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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/18/2021 in all areas

  1. 7 points
    Funny my buddies would be fine with that, especially if it was a quality gun or a good deal. What we wouldn't do is be insulting to the guy and then drive down to the gun show to bitch about it to a bunch of guys who could give 2 shits about our opinion and be told to STFU because our attitude and opinion both suck. Different strokes for different folks though I guess. Some of us were raised with a little class, obviously some weren't.
  2. 5 points
    lost a true champion of defending the 2nd amendment. Thanks for all your insights over the years Rush Limbaugh, you will be missed.
  3. 5 points
  4. 5 points
    Geez you guys are wound way too tight! R-E-L-A-X or you’ll stroke out at a young age!
  5. 4 points
    I have a shower cam, dont vote too soon.
  6. 4 points
    Congrats to a good friend and his wife. so much drama over a little picture...
  7. 3 points
    Very cool...thanks for sharing. Is there still a trail cam contest on here? I’d vote for this one.
  8. 2 points
    Actually, it is kind of the opposite. Brass "work hardens" from firing and sizing. Which causes "springback", neck cracking/splitting, inconsistent sizing, etc. Annealing softens it, meaning consistent sizing and neck tension. I anneal every single time I size/load. I want my brass the same hardness each time I load it. Not a little harder, then a little harder, then a little harder, then annealing it back to soft. This works for for some guys, but I want consistency. I do not know if it helps that much, but even .05" better accuracy helps. So does low ES/SD from a consistent tension. Steel is tempered (hardened), by being heated and quickly cooled.
  9. 2 points
    So you’re mad people come on to the classifieds and buy and sell things? Makes sense
  10. 2 points
    That one the OP generally is around 500 maybe but might pull 600, the blued version generally goes for $450-500. the 10" mkII targets SS run around 800-900 each blued is around 750-850. The ruger mkII's targets where the best 22 ever made. I got the blue version of the gun above and a blued and ss version in org box with scope mounts of the 10" version. took me 15 years to find after I sold my 10" MKII many years ago when I found it he had a pair both blued and SS in Mint condiditon with org box and accs,
  11. 2 points
  12. 1 point
    Was able to take a nice pig in 19b last week. It was the first experience my son had of big game hunting and I think he is now hooked. From camping to hiking and glassing, he seemed to enjoy ever minute.
  13. 1 point
    Swarovski 8x56B For Sale In Good Condition Asking 1200 Stud Is Not Included If Interested Text 520-388-0621 Located In Tucson
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    I have owned Yamaha Viking 700 and Honda Pioneer 1000 for SxS. Both great. But Honda was my favorite, by far. Currently own Yamaha Kodiak 700 quad and an old (2000) Honda Rancher. Rancher still runs like new, but the Kodiak is waaaay better comfortwise. Coincidently, the motor from the Viking is the same as the Kodiak! Pretty bulletproof.
  16. 1 point
    https://americanweaponscomponents.com/clearing-the-caliber-confusion-223-wylde-vs-5-56-nato Eddie
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    Yeah I’ve been on here for a while bought and sold things. Everyone I’ve dealt with has been cool and never an issue. Somehow that bothers you. Must be that time of the month for you 🤷🏻‍♂️😂
  19. 1 point
    Looks like bobcats & snakes often do battle. A while back outdoor writer posted a photo in the thread noted below of a mount he had done of a bobcat with a rattler in is mouth. When I went to his house to pick up a purchase about a year ago, he told me the idea for his mount came from a specific frame in a video kind of like the one posted in this thread. The trophy room! - Page 3 - Taxidermy - CouesWhitetail.com Discussion forum
  20. 1 point
    Now that's some awesome trail cam footage! Love how he does a victory roll .
  21. 1 point
    Wow great Welcome to this “community”. You guys really know how to make someone want to contribute to this forum. I guess I need to get my 50 posts in like Delw by complaining about everyone else. Because that’s productive. Enjoy you hang overs. The gun is still for sale.
  22. 1 point
    MAP gas, torch, deep socket, cordless drill here. I do probably 9-11k a year.
  23. 1 point
    Sancarlos was the bomb for bank trashing it back in the day. Minnow and a bobber, a little walking, = awesome. Nice crappie.
  24. 1 point
    Finally someone with common sense
  25. 1 point
    Don't overthink it.... many, many elk died before all this FOC, 500 grain arrow talk became cool. Dont hit the shoulder and you are golden. Hit the shoulder, you better be close and have some serious KE.