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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/25/2021 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    Them being willing is my standard
  2. 2 points
    After a strike out last year, my son was finally able to locate a pig.
  3. 2 points
  4. 2 points
    can you post some pics? of the girl in the bikini...not the space stuff.
  5. 2 points
    He used to be proud of it too until this bunch of yahoos on CWT started saying it wasn't a "REAL" gun. At least it is a pistol...
  6. 1 point
    2020 Coues deer 2020 was a very long year with the bow. In January I had multiple decent bucks get away and really set my focus on early archery to kill one. For whatever reason, I had decided to only apply for late December tags (which was pointless) so I knew I needed to get it done with the bow. Early archery in august came and I missed a big buck on the first day, then two weeks later I ended up missing the same buck again. Spent some time looking for him in December but he didn't want to play. A buddy of mine, Reyes, did have a Late Dec tag in the unit so I went to glass with him. We didnt get out until it was close to Xmas. On this day, we never saw anything he was willing to shoot (although i tried my best to convince him...yeah im that friend). As it was getting later in the afternoon, I found a small buck across the canyon from us, around 400 yards away. Reyes passed yet again so the door was open. At one point, the buck had worked himself to a good spot and I told Reyes "If he beds there, I'm gonna have to go after him" and of course the buck beds haha. I pack up my stuff and drop into the canyon, where I left my pack and start working uphill to the buck. At one point I look up and the buck is just standing 5 yards from where he was bedded, I was about 200 yards away at this point. Not sure if he was just sunning himself in the last bit of light or what but he turns around and beds right back where he was before. I keep sneaking in until I'm 60 yards from where the buck is bedded, although I can't see him. I knelt there for a minute then decided to get closer. This is when all coues stalks normally go south but for whatever reason, I couldn't do anything wrong this time. The next spot I settle is around 20 yards from where I think the buck is bedded. I range his areas to walk out and everything is sub 30. I have a pretty big boulder in front of me and all of a sudden, antlers appear above the top of the rock! I draw back, the buck walks out and hes walking straight away, then he takes a big step to his right to go broadside, before he stopped the arrow was on the way. Arrow went through both lungs and stuck in his offside shoulder so he dropped right where he was. I guess I needed a shot at 26 yards to get it done! It was cool that Reyes got to watch everything go down and watch me kill a coues at such close distance. He's a great friend so he didn't mind me hijacking his hunt for a little bit haha. I did get to return the favor for him a week later and he filled his tag on a nice 3x3. ^^^^^^^^^^Reyes' buck^^^^^^^^^ 2021 Javelina Fast forward to Jan 4. I go back to look for the buck I keep missing. Find him before the sun is up and he disappears over the ridge so I pursue (like a dipstick). End up blowing him out as I cross the saddle, he was feeding or bedded just 30 yards over the top. I was not very happy with myself at this point so I decided to hike over to where i knew some pigs hung out. I get to the area, I'm sitting there and I hear a sqwuak below me, then I hear it again. I throw up my binos and a young javelina walks out under a mesquite, 100 yards below me. Glassing around I see an adult get up, round up the little one and disappear. I drop down, sneak around and start crawling into where they were. I'm crawling through and cannot find a pig, tracks were all over so I knew there were more than the two i saw. I literally crawl through where i had just seen them and nothing. I stand up and stand walking around, finally I find one feeding on a prickly pear. All I could see was its butt sticking out, he was chomping away so sneaking in was pretty easy. I was at 12 yards and waiting for almost 10 minutes before i could get an arrow in (YES thats how deep he was in prickly pear haha). Felt good to salvage the day and have meat for tamales
  7. 1 point
    I don't know about anyone else, but these two weeks are exactly that every year for me.
  8. 1 point
    When my wife has a tag, it really is the most enjoyable hunts out of the year. We set up camp Thursday evening and I was able to locate a herd at last light miles away. Friday morning we perched ourselves 800ish yard away from the last sighting. We were watching 3 bucks when the herd of pigs walked by them bout 730 and the stalk was on. They dropped down deep into a cut, with the wind and grass causing issues we got the wind right and went right at em and she took a 33 yard shot. Hopefully the video works out, this pig took a sleeping pill through her whole body 👍 FullSizeRender.mov
  9. 1 point
    Sounds like a generous offer to me. If nobody pipes up closer to me, I will contact you tomorrow to get your address.
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    He’s upping his standards, so up yours! 😂
  12. 1 point
    I didn’t hear anyone say he had standards.
  13. 1 point
    Got another one lined up for Friday. No problem Guys, The problem is finding a keeper at my age. They all Have baggage just like Me and I don't lower my standards like Trphyhunter , LOL ................BOB!
  14. 1 point
    I do. I also located some brass and have some 405 grain cast bullets on the way. Should be up and shooting soon!
  15. 1 point
    Watched about 4 hours of coverage so far. Pretty cool. Watched some info on the testing of a new way to make oxygen that is on board the rover. Something to upgrade how they do it now on the space station. I like ,,, or I guess not like to see how the views go on videos. Rover lands on Mars equals 3000 views,,,, girl in bikini fishing equals 3 million views. I see this as a major flaw with humans. Hopefully a few kids got to see and learn from this latest milestone.
  16. 1 point
    It seems like that the only thing I can draw a tag for anymore. In all honesty Javelina and doves are my two favorite things to hunt.
  17. 1 point
    Well then, I think anyone that uses a bullet of any type to hunt pigs is a cheater. So there!
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    Here is the beauty about all of the opinions.... THEY DONT MATTER! Adam followed the law and was successful. Now, is he as cool as me, my 7 year old and Glock 10mm? No, but thats ok.
  20. 1 point
    We’re all gonna make it brah.
  21. 1 point
    My daughter just moved to Gilbert after 15 years in Payson. Her lot is around a half acre with trees on 208 S. Bentley. Need to have the floors finished and new counter tops but the bones are good. Definitely a fixer upper but should go for a reasonable price. They will be listing it soon.
  22. 1 point
    Cut the gate off and use it for traction under the tires.
  23. 1 point
    I will be selling a 4 bed 2 bath with long concrete drive and boat storage in the next month or two in Payson.
  24. 1 point
    Some would say "assault rifle" 😄
  25. 1 point
    Just because I forgot to add this.... (this video belongs to Adam so hopefully he doesn't mind)