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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/19/2021 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    You give directions like a woman
  2. 3 points
    I hunted otc elk in 1998 and it sucked. But by then I already knew about AZ elk hunting so I was destined to be disappointed
  3. 2 points
    Somebody got a smokin deal.
  4. 2 points
    It's not what others do, it's what you do that makes meaning.
  5. 1 point
    Listened to Maha Rushi since I was in grade school. I don't know of anyone else who had such a unique and though-provoking perspective along with the ability to clearly explain the perils of leftism. He's responsible for turning so many to our side. A big loss.
  6. 1 point
    Best place to fish crappie from the shore of alamo, is the three points on the left hand side(as your looking out to the water) from the 2nd boat ramp I believe its cholla . bobbers and minnows or jigs with a 4-5 foot leader
  7. 1 point
    Already down to 3 chocolate males and 2 black males left
  8. 1 point
    This was from my post last August after I found out the information. So Phoenix T&A do not do repairs anymore. They referred me to little dealer little prices which in turn referred me to North Valley Upholstery on 19th Ave, north of the 17. I will call cozy camper canvas (75th ave and Peoria area 602.486.3322) prior to going to NVU. Thanks again for the help.
  9. 1 point
    Hardly the "bad guy"! I personally shoot a 750gr setup with tapered shafts, single bevel broadheads, and 70lbs (you do the math). With this there basically isn't an angle that won't provide that shaft very high possibility of a complete pass-through as that system will break shoulder blades, or any other bone it encounters along the way. That said, I also limit my shots to what I can shoot accurately (more below on this). There is the main point, "Shoot them in a good spot". That said, one also should know their personal limitations, as well as their setup's limitations. A "super fast dart" has a much smaller pin gap than a heavy setup, and the added weight makes it more difficult to shoot accurately out farther, but the added KE opens up a lot more angles. I've hunted OTC CO elk, primarily in the Mission Mtn. and Engineer Peak (Cascade Creek) area. It's rugged country, so you better know what you're getting into. Also, the elevation is extreme, so you'd better be in good shape. I was living in Flagstaff at the time and ran a lot, so the elevation wasn't much of an issue, but you may want to consider help, not only during the hunt for safety reasons, but if/when you get something down, unless you're very very fortunate, it could be a "mountain" of work to get it out properly.
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    I have the same spotter. It's Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I sold my Swarovski 80HD to get this one after looking through a friends Meopta.
  12. 1 point
    I've personally seen 3 elk that were shot with rage broadheads that bled very little, 2 of them were recovered. I wouldn't say that they're the golden ticket for good blood trails.
  13. 1 point
    for last 29 years he was my best friend while working in my truck... someone who believed in the same things as me! he will be missed and won't be replaced
  14. 1 point
    Spend the money for the good stuff. I have my dads etelon calipers that are 30 plus years old and still dead on. Starret is also good
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
    His talent, on loan from God. Found his voice during the Bubba Clinton era. A great communicator of conservative ideals.
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    Geez you guys are wound way too tight! R-E-L-A-X or you’ll stroke out at a young age!
  20. 1 point
    Found these last weekend out in the desert. Just out of a wash. Saw them at like 75 yards and got really excited! I love finding sheds!
  21. 1 point
    Wether he is great or not doesnt make any difference, he owns a business and he's spamming his shoot for comercial purposes, he might be a Great guy but he has no Charactor. This place already turned into a craigslist with people coming on only to sell and get deals. They have no interest in this forum what so ever except for the foresale section. i"m betting the foresale section in this board had grown 200% easy in the last 6 months, but all the other forums have the same people posting and maybe 1-3 new guys. People(The hundreds of new sellers and buyers with out any posts) come on here looking for ammo, guns and other stuff and always have some bullshit excuse most commonly "its for my kids hunt" is a f'n classic." they get what they need by one of the members and boom there done never to come back again. or they come to sell stuff at higher prices to make few bucks. you guys realize there is people on here that are buying your shoot(playing the poor poor pitiful me card) marking it up a bunch then selling it here in some cases and at other sites where they actually post. Theres guys in the forsale section with over 300 posts that are all in the forsale section buying and selling. Not sorry for the Rant its been a pet peeve of mine since the early 2000's when I had a ton of forums up and running. the forsale section getting out of hand like it is ruins forums.
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
    Finally someone with common sense
  24. 1 point
    Don't overthink it.... many, many elk died before all this FOC, 500 grain arrow talk became cool. Dont hit the shoulder and you are golden. Hit the shoulder, you better be close and have some serious KE.
  25. 1 point
    This. Had it happen to me a couple weeks ago. TBAC CB too. Cleaned the threads on the rifle and in the CB, applied a drop of red Loctite to the threads and installed. Left it overnight. Next day, came off fine. Cleaned the threads of the CB and can, applied a touch of Froglube paste to the threads and mating surface. I install and remove my cans multiple times weekly. Only happened once in probably 500 install/removals.