesn’t get blown up by a bunch of Nancy’s calling non stop asking if the draw’s over
  5. 5 points
    anybody else wake up thru the night thinking abou this?
  6. 5 points
    gonna be a lot of butt hurt dudes calling azgfd asking why they didnt get an early archery bull tag with 3 points blaming it on their portal.
  7. 4 points
    With the elk and antelope draw about to happen. I still cant help but wonder what this years coues hunts will bring. Good luck everyone on getting your cards hit tommorrow.
  8. 4 points
    Sir Royal let’s stay on point here. Nevada has already limited trail Cam use, Utah is in the process of banning, or limiting their use, and same thing is going to happen in Arizona. When multiple States choose to ban, or limit an items use there is obviously a major problem going on that you seem to be ignoring. You mention you have the hunting skills, and that you are out in the woods more then most. Well soon you will have every opportunity in the world to use the skills you claim without the use of trail cams.
  9. 4 points
    That sucks but why wait until after 5:00 pm on the deadline day to update your card?
  10. 4 points
    I'm either gonna be like Ralphie on Christmas morning with my Red Rider or like Charlie Brown only getting a rock for Halloween. Here's to Christmas!!!
  11. 3 points
    Already checking the bank even though I know it’s too early. LoL
  12. 2 points
    Multiple states highly regulate handgun ownership and possession. Multiple states regulate ammunition sales. Multiple states do not allow concealed carry. Does that mean there is a major problem we are ignoring? For the record, I am on neither side of this debate. Just pointing out flawed logic when I see it.
  13. 2 points
    Just called and they said the draw will happen sometime in March. It’s not happening today.
  14. 2 points
    I just called. Not gonna happen today. Something about portal and draw systems not linked up yet. Until all of the applicants' portal are up to date (manually done?!), they will hold off on the draw. My friend said they wanted to avoid complaints later about people feeling like they were screwed over because their receipts said one thing and portals showed another, and now they weren't drawn and the system was broke. They were prepared to do it today, but too many complaints leading up to draw to risk it.
  15. 2 points
    I was told by AZGFD my portal wouldn't be brought up to date until the draw. But then again I felt like I was being fed corn.
  16. 2 points
  17. 2 points
    When the Dept created the Hunter Education Bonus Point the cut off year for having the AZ Certificate was 1980. It has always been the case that the certification had to be from 1980 and forward to present time. Certificates earned, received or bestowed prior to 1980 were thought to not have the kind of uniformity or standardization of course materials and firearm handling and firing under certified instructor supervision that courses offered in 1980 to present. The AZ Hunter Education Branch is actively working on plans to restart courses in the time of Covid, Covid-19. There are hurdles and hoops to navigate, safety and other concerns to iron out and some training that will need to be undertaken by the current all-volunteer instructor teams before field days can resume. It is correct that the Online Course Completion Certificate is sufficient for youth hunters to participate in hunts they have permits for at this time. As long as there are Covid restrictions, and no field days to attend, the Dept will continue to honor them and extend any "deadline" to complete the field day portion of the completed course. Adults wanting the field day to earn a bonus point will be behind a considerable back log of youth students that have completed the online course. Those youth will be the priority participants once field days resume. If adults will exercise continued patience their reward will be the opportunity to obtain the extra bonus point without the current requirement to travel to Arizona for the field day. Hopefully this will be a reality by late summer of 2021. I'm confident I speak for all the volunteer instructors in Arizona that we'll be very happy to get back to conducting field days as soon as possible and especially look forward to resuming classroom education to youth and new hunters. Jim Rich VHET CI REG III Mohave Valley, AZ
  18. 2 points
    Its a Rem 700 action with a Proof barrel. I reached out to a company out of Canada. Cadex Defense and they said this chassis will work with a Rem 700 action. I think it looks good. Teds in QC is a dealer. I'll post pics as I complete the build. Thanks for the info!
  19. 2 points
    I have receipts and bank statements showing the charges.
  20. 2 points
    Ah, I just sold it on Sunday......9 years ago on a Sunday. Go away scammer.
  21. 2 points
  22. 2 points
    Hope Potatohead doesn't grow a root, some sick sumofabitch will chop it off.
  23. 2 points
    we already jumped the shark. combine this with that tranny who wants kids to be allowed to cut off their dinks, were now doing triple back flips over the shark.
  24. 2 points
    I have a MDT and love mine but they are on the expensive side. But quality
  25. 2 points
    Cuz I pick out them desperate big girls